
After Japan's defeat 75 years ago, China and Japan actually fought a war, but few people know about it

To say that the longest war in Modern China is the 14-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression that began in 1931. In the past 14 years, china has paid nearly 35 million military and civilian casualties and more than 560 billion US dollars (converted into the currency of the time) to drive out the Japanese invaders, which can be described as arduous, and this war finally ended on August 15, 1945, when Emperor Hirohito of Japan issued the "Edict of the End of the War".

After Japan's defeat 75 years ago, China and Japan actually fought a war, but few people know about it

Logically, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression ended successfully on August 15, and our country won the final victory. After Japan's surrender, the Japanese army invading China in China was like a dog that lost its family, and it also began to withdraw from the Chinese battlefield in its entirety. However, there were also some remnants of Japan who were ignorant of current affairs, who were unwilling to accept the fact that the emperor had surrendered, and who were ready to resist.

If you count the war with these Japanese troops, the War of Resistance did not end on August 15, 1945. Today, I would like to introduce to you what kind of Japanese troops it is, so ignorant of good and evil.

After Japan's defeat 75 years ago, China and Japan actually fought a war, but few people know about it

This team is the Japanese army stationed in Gaoyou, located in Jiangsu, an ancient city with a history of more than 7,000 years of civilization and a history of 2242 years of founding. It was once the hometown of Emperor Yao and an important birthplace of Jianghuai civilization. Such a famous city with a profound historical background, the Japanese army naturally refused to easily return it to our country.

At that time, our army was also busy with various surrender and handover affairs, and did not notice that there was such a Japanese army in the Gaoyou area. When the matter was handled, Gaoyou's Japanese army suddenly became a thorn in the head. On December 19, 1945, the Central China Field Army began to retake Gaoyou, a battle that took place after Japan's surrender, and it was the last Sino-Japanese contest of World War II.

After Japan's defeat 75 years ago, China and Japan actually fought a war, but few people know about it

The Japanese garrison in Gaoyou, without any military assistance, was obviously unable to defeat our country, and on the night of the 19th, our army launched a general offensive against Gaoyou. The fighting lasted all night, and the next morning, all but the Japanese troops at Jodoji Temple were emptied. Why didn't our army attack the Jodo-ji Temple?

Because the temple is an ancient temple with a history of hundreds of years, for the sake of cultural relics protection, our army only shouted outside the Pure Land Temple, and took turns to broadcast Japanese folk songs, distributing leaflets for the surrender of the Japanese army, and trying to persuade this group of stubborn Japanese troops to come out. After a week of stalemate, the Japanese finally gave up their resistance and surrendered. The little-known final battle between our army and the Japanese army has finally come to an end.

After Japan's defeat 75 years ago, China and Japan actually fought a war, but few people know about it

In fact, this kind of Japanese army that is unwilling to accept reality is not only in the Gaoyou area of China. In the Pacific Theater that year, there was a Japanese soldier named Onoda Hiroshi, and even after the Japanese government surrendered in 1945, he fought a guerrilla war alone in the tropical rainforest of the Philippines for 29 years, which seriously affected the daily life of the local people.

It was not until 1974, when a local Japanese explorer, Norio Suzuki, discovered him and informed Onoda of the surrender without error, that he accepted this fact.

After Japan's defeat 75 years ago, China and Japan actually fought a war, but few people know about it

It is not difficult to see that the reason why the Japanese are so stubborn is not unrelated to the militaristic ideas that are deeply rooted in their heads. The Japanese soldiers saw that their emperor was invincible, so they fell into the illusion of no defeat, which showed the terrible brainwashing ability of militaristic thought.

After Japan's defeat 75 years ago, China and Japan actually fought a war, but few people know about it

This is why, to this day, it is still necessary to guard against the revival of militarist ideas. This extreme fascist ideology, which poisons mankind, will always be the greatest obstacle to the process of human civilization.

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