
Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

"Qin Shi Mingyue Han Shi Guan, Long March people have not returned", since ancient times, China's history has never lacked wars. In this large and small war, there is nothing unforgettable than the War of Resistance Against Japan, in which countless Chinese stepped forward, fought bravely, and finally defended the homeland on which we depended.

However, there are some wars that have been forgotten in the long river of history because of the shortness of time, but their significance cannot be underestimated. Although it took only 28 days to declare victory in a counterattack war waged by our country against Vietnam out of self-defense, it had a long-term impact on Vietnam's subsequent development, and even to this day it has not eased up.

After the victory of the war, China has a higher international status, a safer international environment, and economic and military leaps and bounds, so what about Vietnam? How did this short-lived war end up on Vietnam?

Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

Causes of war

The war of self-defense against Vietnam was a counterattack against Vietnam out of self-defense, and this war ended in less than a month because of the huge disparity in strength between the two sides.

Since the U.S. military could not win the sweetness from North Vietnam and retreated in ashes, Vietnam was unified, with unified leadership and a consolidated territory, at this time evil thoughts were breeding in the minds of the Vietnamese, who also wanted to invade other countries, establish the Federation of Indochina, invade China, and try to seize a wider territory.

However, all this is a fool's dream of the Vietnamese, who arrogantly believe that they are already the third military power in the world, and coupled with the rupture of Sino-Soviet relations, with the assistance of the Soviet Union, they can carry out the pace of aggression even more aggressively.

Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

Therefore, in 1977, Vietnam began to invade Cambodia, because Cambodia was weak, it was soon defeated by Vietnam, lost the battle, and became a prisoner of Vietnam.

At that time, Cambodia, which was precisely our ally, could be tolerated in the face of such rampant behavior by Vietnam? Moreover, Vietnam prides itself on its military strength and does not pay attention to other countries at all, and they think that they are invincible in Asia, so they fantasize about aggression against China.

However, it is not an easy task to invade China; no matter how powerful the enemy in history has been driven out of China by our country, no matter how arduous the war, our country has won victory. What's more, Vietnam is just self-righteous, doesn't know that there are people outside the people, and there are mountains outside the mountains, until our country has taught them a harsh lesson, and they don't know what a stupid decision it is to invade China.

Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

At that time, however, the Vietnamese, who were overwhelmed by the joy of the successful invasion of Cambodia, obviously did not know the height of the sky, began to provoke our country on the Sino-Vietnamese border, creating one military conflict after another, and even wanted to make a fuss on the border line, pushing the border line inside our country, thereby occupying our land, and constantly invading, until the establishment of the Indochina Federation.

This is the conspiracy of the Vietnamese, but unfortunately they chose the wrong opponent and chose a country that they could not afford.

In the face of Vietnam's repeated provocations, our country first warned the invaders, but the arrogant Vietnam regarded the opportunities given by China as weakness and became more and more rampant, and our country could only resolve disputes through military means.

Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

The course of the war

The counterattack against Vietnamese self-defense was a fierce battle, at this time our country had just experienced ten years of turmoil, it had not been a war for a long time, and this battle was indispensable, so our country quickly organized its forces and planned to start the offensive.

The war broke out quickly, and the gap in strength between the two sides was also obvious, in a short period of time, China took more than 20 important cities and counties in northern Vietnam, and Vietnam's troops were inferior to China's, and they could only retreat.

Whether it is the command of the battle or the quality of the soldiers, our country is much better than Vietnam, which makes it possible for our country to declare victory in the war in only one month.

Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

After the victory, our country did not embarrass the Vietnamese people, just systematically destroyed the infrastructure, led the troops to withdraw from Vietnam, and did not rebel against the main guests to invade Vietnam, this war that Vietnam had planned for a long time and broke out ended so quickly, and Vietnam, which claimed to be the world's third military power, was defeated and lost without face.

And this battle has also had a huge impact on all aspects of Vietnam.

Economic impact

When it comes to the impact of the war on Vietnam, the economic aspect is second to none. In this war, the People's Liberation Army caused devastating damage to materials in Vietnam, which caused Vietnam to suffer repeated setbacks in economic development and encountered great difficulties.

Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

The most ironic thing is that many of the materials destroyed by our People's Liberation Army in Vietnam were aided by our country to Vietnam in those years, but Vietnam made a "white-eyed wolf", using the materials supported by our country as a reserve for war, and in turn invaded and occupied our country, and our country also treated its body in the way of a human being, beating Vietnam into a slippery retreat.

At first, it fought a war with the United States, then fought with our country, and finally withdrew from Cambodia in a gray way, Vietnam was defeated and retreated, and the war and chaos for many years had long dragged down the country's economy, the people had long been miserable, and the country was full of a withering scene, and it was not an easy thing for Vietnam to make a comeback.

The war also exposed many problems in Vietnam, such as insufficient military capabilities, insufficient strategic reserves, and a very low level of domestic production, which could not keep up with the needs of national development.

Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

In such a situation of insufficient development, Vietnam desperately chose to solve the problem by war, and finally achieved nothing but dragged down its own domestic economy, which can be said to be more than worth the loss.

Previously, Vietnam thought that with soviet hostages, it could do whatever it wanted, but after Vietnam's gradual defeat, the Soviet Union also withdrew, leaving Vietnam alone to bear the bitter fruit. Just as there are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests, after the quiet retreat of the Soviet Union, Vietnam will face the consequences of its own stupidity.

Political influence

After the end of the war, Vietnam's plan to establish the Federation of Indochina was completely bankrupt, and Vietnam, which once wanted to rely on this plan to dominate Southeast Asia, was defeated and no longer had the arrogance of the past.

Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

Vietnam, which was once colonized, also wanted to learn from its former invaders and become a colonizer, but unfortunately this wish was unrealistic and finally shattered.

After the defeat of the war, Vietnam also plummeted politically, its image and discourse power in Southeast Asia gradually declined, and Cambodia, which had been hard to attack, was also forced to withdraw with China's assistance, which made Vietnam's strength in Southeast Asia decline rapidly, but instead China's international image and international power were developing day by day, Vietnam was hungry but there was no way.

China's influence in Southeast Asia is getting bigger and bigger, and its status is getting higher and higher, and it has become an important link connecting various countries in Southeast Asia. And Vietnam?

After the defeat of the war, Vietnam's economy has been sluggish for a long time, without the economy there is no right to speak, Vietnam's status in the whole of Southeast Asia is very low, while Vietnam still wants to make waves, making a big fuss about the South China Sea issue in our country, but it is stagnant, and it continues to be in a depressed state, which can be described as more than worth the loss.

Self-defeating Vietnam: After the war against Vietnam, the economy collapsed and its status "plunged"

brief summary:

This self-defense counterattack against Vietnam has had a considerable impact on both countries, but it is a positive impact on our country, and our country's development is getting better and better, and it soon entered the top of the world.

However, in Vietnam, the war caused many negative effects on Vietnam, resulting in Vietnam's long-term slump for decades, and the whole country was in a state of depression.

History has proved that any invader who wants to invade our country can only lose in the end, war is not the goal of our country, but only a means to achieve the goal, and in the future our country will uphold the concept of peaceful development, but it will not be afraid of the provocation of any aggressor.

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