
Two Wu Anjun: Where is Bai Qi now, Changping is empty, Li Mu is in danger, and mourning and hearing Jiugao

Wu Anjun (武安君), an ancient title. Wu'an people are known for their martial arts to rule the world and prestige and prestige.

Where is Wu Anjun, and the Changping matter is empty.

The power of the Qin state began with the Shang Dynasty's change of law. When King Qin Zhao was in power, he appointed Fan Ju as his prime minister, adopted a policy of long-distance and close attack, and cooperated with Bai Qi's fierce fighting style to kill 450,000 Zhao troops in the "Battle of Changping". Since then, the demise of the other six kingdoms has become almost a foregone conclusion.

Bai Qi served as the "Zuo Shu Commander" in the thirteenth year of King Qin Zhao, attacked Han ZhixinCheng, and was promoted to "Zuo Geng" the following year. He led his troops to attack Han and Wei, beheaded 240,000 people at the Battle of Yiqu, and captured his main generals, pulled out five cities, and was promoted to "national lieutenant" for his merits. Subsequently, it took the land east of Han Anyi to the Qianhe River, and was elevated to the title of "Daliangzao".

Two Wu Anjun: Where is Bai Qi now, Changping is empty, Li Mu is in danger, and mourning and hearing Jiugao

White up stills

Compared with Shang Jun's four-year promotion from "Zuo Shuchang" to "Great Liangzuo", It took Only Three Years for Bai Qi. However, it took him seventeen years from "Da Liang Zhao" to the title of "Wu An Jun", five years more than Shang Jun.

The brilliance of Wu Anjun's achievements in Baiqi is beyond his reach. The "Battle of Yique" beheaded 240,000 Han and Wei troops; attacked Chu three times, broke the capital of Ying, and destroyed 350,000 Chu troops; attacked Zhao, including the "Battle of Changping", annihilating a total of 600,000 people; attacking Han and Wei killing 300,000. From a military point of view, he was the most outstanding military general in Chinese history.

Two Wu Anjun: Where is Bai Qi now, Changping is empty, Li Mu is in danger, and mourning and hearing Jiugao

Stills of the martingale

It is recorded in the article "Hou YueJun Poultry and Horse Obedience" that the strategist had lobbied The Corresponding Marquis Fan Ju of Qin for the State of Zhao. The strategists believed that Wu'an Jun Baiqi had already captured more than seventy cities for the Qin state, and that he had eliminated mafujun Zhao Kuo's army in the "Battle of Changping" without losing a single soldier or pawn. Now That Wu'an Jun Baiqi will besiege Handan and destroy the State of Zhao, his military achievements are outstanding, and he will certainly be made the Third Duke. In this way, Ying Hou Fanju will become a subordinate of Bai Qi.

From this article, we can see that Wu Anjun Baiqi has already made great achievements in shocking the lord and threatened the position of Fan Ju, the prime minister at that time. Because of this, Fan Jucai later made peace with Zhao Guo and recalled Bai Qi.

Let us boldly imagine that if the State of Qin had not made peace with the State of Zhao at that time, I am afraid that the State of Qin would have unified the Six Kingdoms earlier. Bai Qi, because of his disagreement with Fan Ju, said that when the State of Qin attacked the Zhao state of Handan again, he said that he should not be summoned. Bai was first removed from his fiefdom and marched to the land of ten miles outside the Xianyang Gate, where he was chased by emissaries sent by the King of Qin, who gave him a sword and died.

Two Wu Anjun: Where is Bai Qi now, Changping is empty, Li Mu is in danger, and mourning and hearing Jiugao

Thinking of Li Mu in distress, he mourned and smelled Jiugao.

Li Mu, a general of the Zhao State, was also given the title of Wu Anjun(武安君). In the later years of the Zhao State, the national situation was already a candle in the wind, and the great general Li Mu repeatedly defeated the Qin army, which can be described as the "return to the light" of the Zhao State.

Li Mu was a veteran general left behind in the era of King Xiaocheng of Zhao, who once destroyed more than 100,000 Xiongnu horses. The Chronicle of the Xiongnu says: "When Zhao general Li Mu, the Xiongnu did not dare to enter the Zhao side."

Two Wu Anjun: Where is Bai Qi now, Changping is empty, Li Mu is in danger, and mourning and hearing Jiugao

Li Mu stills

During the reign of King Xiang of Zhao, he listened to rumors and wanted to make Le take advantage of Lianpo, and Lianpo was angry and attacked Lesheng, resulting in a situation of "Le riding away, Lianpo running to Wei" and losing both sides. As a result, Zhao Guo was left with only one general, Li Mu.

In the third year of King Youmiao of Zhao, the State of Qin sent Huan Gong to attack pingyang, Wucheng, and Yi'an of the Zhao state, but all of them were repelled by Li Mu's army under Fei. Li Mu was also awarded the title of Wu Anjun for his military merits. The following year, Qin Xing's troops attacked Yi and Taiyuan, but were repulsed by Li Mu.

At a time when the six countries were "raising the white flag", zhao guo was still able to compete with the qin state because Li Mu was still alive. Unfortunately, King Youmiao of Zhao listened to the anti-plot of his favored subjects and sent someone to kill Li Mu.

Two Wu Anjun: Where is Bai Qi now, Changping is empty, Li Mu is in danger, and mourning and hearing Jiugao

Portrait of Li Mu

The article "WenXinHou's Departure" records the death of Li Mu, the king of Wu'an, and the people of the world are full of lamentation after reading it. Wu Anjun Li Mu's right hand was sick and could not reach the ground, so he made a piece of wood to attach to his hand, which is a "prosthetic limb" in today's words.

When Li Mu went to see King Zhao, because his sleeve covered the "prosthetic limb", Han Cang told King Zhao that Li Mu was holding a dagger in his right hand and had the intention of rebellion.

Li Mu explained to Han Cang, and showed the wood of his right hand on the spot, but the villain Han Cang originally wanted him to die, and the "rebellion" in his mouth was a slanderous word. For Han Cang, whether Li Mu's right hand was wood or a dagger did not matter at all, his purpose was to make Li Mu die.

Therefore, Han Cang said, "Under the command of the king, give the death of the army to die, and do not forgive." The minister did not dare to speak." Li Muzhong, the Emperor of Wu'an, was loyal to the country, and even if he died, he did not dare to disobey.

Wu Anjun to the north will pray to death again, and the shrunken sword will condemn himself, saying: "No one is allowed to commit suicide in the palace."

Two Wu Anjun: Where is Bai Qi now, Changping is empty, Li Mu is in danger, and mourning and hearing Jiugao

Before Li Mu died, he was still a piece of boldness and loyalty, he did not commit suicide in the palace, but quickly walked out of Sima Men, and because his right arm was short enough to stab his neck, he grabbed the sword with his mouth and stabbed himself against the pillar and died.

Han Cang's villainous behavior, compared with Li Mu's bright and upright behavior, is really "looking forward to a thousand autumns and shedding tears." Since ancient times, military generals who want to establish military merit need to sacrifice their lives and forget their deaths, and often kill the enemy bravely in front of the battle, such as Li Mu, whose abdomen and back are injured by villains of the Inner Dynasty. The tragic fate of his end is resentful.

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