
Thousands of miles of endurance, Mercedes-Benz new car preview, said to teach Tesla a lesson?

Mercedes-Benz planned to launch a pure tram with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers, in fact, it has been gone for a long time, Mercedes-Benz announced in October 2020 that it will launch a concept work called EQXX, and even said that the mileage will come to 1,200 kilometers; until late July 2021, the original factory once again previewed the upcoming appearance of EQXX through a front profile photo, but there was still no detailed appearance of the time history information.

Recently, the official website of Mercedes-Benz original factory officially announced that the 2022 CES Consumer Electronics Show stage launched in Las Vegas, USA, will hold the global premiere of Vision EQXX through online presentations on January 3.

Thousands of miles of endurance, Mercedes-Benz new car preview, said to teach Tesla a lesson?

Judging from the rhythm of Daimler Group's product launch in the past two years, electric energy has been the focus of the group's development, and its electric energy sub-brand EQ is quite active in expanding the front, from the original EQC to the latest EQE, not only will there be a cross-border SUV version of EQE and EQS, AMG performance version of the pure electric model has also been put on the market for sale. However, this does not fully show the brand's intentions and scientific and technological strength in the electric energy market, after all, compared with Tesla's long-term investment in the pure electricity market, the transformation of traditional car brands still needs time to accumulate, so the introduction of concept cars to predict the follow-up combat planning is absolutely reasonable and necessary.

Thousands of miles of endurance, Mercedes-Benz new car preview, said to teach Tesla a lesson?

Although the original factory has not officially announced the specification information of Vision EQXX, but the marketing communication of "information" has long been "accidentally" flowed out through many community channels, and the previous Mercedes-Benz executives have revealed in social media posts that Vision EQXX has a range of 1,000 kilometers, although it does not disclose the size of the battery pack capacity, but it also means that the energy consumption of high-speed cruising will be quite outstanding, and the power consumed per 100 kilometers is only single digits, that is, every 1 The mileage of kWh will exceed the planned 10 km.

In the latest wave of Vision EQXX debut trailer, Mercedes-Benz changed the unveiling of the side line style, although there is no detailed appearance, but the silhouette and shoulder line have a full sporty atmosphere, the tail light group shape seems to be unique, which also proves that the Vision EQXX is likely to have an excellent drag coefficient; however, the complete product information and design content still need to be after the original premiere on January 3, 2022.

Thousands of miles of endurance, Mercedes-Benz new car preview, said to teach Tesla a lesson?

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