
2022 Hundred People Will丨Wan Steel: The rapid growth of battery material prices deviates from supply and demand, resulting in abnormal growth

On March 25-27, 2022, the China Electric Vehicle 100 Forum (2022) was officially held. With the theme of "Meeting the New Stage of Market-oriented Development of New Energy Vehicles", the conference conducted in-depth discussions on many challenges and opportunities such as the development of the new energy automobile industry, double carbon targets, climate change, supply chain adjustment, in-depth application of information technology and intelligent technology, change of human travel mode, competition and cooperation among major countries, etc.

2022 Hundred People Will丨Wan Steel: The rapid growth of battery material prices deviates from supply and demand, resulting in abnormal growth

In the forum with the theme of "Greeting the New Stage of Market-oriented Development of New Energy Vehicles" held on the afternoon of the 26th, Wan Gang, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, delivered a speech, and the main views were as follows:

1. The development trend of the global new energy vehicle market: high-speed growth, increased penetration rate, intelligent development and full coverage of models;

2. Vehicle technical level and core technology improvement of key components;

3. Ensure the safety of the industrial chain and supply chain, and accelerate the realization of industrial integration and development.

The following is a transcript of the speech:

Dear Comrade Qingtai and comrades, good afternoon!

I am very happy to be able to participate in the 100-person forum again, due to the situation of the epidemic, many of our old friends can not meet on the spot offline, but our meeting on the cloud may attract more audiences and listeners from all walks of life, so I feel very happy here.

Today, I would like to share my views on "promoting the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry and helping to build a new development pattern". Mainly from three perspectives: first, the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle market; second, scientific and technological progress leads to innovation and breakthroughs; third, high-level open cooperation to cope with challenges and opportunities.

First, the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle market.

There are three obvious development trends in the global new energy vehicle market that I consider.

1. Continued to maintain a high-speed growth trend.

In 2021, global sales of new energy vehicles reached a new high, reaching 6.75 million units, an increase of 108% year-on-year. Among them, the European new energy vehicle market continued to grow, with sales reaching 2.338 million units, an increase of 66% year-on-year; new energy vehicles in the United States also increased significantly, increasing by more than 100%, and sales reached 670,000 units; China's new energy vehicle market continued to break through, with production and sales increasing by more than 160% year-on-year, and sales reached 3.52 million units. From the perspective of the overall trend of the world, the number of new energy vehicles has exceeded 15 million. We have promoted more than 18 million vehicles in the past decade, and the number in China is more than 9 million, which means that we continue to maintain more than half of the world's ownership and production and sales.

2. The market penetration rate of new energy vehicles continues to increase.

At the 2021 World New Energy Vehicle Conference, we all got a consensus that such a large industry as an automobile will enter an accelerated stage after its market penetration rate exceeds 5%, and after more than 10%, it will enter a new stage of marketization. From the figures in 2021, we can see that the penetration rate of the new energy vehicle market in Europe has reached 16.5%. In 2021, China's new energy vehicle penetration rate reached 13.4%, and it basically showed a monthly growth from the beginning of the year, until December reached the highest level of the whole year. The first two months of this year also maintained a state of rapid penetration growth. Therefore, the European Union has proposed a goal of zero emissions by 2035, including the United States has also proposed that new energy vehicles account for 50% by 2030. Last year, I had the opportunity to have a face-to-face dialogue with many international car companies, and I also learned that major multinational auto companies have put forward their own goals for the development of new energy vehicles.

3. Promote the high-quality development of new energy vehicles.

From the perspective of China's new energy vehicles. The first feature is the electrification of intelligent empowerment. In 2021, China's new energy passenger cars have basically achieved full coverage of the Internet of Vehicles, and some leading auto companies have launched mass-produced new cars equipped with V2X technology. L2 level driving assistance system in the market penetration rate of new energy vehicles reached 38%, and so on Director Miao has an accurate report, in all the automobile production of new energy vehicle penetration rate is relatively high, especially the high-level automatic driving demonstration application, we can see that autonomous driving cars in mines, trunk logistics, commuter buses, ports, functional unmanned vehicles including delivery have been used. Second, passenger car models have basically reached full coverage. In 2021, there are a total of 70 new energy models newly listed in our country, and the total number of new energy vehicle models currently on sale has reached 289, which means that it covers the whole process of cars, SUVs and MPVs.

Second, scientific and technological progress leads to innovative breakthroughs.

It is mainly reflected in three aspects:

1. The technical level of the whole vehicle has been significantly improved.

The dedicated platform for pure electric, including everyone in today's exhibition, is a wide range of integrated integrated design, which reduces the cost of vehicle development and the complexity of the production process, realizes the vehicle power, mileage, high and low temperature energy consumption, vehicle safety, and leaves sufficient space for intelligent expansion. Second, intelligent thermal management technology, which is a pain point of our new energy vehicles, intelligent thermal management technology has made progress and can support the use of new energy vehicles in an environment of minus 30 degrees. At the same time, we are also very happy to see that some of our enterprises have begun to accelerate the landing of 800V high-voltage platforms, which is very obvious for reducing energy consumption, improving acceleration performance, and effectively improving the efficiency of vehicle operation.

The just-concluded Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games were successfully held, including the contribution of new energy vehicles, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games demonstration a total of nearly 1200 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, the cumulative carbon reduction can reach 220 billion tons, ensuring the carbon neutrality and zero carbon emissions of the entire Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. I had the privilege of going to Yanqing the day before yesterday to observe and ride in this car, we took this car to the center of the sleigh, its slope is close to 20 degrees, but our fuel cell bus climbed up without any difficulty. You told me that there were some nights during the Winter Olympics at minus 20 degrees, but most of our fuel cell vehicles were able to spend the winter outdoors, which also reflected the progress of fuel cell vehicles. You can see that climbing such a road on a snowy day in the animation is not a general function, so I think this provides a good demonstration site for the development of hydrogen energy vehicles in our country.

Judging from the demonstration operation scenarios in various places, the comprehensive development of hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicles has entered the demonstration application of multiple scenarios of commercial vehicles. The life of fuel cells generally reaches more than 10,000 hours, and some of the systems in operation of fuel cell vehicles have reached 30,000 hours. The infrastructure of hydrogen energy, including green hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, operation and refueling, has favorablely supported the application of hydrogen fuel cells in long-distance passenger transport, long-distance freight, logistics, docks, mines and other long-distance heavy-duty fields.

2. The core technology of key components has gone up to the next level.

High nickel ternary cathode materials and silicon/carbon composite anode materials were successfully developed and tested, and mass production and loading of 300Wh/kg power batteries were realized. The monomer energy density of hybrid solid-liquid batteries can reach 360Wh/kg, which has undergone cycle life experiments and is preparing to enter the loading stage this year. At the same time, we have also carried out a forward-looking study of a single 4.5V lithium nickel manganate power battery. What is even happier is the third generation of semiconductors, that is to say, the function modules of silicon-based semiconductors These controllers have realized mass production applications, achieved a significant reduction in the size and weight of the controller, and the peak power can reach more than 99%.

What is even happier is that we have been concerned that with the innovation of the entire electric vehicle electric framework since the new energy vehicle, there is now a double improvement in safety and efficiency. First of all, whether from the research and development of the enterprise, from the research institute, we have gradually reached a car control architecture through the distributed to the domain centralized to the central centralized development, that is, in the near future our domain centralized can cover the electric drive system, driving system and cockpit and external contact, this breakthrough for our next chip breakthrough has a good leading role.

3. While developing the architecture, we have laid down the information security protection of the whole vehicle and found the idea, that is to say, we will leap from border defense to active security defense system in depth. That is to say, the car can build a firewall while it is connected to the Internet to prevent malicious attacks, and at the same time, it can resist the erosion of Trojans in the prevention and control of the intranet, especially in the underlying defense system, which can resist the attack of toxic data and be established through the cryptographic system. In such a situation, we can realize the early perception of threats and dynamic real-time response, ensure the safety of automobile information, and build a solid foundation for the safe operation of new energy vehicles.

Third, high-level openness and cooperation to cope with challenges and opportunities.

While seeing the results, we still face great challenges, but at the same time we have great opportunities.

First of all, the security of the industrial chain and supply chain. The pain point of the world's automotive industry last year was the supply of chips. The supply of chips is affected by many aspects from the surface, such as fires, such as large-scale power outages in some places have affected the supply of chips, reflected in the lack of one or two chips in hundreds of ECUs, some are door control, some are air conditioners, some are ESP and so on, the lack of stock has prevented the development of the entire automotive industry. But at the same time, what we are talking about from the perspective of our architectural changes, the design of our chips also provides an aspect, that is, when we look back to solve the problem of architecture today, we have to consider the development of our current domain controllers, that is, the design of the new generation of automotive chips is more from the reliability, credibility and basic functions and basic performance to consider, so that it has a programmable space and room, so as to lay a foundation for the future of software-defined cars.

In terms of supply chain, we still encounter a problem, that is, the rapid growth of battery materials, especially since the second half of last year, has deviated from the growth of supply and demand, resulting in an abnormal growth. Lithium carbonate, for example, could have grown 10 times in the last year. Therefore, for the new energy automobile industry, to improve the supply level of battery supply materials, it is also necessary to rely on development and management, and to promote scientific and technological innovation around resource mining and refining, battery technology research and development innovation, and recycling system construction, especially now in battery research, low nickel, low lithium, low cobalt or cobalt-free batteries are the direction of development, and the corresponding energy can also be achieved. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out market management of lithium and other raw material trading markets, and to strengthen international cooperation in the smooth channels of international logistics and trade processes to ensure the supply of global power battery materials.

Last year, the "Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of the New Energy Automobile Industry" was promulgated, and the characteristics of our plan are to promote the integration of vehicle energy, vehicle-road coordination, and vehicle network interconnection in the aspect of intelligence. We are pleased to see that power grid companies and automotive companies have begun to cooperate, and in Beijing, including today's booth, we can see the construction of A V2G demonstration station with V2G charging piles, while enabling cars to be used as a storage power source and regional network distribution networks to coordinate. In addition, in terms of vehicle-road collaboration and vehicle-network interaction, a vehicle perception and roadside perception, as well as regional cloud cooperation, have gradually formed a vehicle perception, and this architectural form also provides a foundation for future vehicle-road collaboration.

In general, the integration of vehicle energy, vehicle-road coordination, and vehicle network interconnection provide cognitive intelligence beyond visual perception for future automatic driving. But in this regard, I understand in my research that there are still some obstacles. For example, the calculation of the price of electricity and the acceptance of users when the car is used as an energy storage body to transmit electricity to the network still need to be experimented. Vehicle and roadside systems it needs a mutual trust, I have communicated with the CEOs of several large enterprises, their concern is whether you can fully cover the roadside system. In fact, it is all a complementary one, don't we also look at traffic light signals when we drive cars now? The red-green signal also has the piece that goes out, and we all have our own way. So I think this is in the process of growth, but the important task of our demonstration experimental area is to gradually achieve full coverage of this aspect.

Therefore, cross-border integration needs to strengthen understanding, mutual trust and cooperation between industries, and jointly build cross-field standards and norms. There is also our common responsibility, we must remember at all times to maintain data security and user privacy protection, which is the concept of social public safety, but also an important principle of our development of artificial intelligence ethics and standard norms.

Therefore, in the face of the trend of cross-industry integration and development of new energy vehicles, we must further strengthen the overall planning and organizational coordination of automobiles and energy, transportation, information and communication industries in terms of policies, standards, cutting-edge technology demonstration, etc., promote departmental coordination, clarify the division of responsibilities, strengthen the implementation of work, unite development synergies, and accelerate the realization of a higher level of industrial integration and development.

Our third important challenge, and the most important at present, is how to implement the country's "double carbon" strategy.

I am very pleased that the day before yesterday the National Development and Reform Commission issued a medium- and long-term plan for hydrogen energy development and the specific goals of the "14th Five-Year Plan", I think the "double carbon" strategy is related to the overall situation, is an important strategic measure to drive the high-quality development of various industries, and maintain economic growth, social tranquility and ecological civilization. Specifically, for carbon neutrality, our entire automotive industry should work together to release the roadmap for the green and low-carbon development of the automotive industry as soon as possible, to clarify the policy standard system framework with low carbon as the core, and to conduct in-depth research on the industrial chain footprint of the whole industry. All walks of life in Europe are in the forefront, and the future management of our cars, including the policy of double integrals, must move forward in the direction of low carbon. It is necessary to break through the core bottleneck technology of low carbon and strengthen the coordination of international rules to work together towards carbon neutrality.

Some studies have pointed out that commercial vehicles are the focus and difficulty of carbon emission reduction in the current automobile industry, and there is a comparative study. For example, the european union's commercial vehicles and its car ownership is also about 5%, but its carbon emissions account for 40%, this phenomenon is more prominent in our country's large number of countries. We actually own only about 5% of our passenger cars, but carbon emissions account for more than 50% of the entire industry. Therefore, we need to build a platform for international cooperation and exchange, unite the synergy of the upstream and downstream development of the industrial chain, jointly explore the path of technological innovation, strengthen the collaborative research of science and technology, carry out forward-looking demonstration and promotion, strengthen the coordination of standards and regulations, and accelerate the low-carbon transformation of commercial vehicles.

I would like to say here that carbon neutrality is actually the goal of development that is now agreed upon in the world. International exchanges and cooperation are very important. Over the past few years, we have made a significant breakthrough in a common effort at the Global Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation, and this Paris climate conference. In the World New Energy Vehicle Conference in Hainan, everyone has reached a consensus, and perhaps our focus will be on how to jointly explore more in-depth international cooperation in this regard, at least to achieve the synergy of standards and rules, in order to work together for the future.

Dear comrades and friends. Facing the new requirements of high-quality development of new energy vehicles, we must coordinate development and safety, continue to promote scientific and technological innovation, strengthen policy coordination, consolidate the foundation of industrial development, build a new pattern of stability and security of the industrial chain and supply chain, comprehensively promote the comprehensive market-oriented development of new energy vehicles, make positive contributions to the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry, and achieve the goal of "double carbon", and greet the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party with our excellent results, thank you!

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