
Before the death of the Jin general, he asked the concubine to be buried, and the son did not listen to her and let her go, but later he won the battle!

In ancient times, there was often a saying that there was a funeral, and after the death of the emperor, there were many concubines around him who may suffer this sin. This is a kind of punishment for the concubines, when the emperor is alive, they will have to find a way to make him happy, and when he dies, they will not be able to regain their freedom, and they may face the result of being buried. Before the death of the Jin general, he asked the concubine to be buried, and the son did not listen to her and let her go, but later he won the battle!

Before the death of the Jin general, he asked the concubine to be buried, and the son did not listen to her and let her go, but later he won the battle!

Wei Yi (魏犨), known as Wei Wuzi (魏武子). The general of the Spring and Autumn Jin Dynasty, Wei Xi, was a mangy man who was almost killed by the Duke of Jinzhuang for setting fire to him, but fortunately he was famous for his military strength, and the Duke of Jinzhuang felt that he could still fight, so he was exempted from the death penalty. When Wei Xian was old, he married a concubine named Zu Ji, who looked young and beautiful, like a flower, and was smart and clever, so Wei Xian was very fond of her. However, Wei Qian was old, and although Zu Ji was sleeping and Wei Qian was also working hard, he had never had children.

Before the death of the Jin general, he asked the concubine to be buried, and the son did not listen to her and let her go, but later he won the battle!

Wei Xian was older, he had several illnesses, and the hidden diseases of the previous years of conquest had suddenly erupted. As the saying goes, illness comes like a mountain, illness goes like a silk, the so-called sword is not old, and it has become a rotten iron for two cents and a pound. He thought, once he left, Zu Ji didn't have a child to do, what to do, if he died, it would be really pitiful to spend the same age to keep a widow. So he summoned his two sons and told them that after a hundred years, he would marry Zu Ji and promise a good family. The brothers agreed. But after a few days, Wei Yi became more and more sick and began to linger on everything, thinking that he loved Zu Ji so much, how could he let go so much, Zu Ji should accompany him to die. The so-called birth and death are the same cave. So he called his two sons and said that he would let Zuji bury him. The sons, though strange, agreed. Wei Yi was really old.

Before the death of the Jin general, he asked the concubine to be buried, and the son did not listen to her and let her go, but later he won the battle!

After Wei Wuzi's death, Wei Duo did not let his father's concubine accompany him to the funeral, but found a family to marry her. Someone asked Wei Zhen, didn't your father want the concubine to be martyred before he died, why didn't you obey and marry her? Wei Zhuo said that the old father sent two instructions before and after, the first one was said in a sober state, which was more reliable. The second one is said in a confused state, unreliable. So I chose the first one.

Before the death of the Jin general, he asked the concubine to be buried, and the son did not listen to her and let her go, but later he won the battle!

It is said that good people have good rewards, not not not reports, the time has not yet come, a certain Qin and Jin two countries fought, the Jin army was repeatedly in a weak position, the two brothers of the Wei family were also trapped under Du Hui's men, so they were very worried. Suddenly, one day, Wei Zhuo's dream had been echoing the three words "Qingcao Slope", and when he woke up, he couldn't understand it, and his mind moved, thinking that maybe someone was hinting that Qingcaopo could help him solve this dilemma. The next day, the two brothers of the Wei family led the enemy general Du Hui in the direction of Qingcao Slope, and as soon as they arrived at this place, Du Hui's disadvantage was revealed, and as soon as he accidentally slipped his foot, he was immediately subdued by the two brothers, and the Jin state also won the victory. After winning the battle, Wei Duo saw an elder in his dream, it turned out that he was Zu Ji's father, and he helped Wei Zhen to repay his saving grace for his daughter's life.

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