
Heavy trucks join the ranks of new energy vehicles? Are you kidding me? No, it's true!

Author | Geng Ting

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Talking about new energy electric vehicles,

What is your impression?

environmental protection

Subsidies are plentiful


Can't run long distances

You can't ride a heavy object

Under the guidance of the double carbon target, the hydrogen energy industry is ushering in another round of boom: not only will "hydrogen energy technology" become a key special project in the "14th Five-Year Plan" national key research and development plan for the first time, but also according to China's 80% coal power replacement rate in 2050, at least 160 million tons of hydrogen will be needed.

For Yu Zhuoping, chairman of Shanghai Intelligent New Energy Vehicle Science and Technology Innovation Function Platform Co., Ltd., who experienced the climax of the development of one-hydrogen fuel cell vehicles last time, this time the boom seems to be different. "The hydrogen fuel cell vehicle field before 2010 mainly depends on continuous government investment." He pointedly pointed out, "This time, not only the government is promoting, but also more business entities to join in, which will bring sustained impetus to the industry." ”

Heavy trucks join the ranks of new energy vehicles? Are you kidding me? No, it's true!

At the 2021 Hydrogen Energy Industry Summit Forum held at the Shanghai Science Hall on December 14, the sustainable development of hydrogen energy led by hydrogen fuel cell vehicles has become the focus of attention of all parties. Ma Xingfa, secretary of the party group and vice chairman of the Municipal Association for Science and Technology, Liu Ping, deputy director of the Municipal Economic and Information Commission, and Li Feng, deputy mayor of Jiading District, attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

Heavy trucks join the ranks of new energy vehicles? Are you kidding me? No, it's true!

Almost GG's hydrogen fuel cell vehicle route

In 2003, under the impetus of Wan Gang, the later Minister of Science and Technology and the current chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, China's hydrogen fuel cell vehicles staggered in many skeptical eyes and doubts.

"At that time, people also called Wan Gang Dr. Wan." Yu Zhuoping said, "Some people ridicule him, don't say that you are a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, you can put such a large fuel cell into a car, even if you are skilled." ”

Wan Gang's team not only put the battery into the "Beyond 1", a Santana 2000 sedan, but also let the car run successfully, achieving good data of accelerating 19 seconds per 100 kilometers and consuming about 1 kilogram of hydrogen per 100 kilometers.

Heavy trucks join the ranks of new energy vehicles? Are you kidding me? No, it's true!

With the support of many parties, China's hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have since made continuous breakthroughs. By the 2008 Beijing Olympics, 20 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were put into demonstration use. Two years later, at the Shanghai World Expo, the demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles directly reached 10 times - more than 200, the world's largest. Yu Zhuoping described this period as "the Ministry of Science and Technology stepping on the accelerator" to promote the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Just when China's hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are full of ambition, the United States announced that it will abandon the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle route. As soon as the news came out, almost all of the domestic hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were put to an end. "At that time, Wan Gang directly approached the heads of enterprises and relevant ministries and commissions and strongly demanded that this route be retained." Yu Zhuoping recalled that during this period of silence, SAIC became the only car company in China to undertake the two routes of hybrid vehicles and hydrogen fuel vehicles, and also reserved a spark for the subsequent restart of hydrogen fuel vehicles.

In 2015, Toyota launched the world's first commercial hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, which shocked the industry. "In this area, the United States was the first to lead, especially GM was once far ahead in technology. When Japan started in China in 2003, its technology was not much advanced. Yu Zhuoping said with emotion, but Toyota has never given up, has been working hard to insist on development, and eventually becomes the leader of the industry.

Today, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have once again become fragrant in China. Yu Zhuoping believes that in recent years, China has made great progress in this field. In addition to the lack of a few materials, it is not technically backward. More importantly, companies have also joined in, promoting hydrogen fuel cell vehicles from the laboratory to commercialization.

Hydrogen + heavy truck,

Hydrogen + ride-hailing,

Hydrogen +? ,

I feel that the future is very promising

Where is the commercialization of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles? Gan Yong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that hydrogen energy heavy trucks are the easiest areas to open. "Diesel-powered heavy trucks are densely packed in ports, terminals and industrial parks, which can easily cause serious pollution emissions." Gan Yong said that hydrogen fuel cells have the characteristics of being suitable for long distances and heavy loads, and are suitable for replacing diesel fuel with heavy trucks. Coastal ports are either convenient for planning and building hydrogen energy transmission pipe networks; or they can produce hydrogen through electrolysis of water, or large steel companies and co-production coking enterprises, which are easily obtained.

In an estimate for the country's major seaports, according to the calculation of transporting 30 tons of goods per vehicle and transporting a distance of 1,000 kilometers, a single vehicle consumes 250 kilograms of diesel, and these ports need to consume 4 million tons of diesel per month, which translates into about 2.4 million tons of hydrogen per month.

Yu Zhuoping pointed out that in addition to the recognized market opportunities for hydrogen energy heavy trucks, urban hydrogen fuel cell network ride-hailing should be regarded as an important development direction. Since hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have zero emissions and no pollution, 2,000 urban online ride-hailing vehicles are equivalent to one more world park-level "urban green lung".

Whether it is Gan Yong or Yu Zhuoping, they all mentioned that the use of low-carbon green hydrogen is the future of hydrogen energy development. Green hydrogen refers to hydrogen prepared using renewable energy. At present, most of the preparation of hydrogen in China comes from coal and natural gas, which will be doomed to be unsustainable under the future double carbon target.

"I'm not worried about the supply of green hydrogen." Yu Zhuoping expects that by 2030, the total installed capacity of wind power and solar power generation in China will reach 1.2 billion to 1.6 billion kilowatts, and the installed capacity is expected to reach 70 GW in accordance with the configuration of 5% of the electrolyzed water to hydrogen production of renewable energy, and the annual renewable hydrogen production will reach 5 million tons, accounting for 13% of the total annual demand for hydrogen. By 2060, this figure is expected to reach 80%.

Heavy trucks join the ranks of new energy vehicles? Are you kidding me? No, it's true!

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