
5G mobile phone shipments are higher from January to November

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the 15th that from January to November, the overall shipment of mobile phones in the domestic market totaled 317 million units, an increase of 12.8% year-on-year. Among them, 5G mobile phone shipments were 239 million units, an increase of 65.3% year-on-year. With the increase in 5G mobile phone shipments, 5G applications have spread rapidly, and the vitality of the digital economy has emerged.

In the month of November, mobile phone shipments in the domestic market increased by 19.2% year-on-year, of which 5G mobile phones increased by 43.9% year-on-year, accounting for 82.2% of mobile phone shipments in the same period.

5G mobile phone shipments are higher from January to November

At the 2021 World 5G Conference, the staff showed new products. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chao

5G mobile phones have accelerated the promotion in the market and driven the rapid popularization of applications. According to Tianyancha data, there are more than 114,000 5G-related enterprises in the country. From January to October, the three basic telecommunications enterprises completed mobile data and Internet business revenue of 537.2 billion yuan, accounting for 43.8% of the telecom business revenue. The three basic telecommunications companies actively developed emerging services such as IPTV and Internet data centers, and their business revenue increased by 28.8% year-on-year from January to October.

Applications such as live e-commerce, short videos, and artificial intelligence are developing rapidly under the popularity of 5G. Taking the "Double 12" just past as an example, during the event from December 1 to 12, the cumulative number of live broadcasts on the "Double 12" platform of Douyin e-commerce reached 27.9 billion times. (Reporter Zhang Xinxin)

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