
Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

When Jiaqing was still a prince, he once asked Hezhen, "You are greedy for so much money, can you spend it all?" In the face of Jiaqing's problem, He Yan was not red in the face and his heart was not beating. His answer was to the point, leaving Prince Jiaqing speechless.

The only thing that is the only thing that is the heart of the chest is to love money. Up and down the palace, qianlong and love Jiangnan, so the national treasury can not support for long and Hezhen will have to make up for the emperor's expenses. Although the emperor knew that he was embezzling, he turned a blind eye, after all, when the emperor wanted to use the money, he would have to take out subsidies at any time.

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

Although Jiaqing was angry about Hezhen's explanation, there was no other way. Moreover, Qianlong is the current emperor, and although Hezhen does not take Jiaqing in his eyes, qianlong was very fond of, trusted, and refined at that time, and Jiaqing could only secretly swear in his heart and wait for the opportunity to come

Speaking of Hezhen, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is the iron tooth copper tooth Ji Xiaolan, in fact, the historical Hezhen is very different from the characters in the TV series. He Yan was a typical representative of corrupt officials in the Qing Dynasty, and his most typical sentence was "I don't want your money, I am using your money to do your business."

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

Such a corrupt official, the family background is very prominent, the father is a senior military attaché of the imperial court, stationed abroad for many years, the mother is the daughter of the governor, and He yan was born as the second generation of officials. Unfortunately, the mother died in childbirth, and the father was away for many years, and then the father married her, leaving only Washun and her brother living with the stepmother.

The two brothers did not get love from an early age, without the protection of their father, which made him learn to observe the color at a young age and become a delicate and sensitive person, and when he was nine years old, his father died, his father was a clean official, and he did not leave much property, after his death, the property was divided up by the people in the family, and the brothers were almost expelled.

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

As soon as my father left, the people who had been in contact with the family disappeared and ate everywhere behind closed doors. The young Washun had to run around for the sake of her and her brother's livelihood, borrowing money everywhere to make ends meet. Wakan has known from an early age that the world is cold but powerless, and he has a younger brother himself, and he is like an adult in front of his brother, shielding his brother from the wind and rain.

When he was making a living, he knew that learning was his only way out, only in this way could he change his and his brother's life, but in that era, it was too difficult to change his destiny, but he was not discouraged at all, he was proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even studied Qianlong's poetry, and the young age had a clear goal, laying a good foundation for his future

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

He Yan knew that if he wanted to get ahead, he had to endure the bullying of others, and the goal at this time was to learn rather than worry about others, in such a difficult environment, He Yan went to the road of knowledge to change his destiny, and became a person who was both literate and martial

After that, He Yan met Bo Le - Feng Yinglian, and also gave He Yan a month old, 18-year-old He Yan finally became a family, and without any pressure to obtain a meritorious name, and his wife also gave birth to two daughters, a son, he also cared for his wife in every way, gentle to the extreme At that time, He Yan was still a good official who was upright and determined to serve the country

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

When He Yan was born, Qianlong had been on the throne for 15 years, and he met Qianlong when he was 23 years old, and then worked with Qianlong for twenty-six years. Between the ages of 23 and 30, Hezhen relied on his own ability to open up for life

In the next 30 years, he was dealing with the affairs of the DPRK and China, and his mentality was seriously affected, coupled with the fact that Qianlong had given his princess Xu to Hezhen's son, many korean ministers came to curry favor with Hezhen, and since then he has also embarked on the road of no return. In such a complicated palace relationship, it is naturally inseparable from money, money can solve too many things, it can be seen that money was an indispensable thing for he and Yan wei officials at that time.

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

Qianlong's father was Yongzheng. When Yongzheng reigned, the main purpose was to make money, and when he arrived in Qianlong, it could be said that he sat back and enjoyed it. However, at that time, the treasury was only tens of millions of silver taels, and it was also because Hezhen had solved the problem of the treasury, and only he could solve it.

Like the Ji Xiaolan we know, he is a righteous gentleman, let him dredge up relations, bribe hundreds of officials, he is definitely unable to do that only He yan can do, Ji Xiaolan's great achievement is to repair the Four Libraries of the Whole Book.

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

He yan's work ability is particularly strong, a person who is proficient in four languages and scripts is unparalleled in the Manchu Dynasty literature and martial arts, and the communication with ethnic minorities is handled by Hezhen alone. Therefore, it is not without reason for Qianlong to pamper and pamper him.

In addition to Washun's particularly strong language ability, Washun's financial management ability is also unbeatable, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was always in deficit before Washu took over, and could not make ends meet, and after Wakan became minister of internal affairs, he not only solved the problem of deficit in the national treasury, but also had a surplus. As long as Qianlong wants to spend money and Yan can be provided at any time like a cash machine.

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

In addition, Wada collected money from various regions and ministers to contribute to the emperor, and all the expenses of the imperial palace were inseparable from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He Yan managed the Internal Affairs Office in an orderly manner, so that Qianlong earned a lot of money, so he was quite fond of He Yan.

He Yan has money, not only is he greedy, but he also earns. He sold the things of the current dynasty to the countries of the DPRK, and the money he earned was attributed to various industries such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs' investment in real estate, real estate, and money, so Qianlong was very fond of him and was very fond of him!

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

When the British envoys came to Visit China, they did not have any good feelings for the Great Qing Dynasty. However, only he was full of praise for He yan, who was not only handsome in appearance, but also had a neat demeanor, which showed the demeanor of our country's prime minister, and Qianlong's favor for him was the result of He yan's own ability.

He Yan's IQ and emotional intelligence were imminent, and he stood firm in the official arena for decades and was deeply favored by the emperor. All the money of corrupt officials in the Qing Dynasty was run by Hezhen, which made Hezhen's family property reach hundreds of millions of dollars. Not long after Jiaqing ascended to the throne, he killed Hezhen, raided Hezhen's home, and confiscated all the family property. I'm afraid that He Yan doesn't know until he dies, all this is just a bureau made by the emperor!

Jiaqing asked Hezhen: Are you greedy for money and spend it all? He Yan said two points, leaving Jiaqing dumbfounded

Qianlong was a full thirty-nine years older than He Yan, and he was the emperor, and in his eyes, He Yan was just a usable person in his hands, so that the treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was full and could be his own cash machine.

The terrible thing about Qianlong is that he made a round, but he was not in the game, and the innings he did made could not be seen, and the dragon did not see the beginning and end. Unknowingly, during his reign, he enjoyed the money brought by Hezhen, and after his death, his son raided Hezhen's home, and the family property was put into the national treasury. This is what we often call the art of taming people! After he died, his family property allowed the country to eat and wear for 15 years, which was really killing three birds with one stone!

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