
In "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did the Eight Brothers and the FourteenTh Brother ignore Yongzheng at the crucial moment?

A "Great General King" made the Eight Masters fight first.

In the northwestern rebellion of Alabutan, Kangxi, who was no longer able to ride the imperial conquest, prepared to choose a prince to go on the expedition on his behalf, and made him the "Great General King" and commanded the imperial court to go to the northwest to suppress the rebellion.

At this time, many years had passed since Kangxi deposed the crown prince Yinrong for the second time, during which Kangxi was determined not to talk about the establishment of the heir, but this time he suddenly wanted to give a prince the opportunity to accumulate meritorious deeds like this, and also to give the title of "Great General King".

In "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did the Eight Brothers and the FourteenTh Brother ignore Yongzheng at the crucial moment?

And this made all the brothers of the Eight Ye Party, especially the Eight Brothers and the Fourteen Brothers, determine from the very beginning that whoever Kangxi let be the great general king and whoever led the troops to the northwest to suppress the rebellion was the successor in Kangxi's heart.

Although under the recommendation of Yongzheng, the Fourteenth Brother Yinyu successfully took this "Great General King", before this, the Eighth Brother ostensibly said that "this Great General King cannot compete" Fourteen Brothers, but in the heart of the Eighth Brother, he never gave up his covetousness for the throne, so he also specially arranged for Orendai to follow him to the northwest, the purpose of which was to monitor and contain the Fourteen Brothers.

The Fourteenth Brother also because of this "Great General King", began to have a vision for the throne, coupled with Yongzheng's recommendation to him, he had the illusion of "fighting tiger brothers", and also began to counterattack against The Eight Brothers and others, after plotting against orendai, despite the orders of the Eight Brothers and others, led the troops to achieve important victories, and for a time the scenery was infinite.

In "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did the Eight Brothers and the FourteenTh Brother ignore Yongzheng at the crucial moment?

On the one hand, it was trying to accumulate military achievements to please Kangxi, on the other hand, it was constantly restraining and suppressing, and finally at Kangxi's birthday party, the contradiction between the eighth brother and the fourteenth brother broke out. Brother Eight replaced the meteorite that Brother Fourteen had offered to Kangxi with a dead eagle, and the original blessing became a curse, and the contradiction was put on the table.

And it was a "Great General King" that caused a split within the Eight Ye Party, which was not originally a monolithic party, and both sides regarded each other as the main opponents and suppressed them, so naturally they could not care about Yongzheng on the side, but in fact, the "Great General King" in Kangxi's eyes was more of an incentive than a choice of successors, so from the beginning, the Eight Brothers and the Fourteen Brothers were already very wrong.

In "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did the Eight Brothers and the FourteenTh Brother ignore Yongzheng at the crucial moment?

Yongzheng bao raised the fourteen brothers as the great general king, and actively dispatched the northwest army in the center, thus laying a smoke bomb.

Yongzheng himself did not fight for this great general king, nor did he recommend the thirteenth master who had been imprisoned by Kangxi for many years to become the great general king, but recommended the fourteen brothers Yinyu, which is not to say that it was the eighth brother Yinyu, and even the fourteen brothers themselves were a little unexpected.

Although Yongzheng and The Fourteenth Brother were born of a mother, the relationship between the two was very stiff, and the two belonged to different political groups, so more often they appeared in front of people as political enemies.

In "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did the Eight Brothers and the FourteenTh Brother ignore Yongzheng at the crucial moment?

This time, Yongzheng actually sponsored the Fourteen Brothers, and at the same time, the Fourteen Brothers recommended Nian Qianyao as the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu to receive the supply and demand of the army. This made Brother Baba and others fall into thinking, whether the two brothers began to unite, and whether Yong was going to support his own brother as emperor.

After this, Yongzheng actively allocated grain and grass supplies to the army, and his cronies Nian Qianyao, Li Wei and others were also dispatched and rationed, which made Brother Eight feel that Yongzheng and Brother Fourteen had been twisted into a rope, and Yongzheng was fully supporting Brother Fourteen.

It is precisely for this reason that the Fourteenth Brother regards Yongzheng as his supporter, while the Eighth Brother Yinyu regards Yongzheng as a fellow of the Fourteenth Brother, so the two ignore Yongzheng and even begin to think that Yongzheng does not have the heart to win the wife, and put the object of doubt and struggle on each other.

In "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did the Eight Brothers and the FourteenTh Brother ignore Yongzheng at the crucial moment?

Yongzheng's strategy of "fighting is not to be disputed, and not to fight is to fight" has made it the ultimate winner of the "Nine Sons and Sisters".

In fact, under the advice of Wu Sidao, Yongzheng adopted the strategy of "fighting is not arguing, not arguing is fighting" from the very beginning of his participation in the struggle to seize the concubine, hiding his heart to seize the concubine, not considering and caring about Kangxi's ideas, but single-mindedly doing his own work, which also made Kangxi very satisfied and trusted. And Kangxi was also very cooperative and always hid the information that Yongzheng was his successor, so whether it was from Yongzheng's own behavior or from Kangxi's attitude, Yongzheng began to slowly be ignored.

In the end, under the protection and arrangement of Kangxi, Yongzheng successfully ascended to the throne and became the victor of the "Nine Sons and Concubines". Until this time, the Eight Brothers and the Fourteenth Brothers were still unwilling to accept such an ending, especially the Fourteenth Brother, after all, the idea that the "Great General King" was the successor of Kangxi had always been haunting their minds, and what they did not know was that this was just a strategy and arrangement of Kangxi, and they were all fooled by Kangxi.

In "Yongzheng Dynasty", why did the Eight Brothers and the FourteenTh Brother ignore Yongzheng at the crucial moment?

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