
The rarest surname in China: At present, there are only 3 people left, and "Hundred Family Names" is not included, and most people do not know

The Chinese nation has a long heritage, and surnames are an important carrier of many family inheritance cultures. Chinese the importance of surnames is far from being comparable to foreigners, as early as the two Han Dynasties, each Chinese person had his own surname. Although there are many families with centuries-old heritage in Japan, our neighboring country, these families are not only far inferior to the Yanshenggong and Zhang Tianshi families that have been passed down for 60 or 70 generations, but even many ordinary families in China are not comparable. Moreover, it must be noted that many chaebols in Japan have had embarrassing incidents of being replaced by people with foreign surnames in the process of inheritance. Although there are hundreds of different surnames in China, most of these surnames originate from the ancient eight surnames, and they are more or less related to each other. The eight ancient surnames are Ji, Jiang, 姒, 嬴, 妘, 妫, 姞, and 姚, these eight different surnames. Then again, although these eight surnames were separated, they were all direct bloodlines of the Second Emperor of Yanhuang.

The rarest surname in China: At present, there are only 3 people left, and "Hundred Family Names" is not included, and most people do not know

Although because of the continuous passage of time, the ancient culture has been somewhat distant from us, and the eight surnames have also evolved new surnames, but it is undeniable that surnames are still an important link between us and our ancestors. It has been said that a name is nothing more than a symbol of a person, but this symbol is irreplaceable by any other symbol. From the moment we are born, we are given names by our parents and elders. In modern society, "surname" only has the meaning of surname, and the surname is more like a matching. But in ancient times, 'surname'' and ''surname'' referred to differently. In the earliest times, ''surname'' was a man's title, which was very different from ''surname''. After King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang, the gap between surnames and surnames began to decrease, and gradually moved towards integration.

A person's surname is often the basis for outsiders to judge the quality of the family's family, the deeds of the clan, and the flow of blood. Because of the war, new surnames have appeared for five thousand years, and at the same time, the demise of surnames has become a historical memory.

The rarest surname in China: At present, there are only 3 people left, and "Hundred Family Names" is not included, and most people do not know

Now if we meet a friend with a compound surname, we will definitely feel a sense of surprise in our hearts. The reason why I feel this way is because many compound surnames have disappeared due to war and other reasons. Many of the surnames we have come into contact with have a lot to do with the Ji surname. There is a saying in the relevant history books, "Twenty-five sons of the Yellow Emperor, fourteen of whom received the surname." In a way, this is the earliest branching of the descendants of the Ji surname. In the well-known "Hundred Family Names", the reason why the Zhao surname is at the top of the people is because the "Hundred Family Names" was written in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the emperor at that time was surnamed Zhao.

The rarest surname in China: At present, there are only 3 people left, and "Hundred Family Names" is not included, and most people do not know

In fact, many surnames are not included in the "Hundred Family Names", and the god surname is one of them. The surname of the god is derived from the Yan Emperor, the Yan Emperor is known as the Shennong clan, and after the descendants of the Yan Emperor lose the throne, the descendants take the god as the surname. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Shen family was active for a while, but unfortunately, the family heirs were not prosperous and did not multiply.

The rarest surname in China: At present, there are only 3 people left, and "Hundred Family Names" is not included, and most people do not know

To this day, there are very few people with the surname God. In the history books, it is also recorded that there was a descendant of a god surname, this person was the Shen Yao of the Western Han Dynasty, who served as a lieutenant of the cavalry. By the time of the Song and Tang Dynasties, the descendants of the divine surname not only disappeared in the official field, but also the family had almost broken the inheritance. After Zhu Yuanzhang restored Han rule, he ordered that all the people in China be changed to Han surnames. In this case, some people with color eyes take the surname of "God". It is worth saying that in the Taiwan region, there are still three descendants of the god surname.

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