
Why can Liu Chan, who is not happy to think about Shu, stand in the chaotic world for 30 years? Is it really impossible to support Ah Dou?

Liu Bei's only son, Liu Chan, everyone said that he was an unsupportable Ah Dou, and when Zhuge Liang was alive, the military aircraft and important politics were basically handled by him, and Liu Chan only hung up a name. But is Liu Chan really not iq enough? Is the country not governed well? Liu Chan reigned for thirty years in the chaotic world, is it really unbearable?

Why can Liu Chan, who is not happy to think about Shu, stand in the chaotic world for 30 years? Is it really impossible to support Ah Dou?

Let's take a look at why there are no positive reviews of him in history. There were three things that led to this feeling, the first of which was that, like the incompetent emperors of ancient times, he reused the eunuch Huang Hao and let Huang Hao's power fall to the opposition. The second thing was that when Liu Chan surrendered to the State of Wei, Sima Zhao asked Liu Chan if he missed his homeland, and he said that this side was very good and did not want to miss the State of Shu. The third thing was that when Deng Ai attacked the city with less than 20,000 disabled veterans, Liu Chan didn't even think about it, and he opened the city gate without resisting, which was really extremely hidden. There is a fragment in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in which Zhao Yun desperately saved Liu Chan, covered in blood, but Liu Chan slept very deeply, Liu Bei saw that zhao Yun was very sorry, and he held up Liu Chan and prepared to throw Ah Dou to death. The famous "Angry Wrestling Bucket"

Why can Liu Chan, who is not happy to think about Shu, stand in the chaotic world for 30 years? Is it really impossible to support Ah Dou?

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a novel, and many of the plots are fictional, but when Zhao Yun saved Ah Dou at that time, he was still a baby in his arms. Nature doesn't know anything, and I can't blame Ah Dou. There is a feeling that the wall is pushed down by everyone, and people do not wantonly evaluate the practices of others in the chaotic world, is this really good? How can the unspeakable secret be clearly seen by outsiders? Guessing from the moral high ground is even more immoral

Liu Chan, recorded in the book "Spring and Autumn of the Han Dynasty", said that he did not miss his homeland, and the authenticity of this record cannot be verified. But even so, if Liu Chan, who was in the situation at that time, answered Sima Zhao's answer that he missed his country very much, would Sima Zhao leave a way for Liu Chan to live? Liu Chan may have only dealt with Sima Zhao with such an answer at that time, but posterity took it seriously. From this answer, Liu Chan is not unwise

Why can Liu Chan, who is not happy to think about Shu, stand in the chaotic world for 30 years? Is it really impossible to support Ah Dou?

Regarding Liu Chan's important eunuch Huang Hao, but in history, Huang Hao did not do anything to endanger the imperial court in the court, indicating that the rights were not large enough to cover the sky with one hand, and there was an exaggeration in the descendants.

When Deng Ai attacked Shudi, Liu Chan sent a large army against the enemy, but was annihilated by the Wei army in one fell swoop. At that time, there was no one to use, and at that time there was no army in the city that could be dispatched, Liu Chan opened the city gate in order to protect the people in the city from being slaughtered by the Wei army, and Liu Chan was judging the time and measuring the situation for the sake of the people.

When Zhuge Liang was alive, although he was the backbone of the Shu Kingdom, all kinds of major decisions were decided by Zhuge Liang, but after Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan was alone and sat on the throne for nearly thirty years. In a chaotic world, living a long time is the It can be seen that he was not as incompetent and inactive as later people said.

Why can Liu Chan, who is not happy to think about Shu, stand in the chaotic world for 30 years? Is it really impossible to support Ah Dou?

After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan continued to maintain Zhuge Liang's policy of governing the country and the goals of its implementation. Insisting on the Northern Expedition and Tun Grain, although his Northern Expedition did not have a very good record, but the attack as a defense would not allow the Wei state and Eastern Wu to destroy the country. Isn't it a skill to keep the country? It shows that Zhuge Liang's strategy is also correct, Liu Chan maintained the way he stayed to govern the country, and did not arbitrarily change his decisions, including the important ministers around him were loyal and good ministers arranged for him by Zhuge Liang before he died. He did not fight the forces of the former courtiers like other emperors

Why can Liu Chan, who is not happy to think about Shu, stand in the chaotic world for 30 years? Is it really impossible to support Ah Dou?

After Zhuge Liang's death, for a time there was no civil unrest in the political court of the Shu state without a head, why was this? Is it because the courtiers of the Shu kingdom are loyal and do not have the heart to fight for power and be aggressive? Certainly not, who does not like high authority.

It can only be explained that Liu Chan's ability to handle relations and coordination is very good, and when Jiang Wei returned from the war with his soldiers, he once said to him that "kill Huang Hao" When Zhuge Zhan died, he told Liu Chan that there could be no Jiang Wei outside, and Huang Hao could not be killed inside. It shows that the internal ministers of the imperial court at that time were fighting very fiercely, but Liu Chan said that Huang Hao's eunuchs could accomplish great things, indicating that Huang Hao's power was very clear in his heart, and it was all within his control. He also did not listen to Zhuge Zhan's words, confiscated Jiang Wei's military power, and was wary of him, but still important to Jiang Wei. In fact, he has a very clear account in his heart, not as the world rumors say that he is a "unsupportable Ah Dou" chaotic world domination, perhaps there are too many heroes, so that the world feels that Ah Dou is a mediocre talent.

Why can Liu Chan, who is not happy to think about Shu, stand in the chaotic world for 30 years? Is it really impossible to support Ah Dou?

Evaluating a person cannot only look at one-sided events, but also look at the situation at that time, and what results they have done. Liu Chan's thirty years of defending the city still does not show his great wisdom and foolishness?

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