
Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of The Ages, Confucius, the Most Holy Ancestor of Dacheng, who is greater?

For thousands of years in Chinese history, there are countless historical figures that have been passed down through the ages, among which Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the ancient world, and Confucius, the most holy of Confucianism, are even more well-known. They are both among the 100 most influential historical figures in history, Time Magazine, one of the leading journalists.

Historically, people have also praised and disparaged them, so who is greater, Qin Shi Huang or Confucius?

Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of The Ages, Confucius, the Most Holy Ancestor of Dacheng, who is greater?

And before that, let's take a look at what the great Chairman Mao had to say about them!

In Chairman Mao's view, Qin Shi Huang was no less than a hundred times better than Confucius. He once said: "Qin Shi Huang was an expert on the thick of the present and the thin past, Kong Meng was idealistic, Xunzi was materialist, and he was the left wing of Confucianism; Confucius represented slave owners and nobles, and Xunzi represented the landlord class. And he said:

"In Chinese history, it was Qin Shi Huang who really did something, and Confucius only spoke empty words. For thousands of years, the form was Confucius, but in fact it was according to Qin Shi Huang. Qin Shi Huang used Li Si, who was a Lawyer and a student of Xun Zi. ”

Although he has been scolded for thousands of years, it is nothing more than two points: killing 460 intellectuals and burning some books. As a person who also founded a great country, the chairman greatly admired and praised Qin Shi Huang. But we can't completely deny Confucius, after all, the two of them have their own good and bad. Next, let's take a look at the historical merits of the two of them.

Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of The Ages, Confucius, the Most Holy Ancestor of Dacheng, who is greater?

Bloodshed for the world, honor and disgrace mixed with the first emperor

Qin Shi Huang, the first monarch in Chinese history to use the title of "emperor", ended the chaotic situation that lasted for hundreds of years since the Spring and Autumn Period, completed the great unification of China, laid the basic pattern of China's political system for more than two thousand years, and was known as "one emperor in all eternity".

Xia Zengyou once said: "There are emperors of the Han Dynasty, Gao Zu is also; there are emperors of the Twenty-four Dynasties of China, and the Qin Emperor and Han Wu are also."

After the completion of national reunification, politically, he established a fairly complete centralized system and political power institutions, which became a model for future generations to learn from. Economically, he also unified weights and measures, changed the currency system, straightened out transportation, and repaired water conservancy. It has played a great role in promoting people's lives and economic development after the war.

Not only that, he also built the Great Wall, resisted foreign invasions, unified the domestic ethnic groups, and built the basic plate of China's territory. The unification of the script has made great contributions to the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. Although the Qin Dynasty lasted only 15 years, the model of rule established by Qin Shi Huang continued. And the institutional, cultural and engineering facilities it established have had a lasting impact on Chinese history. From this, we can see the crucial role played by Qin Shi Huang for China.

Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of The Ages, Confucius, the Most Holy Ancestor of Dacheng, who is greater?

Heaven does not give birth to Zhongni, eternity is like a long night, the wood of heaven is Confucius.

Looking at Confucius, as one of the greatest thinkers and educators in Chinese history and the founder of the Confucian school, there is no doubt about his long-term contribution to China.

Traveled around the world, preached Confucianism, compiled the Spring and Autumn Classics, revised the Six Classics, and founded private studies.

His educational philosophy has had a great influence on us to this day. It can be said that without Confucius, there would be no Chinese culture today. Since the Han Dynasty, Confucianism has also been the governing strategy of successive kings. Although Confucius left many regrets in his time, for China, for the whole history of China, no matter what, Confucius was and will always be that great man.

Sima Qian once commented on Confucius: "Confucius cloth cloth, passed down for more than ten generations, scholar Zongzhi." Since the Prince of Tianzi, the Six Arts of Chinese Speech compromised with the Master, which can be described as the most holy!"

In fact, Confucius and Qin Shi Huang, as the two great men in Chinese history, there is no actual distinction between who is greater.

The two are in different times and different fields, and they have done their best. If you insist on saying which of the two people is better or worse, it is really difficult to distinguish. It can only be said that Confucius is to China, just as the blood is to people, is the root; Qin Shi Huang is to China, just as the body is to man, it is the form. Both are indispensable.

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