
Jump boldly when you're young! These two street dance teenagers in Hangzhou won the world championship at the age of 12

Qianjiang Evening News hourly news reporter Yang Wan

Tian Tian and Le Le formed the "Lotte Pie" group to participate in the 2019 Just Debout (World Hip Hop Competition) Adult Group Hiphop2on2 Competition

Although break dancing only experienced a brief period of glory in the 1980s, the more diverse hip-hop dance, which includes break dance, has always attracted generations of young people. Young, has always been the label of hip-hop. In the national street dance circle, Yu Wenle and Fu Tianzong, two young boys from Hangzhou, are the best young dancers in recent years.

Born in 2006, Yu Wenle, Xiaoming Lele, won the Allstyle championship in the HHI (World Street Dance Championship) finals in 2019 and is the youngest champion in the history of HHI; Fu Tianzong, born in 2007, xiaoming Tiantian, is the 2019 Just Debout (World Street Dance Competition) Children's Group Champion, the first Chinese to win the Children's Group Championship.

Lele and Tiantian initially learned street dance because they felt very "trendy" and "cool", but what made them really fall in love with street dance was the release of emotions under dynamic music; it was the personalized expression in the dazzling lights; and it was also the joy of defeating opponents in one-on-one Battle...

Why young people love hip-hop, Tian Tian and Le Le gave the answer.

Free and casual hip-hop

Bloom a different self

Jump boldly when you're young! These two street dance teenagers in Hangzhou won the world championship at the age of 12

Lele's father said that he originally sent his children to learn street dance because of the recommendation of friends. "At that time, a young son was learning street dance, and I wanted to send him to learn and play, after all, street dance was also cool." In this way, the kindergarten music, still in kindergarten, entered the dance room for the first time.

What Lele's father did not expect was that his son was quite talented in street dancing. "He has been very sensitive to music since he was a child, and as soon as he plays music, he unconsciously shakes his head and twists his head."

After a year and a half of study, Lele's father began to take him to compete all over the country. "The first competition, the WDJ held in Zhengzhou in 2015, finally won the top 8." Lele's father said that at that time, his son was still young, and he was very nervous when he first appeared on the stage, "Some of them could not let go, and they felt that the whole person was stretched." ”

Since then, Le Le has gradually adapted to the feeling on the stage, and the trophy has also been soft. "In those years, as long as Lele went to participate in the competition, it was basically a champion." Lele's father calculated that since 2015, his son has won at least seventy or eighty championships. However, Lele's father values more than street dance to make his son more confident.

Jump boldly when you're young! These two street dance teenagers in Hangzhou won the world championship at the age of 12

In the view of Lele's father, self-confidence needs children to win by themselves, "Street dance does not pay attention to fixed routines, emphasizing personality, not that you have solid basic skills, you will be able to dance well." You need to make flexible adjustments according to the live music, or even the movements of your opponents, to express your emotions. Lele Dad said that most of the street dance competitions are mainly Battle, and this form of "battle" requires dancers to have the courage to defeat their opponents. "To dance the streets is to have a kind of strength that no one will obey." Over the years, I have seen a lot of hip-hop kids, and those who dance well are very confident. ”

Lele competes in the adult category

Lele's father confessed that his son likes to dance street dance, in addition to not accepting defeat, but also because he can release emotions and show a completely different other side. "Young means impulsive, assertive, and intense, but there are all kinds of rules and regulations in life that limit you, but on stage, you can show the 'aggressive' side and release bad emotions." Lele's father said that his son was very "fierce" and "sassy" on the stage, but he was a little warm man in life. "When he goes out to play, he takes care of his younger brothers, and he encourages them and cheers them up."

In addition, compared to other dances, hip-hop dance is also more free and can maintain freshness for a long time. "Street dance does not stipulate how you must dance, after practicing the basic skills, the game can be adjusted according to the scene situation, and sometimes the action that comes to mind will have an unexpected effect." It can be said that every game and every opponent will have a different feeling. Because of this, you won't get bored if you dance for a long time. ”

Enjoy the feeling on stage

Let the world see China's "moves"

Jump boldly when you're young! These two street dance teenagers in Hangzhou won the world championship at the age of 12

Tian Tian, who is half a year younger than Lele, is exposed to street dance at almost the same time. "I played with him in kindergarten and officially started learning systematically in the first grade." Every day mother said that the original intention of letting children dance street dance is very simple, on the one hand, the children themselves prefer, on the other hand, they also think that dancing can exercise. Of course, the talent of street dance every day is also outstanding, "the teachers think he is very talented in street dance, so he insisted on it." ”

It is not enough to learn street dance well and have talent, but it is also indispensable to train hard. "In the primary school stage, I practiced a lot, except for going to the dance studio on weekends to practice dancing with the teacher, I basically had to practice for about an hour every day. Now that I am in junior high school, I have a lot of academic pressure, so I take half a day off the weekend to practice. "With such persistence and efforts, Tiantian's dance skills have improved rapidly, and he has won many national and provincial competitions.

Jump boldly when you're young! These two street dance teenagers in Hangzhou won the world championship at the age of 12

In 2019, Tian Tian finally stepped onto the stage of his dreams - the French "JUSTE DEBOUT" World Street Dance Finals, and finally won the overall championship of the children's freeStyle project, becoming the first Chinese teenager to win this honor. "The moment I got the trophy, I was really excited and all the sweat paid off in that moment." TianTian's mother said that what her son enjoys most is the feeling of improvising on the stage, "Street dance is casual, your movements should fit the live music, he likes to express the fluency and beauty of the music with his body and movements." ”

Tian Tian mainly attacks popping (vibration dance), but many of his "moves" in the competition are mixed with different dances such as locking (lock dance) and hiphop (hip hop dance). "The street dance competition is very creative, you can't use a set of movements to the end, you must have changes, there must be new ideas, he usually likes to study different movements when practicing dance, and sometimes he comes up with a special 'move' that can be exciting for several days."

Jump boldly when you're young! These two street dance teenagers in Hangzhou won the world championship at the age of 12

Every day mom said that every time she goes abroad to compete, she is particularly excited every day, and her performance is often better. "Hip-hop originated in European and American street culture, and their understanding is deeper and the level is higher. Every day when I go out to compete, I hold my breath and want to prove that Chinese street dance is also very modern and creative, no worse than anyone. Recently, TianTian was awarded the Hangzhou Asian Games Viewing Space Promotion Ambassador, and he hopes to continue to win glory for the country on the international stage in the future.

Not only on the stage dazzling, in the study of the day is also very good, in the elementary school years his grades never fell out of the top five, "he agreed with his father at that time, if the results fell out of the top five, he would put the dance aside." ”

After entering Qizheng Middle School in 2019, he missed classes for a period of time due to going abroad to participate in activities every day, and his grades fluctuated for a while, but he quickly caught up with the progress and scored the first place in the final exam of that semester. "He studied very efficiently, and the teacher praised him for being particularly focused in class, basically completing the study tasks at school, so that he had time to practice dance after class."

Tiantian's mother said that for the future, her son has his own ideas: "He looks forward to turning the interest of dancing into a career that can be fought for in the future, but at present, he will not aim for this, but he wants to enter an ideal university first, have a job of his choice, and dance more easily." ”

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