
The most fortunate ruler of the Qing Dynasty, wrote 8 characters during the temple examination, and the emperor excitedly patted the table after reading it: You are the champion

In the ancient times when "everything is inferior, only the reading is high", being able to participate in the imperial examination and successfully obtain the title of the gold list is a great honor for the readers, and if you can win the first place in the imperial examination and become a champion, then it is basically the future high-ranking official of the first product, and it is expected to be the existence of the marquis, and the famous Wen Tianxiang in history is born in the title.

The most fortunate ruler of the Qing Dynasty, wrote 8 characters during the temple examination, and the emperor excitedly patted the table after reading it: You are the champion

Basically, the person who can become a champion will have very outstanding achievements in Wentao's martial strategy, and the reason why he was able to become a champion during the Qing Dynasty is largely because of luck, this person is The Twenty-one Year Champion of Guangxu Luo Chengjun.

The most fortunate ruler of the Qing Dynasty, wrote 8 characters during the temple examination, and the emperor excitedly patted the table after reading it: You are the champion

Luo Chengjun was born in Yunnan in 1865, he lost his mother when he was seven years old, and he had to rely on his father for his life, but his father was not good at handling financial work, and the family was soon in a dilemma, so that Luo Chengjun often had three uncertain meals when he was a child, and it was quite hard, so his father passed it on to a merchant from Sichuan, Luo Teng.

The most fortunate ruler of the Qing Dynasty, wrote 8 characters during the temple examination, and the emperor excitedly patted the table after reading it: You are the champion

Luo Chengjun followed his adoptive father to Sichuan at the age of seven, and has lived in Sichuan ever since, he was very intelligent when he was young, no matter how obscure the classic literature, he could read it once and could recite it, showing a very high talent. What is even more rare is that Luo Chengjun, who has such outstanding talent, is not complacent because of this, but studies more diligently and diligently, often reading all night.

The most fortunate ruler of the Qing Dynasty, wrote 8 characters during the temple examination, and the emperor excitedly patted the table after reading it: You are the champion

This made Luo Teng, as an adoptive father, feel extremely pleased, believing that his child was a material that could be built, so he spent a lot of effort to send him to Jinjiang Academy to study. Jinjiang Academy is one of the predecessors of today's Sichuan University, which brought together the most profound group of people in Sichuan at that time, and Luo Chenghua, with his talent and diligence, was loved by many teachers in the academy, and his studies became more and more refined.

In the nineteenth year of Guangxu (1893 AD), the 28-year-old Luo Chengjun took the Sichuan township examination, and won the examination with the third place in the province, and then went to the capital to participate in the examination a year before the age of 30, his years of hard study allowed him to successfully pass the Gongshi examination, only need to participate in the last level of the palace examination, after being named by the emperor, he can become a real jinshi.

The most fortunate ruler of the Qing Dynasty, wrote 8 characters during the temple examination, and the emperor excitedly patted the table after reading it: You are the champion

When the temple examination is held, all the tributes who have been admitted by the main examiners will wait outside the Golden Ruan Hall, and the emperor will read the scroll to evaluate the final rank, but in fact, this rank has long been evaluated by the team of the chief examiner, and the emperor himself will not make too many changes. Originally, Luo Chengjun's rank was set as the eighth by the chief examiner, but after the Guangxu Emperor saw the 8 words written on his examination paper, he suddenly burst into tears: "You are the champion!" ”

It turned out that when Luo Chenghua was writing a reply, the feelings of the family and the world were vibrating in his chest, he thought of the Great Qing Kingdom, which had been bullied and insulted in front of the Western powers, and thought of the emperor who sat in the Golden Ruan Hall and wanted to make a difference but was always constrained.

The most fortunate ruler of the Qing Dynasty, wrote 8 characters during the temple examination, and the emperor excitedly patted the table after reading it: You are the champion

Luo Chengjun began to be an official after the examination of the Middle Grade, and later he always achieved the Shanxi Tixue envoy of Zhengsanpin, although he was highly powerful, but Luo Chengjun was extremely clean and honest as an official, and always donated all his own Feng Lu, so that his family was quite poor, and even sometimes to the situation of cooking without rice, so he was called the poorest yuan of the Qing Dynasty.

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