
During weight loss, quit 2 types of foods, eat more of these 3 types of foods, so that you get rid of the fat

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People who lose weight must keep their mouths shut, stay away from all kinds of fat foods, and eat more ingredients that help to scrape fat and lose weight, so that you can lose weight healthily without starving yourself.

Only by eating smartly can we effectively control calorie intake, while not having to endure hunger, maintaining the body's metabolic level, ensuring the body's calorie gap, throwing off excess fat on the body, and achieving the effect of weight loss.

During weight loss, quit 2 types of foods, eat more of these 3 types of foods, so that you get rid of the fat

During weight loss, be sure to eat less, or even not eat 2 types of food:

The first type of food: fried food, fried food after high temperature frying, food contains trans fat, is not conducive to good health, after ingestion will produce harmful substances, harmful to health.

Although fried food is delicious, its calories are also relatively high, and the feeling of fullness is also general, which is easy to make you excess calories and fat.

During weight loss, quit 2 types of foods, eat more of these 3 types of foods, so that you get rid of the fat

The second type of food: high sugar food, many girls like to eat sweets, sweets can promote dopamine secretion, let you feel happy. However, sweets also raise blood sugar, promote insulin secretion, and thus accelerate the synthesis of fat, which is a source of fat.

If we want to lose weight, we must give up all kinds of visible sugar, especially all kinds of sweets, such as cakes, chocolates, biscuits, candy, ice cream and other processed foods. When you really want to eat sweets, you can choose some natural sweet potatoes and corn instead.

During weight loss, quit 2 types of foods, eat more of these 3 types of foods, so that you get rid of the fat

During weight loss, these 3 types of foods can be eaten more:

The first type of food, high fiber, low calorie vegetables, such as: cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, winter melon, bitter melon are more scraped fat vegetables that can be eaten during weight loss, the calories of these foods are relatively low, can effectively control calorie intake, but also effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, improve constipation.

For the lunch and dinner of the weight loss population, we can match the three points of meat and seven points of vegetables, so that we can control calorie intake, and at the same time balance the diet nutrition, so that you can lose weight healthily.

During weight loss, quit 2 types of foods, eat more of these 3 types of foods, so that you get rid of the fat

The second type of food, zero-calorie warm boiled water. All kinds of drinks are calories, and all kinds of milk tea and carbonated drinks are not conducive to good health. Water is calorie-free, and adequate water intake can ensure the body's circulatory operation and promote the discharge of waste.

Sleeping early on an empty stomach with a glass of water can dilute blood concentration, open the body's metabolic level, and drink a glass of water before three meals, which can effectively inhibit the appearance of hunger and control the amount of food eaten at meals. Keep drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day, about 2L of water, and your weight loss rate will be much faster than that of people who don't like to drink water!

During weight loss, quit 2 types of foods, eat more of these 3 types of foods, so that you get rid of the fat

The third type of food, compound carb coarse grains. Weight loss do not refuse staple food, do not eat staple food will make you appear hypoglycemia, palpitations, fatigue, lack of metabolic power and other issues, easy to fat physique will patronize you, after returning to normal diet, the figure is easy to regain weight, such weight loss is useless.

During weight loss, we need to supplement carbohydrates appropriately, the daily carbohydrate intake is 3-4g/KG (body weight), if your weight is 80KG, then the daily carbohydrate intake is about 240-320g.

During weight loss, quit 2 types of foods, eat more of these 3 types of foods, so that you get rid of the fat

The carbohydrate content of different foods is different, while the carbohydrate content in staple foods is more. A variety of brown rice, corn, barley, oats, beans potato foods are carb coarse grains, can add carbohydrates to the body, compared to rice, noodle staple foods, such foods have a longer satiety time, longer digestion time, can slow down the glycemic coefficient, effectively inhibit the accumulation of fat.

During weight loss, we can eat less fine staple foods and eat some coarse grains appropriately, which can help you reduce the chance of overeating and effectively improve the efficiency of weight loss.

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