
Can you exercise during pregnancy?

For the pregnancy can not exercise this thing, many pregnant mothers have their own views, some pregnant mothers tend to lie down during pregnancy to cultivate, some pregnant mothers think that it is necessary to exercise appropriately, then can pregnancy exercise in the end? Let Anusi come and talk to you!

Can you exercise during pregnancy?

The first thing to explain is to go through the previous period of instability and then consider exercise after the period of stability! Exercise can promote the digestion and absorption function of pregnant mothers, childbirth requires a lot of physical strength, exercise can exercise physical strength, and it also helps to restore the figure after childbirth. Exercise stimulates the development of the fetal brain, organs of the senses, organs of balance, and the entire respiratory system. Exercise can enhance physical fitness and improve immunity, but also relax the nervous spirit of pregnant mothers, so it is still recommended that pregnant mothers do some suitable exercise under the guidance of doctors.

Which exercises are suitable for pregnant mothers? It is recommended to walk and yoga for pregnant mothers. Because aerobic exercise such as cycling and cycling are relatively intense, but can not give up aerobic exercise, because aerobic exercise can make the large muscle group teaching body exercise, there will be more central enterprises into the body, pregnancy aerobic exercise, with blood pressure stability and strong heart vessels play a certain role. But don't be strenuous in Thailand, try not to beat your heart more than 130 times per minute during pregnancy!

It is important that one of the prerequisites for exercise during pregnancy is the health of the pregnant mother, and no other diseases have become unwell. Pregnancy exercise is actually not so terrible, as long as the exercise method is correct, the choice of exercise period is correct, under the guidance of professional people can do some exercise. Pregnant mothers should pay attention to safety when exercising, but also pay attention to hydration and heat dissipation and warmth, try to choose sunny weather, full of sunshine, fresh air quality, and outdoor sports when the temperature is suitable. Pregnant mothers with underlying diseases such as asthma, high blood pressure, and heart disease should try not to exercise.

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