
Women buy pirated Lamborghinis, 15,000 open 15 million effects, the key is more realistic

Luxury car brands such as Ferrari and Lamborghini are destined to belong to the track, these sports cars are expensive, extremely fast, and are the winning generals on the track. In real life, many young people want to drive a Ferrari and take a Lamborghini, but due to limited budgets, they can't afford to buy a new car, so they can only buy one to board.

Women buy pirated Lamborghinis, 15,000 open 15 million effects, the key is more realistic

A female driver in Jiangxi, Ms. Zhang, bought a fake Lamborghini for 15,000 yuan, and she loved her car and had to show off everywhere she went. Ms. Zhang once saw the Lamborghini supercar on the Internet, she fell in love with the sports car at first sight, went to the Internet to check the price and found that the price was as high as 15 million, and Ms. Zhang gave up.

Women buy pirated Lamborghinis, 15,000 open 15 million effects, the key is more realistic

Once, when she was visiting an old local scooter store, she saw a domestic version of the Lamborghini in the store. This Lamborghini is very similar to the real car, but the size is smaller and the price is cheaper. The dealer told Ms. Zhang that the Lamborghini old scooter was an electric car and could run 150 kilometers when fully charged.

Ms. Zhang has a special love for this pirated Lamborghini, since the price of the new car is too expensive, she can't afford it, it is better to buy a pirated car, usually drive this car out of the house to have more face. In the end, Ms. Zhang spent 15,000 yuan to buy this pirated Lamborghini, although the car can only run 150 kilometers, but it is enough to drive in rural areas, and usually can go to the town to catch the market.

Women buy pirated Lamborghinis, 15,000 open 15 million effects, the key is more realistic

Ms. Zhang posted her car keys, which are very realistic, and the pattern and logo on the car keys are exactly the same as those of Lamborghini. Once when Ms. Zhang was driving on the road, she was checked by the traffic police, and the traffic police found that the car driven by Ms. Zhang was a sanwu product, and finally Ms. Zhang was taken back to the traffic police brigade.

Women buy pirated Lamborghinis, 15,000 open 15 million effects, the key is more realistic

It turned out that the Lamborghini bought by Ms. Zhang was not a regular manufacturer's model at all, this old scooter was a product produced by a small workshop, the safety of the car was not passed, and the quality was particularly poor. The traffic police checked Ms. Zhang's documents again and found that Ms. Zhang did not have a driver's license at all, and she drove this car on the road without a license, which seriously violated traffic rules.

In the end, Ms. Zhang was administratively detained for 7 days and fined 3,000 yuan for buying pirated cars and driving without a license. At this time, Ms. Zhang understood that the car she bought was not a Lamborghini at all, but a pirated brand called Lanji Bony. The original price of this supercar was 15 million, and the version she bought was only 15,000 yuan.

Women buy pirated Lamborghinis, 15,000 open 15 million effects, the key is more realistic

China's "Provisions on the Measures for the Recycling of Scrapped Motor Vehicles" clearly states that assembling motor vehicles is an illegal act, and the owner's purchase of a assembled motor vehicle with incomplete documents is an illegal act and should be punished. This incident has sounded the alarm for the majority of netizens, and there are many unscrupulous dealers in rural areas of our country, who recommend sanwu products to farmers with low education level.

These cars without certificates are all pirated models produced by small workshops, and the performance of the cars is unstable and they are not legally qualified to go on the road. If you buy a assembled motor vehicle and drive the vehicle on the road, the traffic police will impose a fine ranging from 200 yuan to 2000 yuan on the owner, and the driver's license will be revoked directly if the circumstances are serious.

Women buy pirated Lamborghinis, 15,000 open 15 million effects, the key is more realistic

Assembled car is full of dangers, driving this car on the road car is easy to fall apart, some car owners drive assembled motor vehicles on the road, once the vehicle brake failure problem, the owner often nine dead, have you ever seen this pirated motor vehicle?

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