
Sun Ruowei has no intentions, does not conform to history, and is really a politician who strives to turn the tide

With the recent hit of "Daming Fenghua", the love between Zhu Zhanji and Empress Sun is also touching the hearts of the audience, but in history, is Sun Zhanji and Empress Sun as deeply in love as the flounder played in the play? In the TV series, Empress Sun is a woman with no intention and both moral integrity and ability, so is this also the case in history?

Sun Ruowei has no intentions, does not conform to history, and is really a politician who strives to turn the tide

Empress Sun entered the palace

The historical Empress Sun was an authentic Shandong native, who had already been outstanding in her youth, and it is recorded in the "History of Ming" that Emperor Xuanzong's filial piety empress Sun Shi and Zouping were from the people. Juvenile beauty. His father, Sun Zhong, was the chief bookkeeper of Yongcheng County. From this we can see that the empress of the Ming Dynasty did not need to be too high, and she was able to sit on the empress, partly because of her character and beauty, and partly because her mother was a native of Yongcheng, so she could often enter and leave the court.

Sun Ruowei has no intentions, does not conform to history, and is really a politician who strives to turn the tide

After entering the palace, sun was not a concubine, just a side room, because at that time, Zhu Gaoye already had a wife Hu. After Zhu Zhanji's big marriage, the Sun clan could only be named a noble concubine, but because the Sun clan and Zhu Zhanji had gotten along since childhood, the relationship between the green plum bamboo horse was very good. According to the regulations of the Ming Dynasty, only the empress could have a golden treasure, but Zhu Zhanji deliberately set a precedent so that the Sun family could only have a golden treasure for a noble concubine. It can be seen that the Sun clan is very favored by the emperor.

The Sun clan is ranked in the Middle Palace

After Zhu Zhanji succeeded to the throne, no concubines were born, Empress Hu gave birth to only two daughters, and Sun Guifei only had one daughter. However, finally, a few years later, Sun Guifei snatched the first prince who gave birth to the empress, and it was precisely because of this that Empress Hu had to abdicate the throne and make way for the Sun clan.

This incident caused quite a stir in the court at that time, but Zhu Zhanji and the heavy ministers said that the mother was noble from the son, and the ancients were also there, and Empress Hu repeatedly made mistakes and had no children for many years, so she was deposed from the throne and let her retire to Chang'an Palace, and Sun Guifei of the Jin dynasty was made empress sun of Daming. From this, it can be completely seen that Zhu Zhanji is really very affectionate for Empress Sun.

Sun Shi was honored as the empress dowager and tried to turn the tide

In 1449, the ming dynasty army was defeated in the history of the tumu fort, the Ming Dynasty was captured at the end of the year, and the civil and military officials accompanying it were all killed, a large number of property in the Daming garrison was robbed, the Ming Dynasty's 500,000 troops were completely destroyed, and even all the officers and men in the Shenji battalion and weapons and equipment were destroyed.

Sun Ruowei has no intentions, does not conform to history, and is really a politician who strives to turn the tide

Because of the defeat in the Battle of Tumu Fort, the morale of the enemy army of Daming increased unprecedentedly, and they immediately attacked the city with a single blow. The Ming Dynasty encountered the greatest crisis after the founding of the Country, so at this time, Empress Sun stepped forward and took charge of the imperial government together with zhu Qiyu, the overseer of the state. When the courtiers proposed to move the capital to Nanjing, Empress Sun immediately agreed to this idea, not only that, but also the family of the great eunuch Wang Zhen and a number of henchmen, etc., all of which were selected, which not only stimulated the morale of the civilian officials, but also won a piece of people's hearts.

Sun Ruowei has no intentions, does not conform to history, and is really a politician who strives to turn the tide

After Yu Qian won the battle to defend the capital, in order to take into account the overall situation, Sun Dahou agreed to make Zhu Qiyu the new emperor, but Zhu Qiyu had to pass the throne to Zhu Qizhen's son Zhu Jianshen after a hundred years, and agreed to this analysis before Zhu Qiyu could ascend the throne. In the case of Daming encountering internal and external troubles, Empress Sun gave up her flesh and blood feelings, chose to preserve the overall situation, and established a new emperor. I have to say that Empress Sun is still very far-sighted, and it is precisely because of this move that it is guaranteed that Daming will not perish without an emperor, and the rule and stability of the Ming Dynasty will also lay the foundation.

The change of the door

However, after Zhu Qiyu became emperor, he was forced to welcome Emperor Yingzong Zhu Qi back to Daming under pressure. However, in order to consolidate his throne, Zhu Qiyu put Zhu Qizhen under house arrest for seven years, and also violated the agreement and made his son the crown prince, but the good times did not last long, Zhu Qiyu's son died soon after, and the death of the crown prince also led to more and more courtiers becoming dissatisfied with Zhu Qiyu.

Sun Ruowei has no intentions, does not conform to history, and is really a politician who strives to turn the tide

After a while, Zhu Qiyu was seriously ill, but he refused to make a new crown prince, and the courtiers had to propose that a new crown prince be made. Some ministers had already welcomed back Zhu Qizhen and supported his reinstatement. After Zhu Qiyu died, he was not only stripped of the temple number, but also given him the title of "戾"" ("戾"). Such an act was obviously not to recognize Zhu Qiyu's throne. However, the people and ministers did not disagree with this, it was entirely because Zhu Qiyu had an agreement with Empress Sun in his early years that he would pass on Zhu Jianshen, but he was treacherous first, so Zhu Qizhen's move to restore the throne would be so justified.

The reason why these courtiers dared to support Zhu Qizhen's restoration so wantonly was entirely because they had already won Empress Sun's will before, and it was precisely because of Empress Sun's support that the "change of seizing the door" would be so smooth, and the re-restoration of Zhu Qizhen also won a just name for this matter. Then after Zhu Qizhen was restored, Daming did not fall into the panic of the handover of the throne, and it has to be said that this also has a lot to do with the two wills of Empress Sun, who played an irreplaceable role.

Sun Ruowei has no intentions, does not conform to history, and is really a politician who strives to turn the tide

After Zhu Qizhen ascended the throne, he also deliberately ordered him to abolish the concubine martyrdom system, which also won the opportunity for survival for the women in the harem. Looking back on Empress Sun's life, I have to say that she was a very brave woman, who chose to stand up and use her wisdom to resolve one crisis after another when Daming was in turmoil.

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