
gratis! The Forbidden City's ultra-high-precision "digital cultural relics" were exhibited in Shenzhen for the first time

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Wang Danyang

2021 is coming to an end, and 2022 is just about to come at a rapid pace. Want to experience the beauty of the forbidden city in the warm spring of Lingnan, leaving an exclusive streamer image? Want to find out the annual punch point of Shenzhen's "limited edition"?

On December 15th, the "'Pattern' with Tencent Immersive Digital Experience Exhibition" jointly sponsored by the Palace Museum and Tencent was held during the second "Culture + Technology" International Forum.

gratis! The Forbidden City's ultra-high-precision "digital cultural relics" were exhibited in Shenzhen for the first time

This is the first time that the Ultra-high-precision "Digital Cultural Relics" of the Forbidden City have been exhibited in Shenzhen, and some scenes of Tired Qinzhai have been restored with the help of VR and AR technology. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

This is also following the 2020 "Changyou Duobaoge" mini program to show the audience the beauty of the patterns contained in the cultural relics collected in the Forbidden City, the Forbidden City and Tencent have once again joined forces to lead the audience to experience the world of patterns in ancient buildings and collections with the help of Tencent immersive rendering, image search and panoramic sound technologies, and appreciate the beauty and wisdom therein.

The exhibition has a total of 7 exhibition areas, where the audience can enjoy the naked-eye 3D "digital cultural relics" and 22 times high-definition enlarged cultural relics up to 5.3 meters, feel the experience beyond the physical cultural relics exhibition, and may also discover hidden mysterious three-dimensional space "Easter eggs". The exhibition also carefully created 10 annual punching points, allowing the audience to feel the beauty of the four seasons of the Forbidden City and leave exclusive streamer images.

The exhibition is held in Shenzhen Maritime World Culture and Art Center and will be open to the public free of charge from December 18, 2021 to February 12, 2022.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News

Image | Courtesy of respondents

Editor-in-charge | Lin Xi

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