
Before the Sino-Vietnamese War, China submitted a declaration of war to the United Nations, and Vietnam's words completely infuriated our country

In history, there have been many wars in our country, most of which have been invaded by other countries, and wars of resistance launched by our country, but there are also some wars in which our country helps other countries. For example, when the United States attacked Vietnam, our country was also in a situation of economic tension at that time, but our country still sent a large number of troops to help Vietnam attack the United States, it can be said that if Vietnam did not have our help, it was unlikely to drive away the United States, and even the United States had long been occupied, after all, when the United States attacked Vietnam, Vietnam was gradually defeated, until our country sent troops to support, Vietnam was able to buffer.

Before the Sino-Vietnamese War, China submitted a declaration of war to the United Nations, and Vietnam's words completely infuriated our country

In this war, our country can be said to have contributed money to Vietnam, not only sent a large number of soldiers to support Vietnam, but also sent a large number of materials, until after the war, the materials sent by our country were still used by the Vietnamese. However, after our country helped Vietnam to win, Vietnam did not express any gratitude to our country, not only that, Vietnam became more and more rampant, becoming a white-eyed wolf. Vietnam believes that its victory in the war against the United States was entirely dependent on the strength of its own country. And they also want to encroach on our country and constantly harass our country.

Before the Sino-Vietnamese War, China submitted a declaration of war to the United Nations, and Vietnam's words completely infuriated our country

Because at that time, China's relations with the Soviet Union began to deteriorate, and Vietnam's previous victory in the war with the United States made its self-confidence swell, coupled with the deterioration of the Soviet Union's relations with china at that time, and the relationship with Vietnam was getting better and better, so Vietnam became more and more rampant, constantly invading China's border areas, because our country was also in a recovery period at that time, did not want to launch a war to affect the development of the country, so it repeatedly warned Vietnam and asked Vietnam to close its hands. This kind of tolerant warning of our country did not make Vietnam stop, but made Vietnam feel that our country was afraid, and under the protection of the Soviet Union and its own blind self-confidence, Vietnam thought that it could completely defeat our country. With the support of the Soviet Union, troops were sent to occupy Burma at a very fast pace. The attitude towards our country is also getting worse and worse, which makes our country very angry.

Before the Sino-Vietnamese War, China submitted a declaration of war to the United Nations, and Vietnam's words completely infuriated our country

In addition, Vietnam has already caused many bloody and violent incidents on our borders, in this regard, before the Sino-Vietnamese war, our country directly submitted the proof of war to the United Nations, and Vietnam's words completely angered our country. At that time, after China submitted the certificate of war to the United Nations, Vietnam did not panic at all, but very rampantly said: Once China went to war with itself, Soviet missiles would be launched at China. When we thought that the Soviet Union would help Vietnam, the facts proved that Vietnam was nothing more than a dispensable pawn of the Soviet Union. It is impossible for the Soviet Union to send troops to offend a developing country for Vietnam, and in addition, the United States and other Western countries have always been eyeing the Soviet Union, and it is impossible for the Soviet Union to launch a war at this time, so that the Western countries have an opportunity to take advantage of the Soviet Union.

Before the Sino-Vietnamese War, China submitted a declaration of war to the United Nations, and Vietnam's words completely infuriated our country

At that time, in the counterattack against Vietnam, our soldiers took less than a month to take a number of towns in Vietnam, so that Vietnam was soberly aware of the gap with China. During this period, until Vietnam was almost beaten, the Soviet Union did not send a single soldier out, not to mention the soldiers, not even the materials were not supported, these white-eyed wolves used materials, or the materials used by our country to support Vietnam in attacking the United States.

Before the Sino-Vietnamese War, China submitted a declaration of war to the United Nations, and Vietnam's words completely infuriated our country

Vietnam's arrogant attitude, coupled with the fact that our soldiers saw these people attacking us with Chinese-made guns and eating Chinese ingredients to attack us Chinese our soldiers were directly even more angry, not only defeating them one after another, but also saying that all these materials that belonged to our country were taken away, even if they could not be taken away, they were all burned. It can be seen that the white-eyed wolf behavior of the Vietnamese people is really infuriating, and their behavior also indicates that no country will dare to cooperate with them in the later stage, and sure enough, Vietnam's development until now is not particularly good, after all, the reputation is very bad.

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