
Before his death, Zhuge Liang left 10 words to predict the end of his son, and the results were all fulfilled

When it comes to Zhuge Liang, everyone knows that he is one of the famous strategists in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In 201 AD, Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao, and at Xu Shu's suggestion, Liu Bei went to Zhuge Liang, who was living in seclusion in Longzhong at the time. Zhuge Liang not only analyzed the situation today for him, but also wrote the famous "Longzhong Pair". With Zhuge Liang's help, Liu Bei's life gradually began to change. Whether it was the Battle of Chibi, the Battle of Yizhou or the Battle of Hanzhong, Liu Bei was able to achieve the final victory, and Zhuge Liang was indispensable. However, after Guan Yu "carelessly lost Jingzhou", the situation was quietly changing.

Before his death, Zhuge Liang left 10 words to predict the end of his son, and the results were all fulfilled

But in Zhuge Liang's life, there is a very unlucky place, which is also unbeatable: luck is really too bad. The first three words of the six words of "do your best, an tianfeng", the first three words Zhuge Liang achieved the ultimate, but the last three words really made Zhuge Liang "good work alone". First of all, when Zhuge Liang was born, he didn't step on it. When Cao Cao swept the north, Zhuge Liang was only 20 years old, in other words, when Zhuge Lianglang should have curbed the flying boat, the world's affairs were basically done by Cao Cao.

Before his death, Zhuge Liang left 10 words to predict the end of his son, and the results were all fulfilled

Secondly, as I said earlier, where Zhuge Liang is, there will be no problem, and vice versa. Liu Bei had a problem in Chuanchuan, and as soon as Zhuge Liang left, the problem was solved. But jingzhou did not have Zhuge Liang, sooner or later there will be problems, and in the end it is so - Shu Han is too dependent on Zhuge Liang. In the end, compared to a virtuous father like Zhuge Liang, his son was really not angry. Think of Cao Cao's descendants, and even Cao Rui, who has reached the grandchildren, are so outstanding. Think about Sun Jian, there are few sons in total, you can give birth to a little bully and Sun Quan.

Before his death, Zhuge Liang left 10 words to predict the end of his son, and the results were all fulfilled

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" records that Zhuge Zhan showed amazing talent when he was a child, in terms of calligraphy and painting and memory, he is very powerful, such a child will be considered a "prodigy" in which dynasty, but unfortunately Zhuge Zhan is Zhuge Liang's son, the father has amazing talent, the upper knowledge of astronomy and the geography, is thousands of years of unparalleled genius, compared to down, the son's talent is indeed much worse, because the world's expectations for him are too big, the Shu kingdom hopes to be able to "tiger father without dog", zhuge Liang died, although Zhuge Liang died, But his son could lead the Shu state to continue the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and complete the great cause.

Before his death, Zhuge Liang left 10 words to predict the end of his son, and the results were all fulfilled

In 261 AD, Zhuge Zhan was appointed "Wei General", and because he was Zhuge Liang's son, no one would question his suitability to stand in this position. When a person's abilities and positions do not match, there will be unexpected consequences. In the first year of Yanxing, the Wei general Deng Ai attacked Yinping, and Huang Chong repeatedly advised Zhuge Zhan to quickly occupy the dangerous terrain, but Zhuge Zhan did not listen to his opinion, which eventually led to the defeat of the Shu army.

Before his death, Zhuge Liang left 10 words to predict the end of his son, and the results were all fulfilled

At that time, the Shu state was facing internal and external troubles, and the external troubles naturally came from the state of Wu and the state of Wei, and the internal troubles came from Liu Chan's late favorite eunuch Huang Hao, Huang Haoquan fell to the opposition, brought chaos to the government, and even contained Jiang Wei of the Northern Expedition, if zhuge liang, he could naturally control the entire national situation and let the country return to the right path, but Zhuge Zhan looked at the chaos and did nothing, "Since Zhuge Zhan, Dong Wei was in charge of the affairs of the dynasty, Jiang Wei was perennially consulting outside, the eunuch Huang Hao stole the handle, zhuge Zhan and others were incompetent. There was no one to protect Jiang Wei, and Jiang Wei was afraid of returning to Chengdu and being persecuted, and he did not dare to return to China.

Before his death, Zhuge Liang left 10 words to predict the end of his son, and the results were all fulfilled

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