
Musk was named Person of the Year

Webmaster's House ( December 14 News: On December 13, local time in the United States, Time magazine announced that Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla, has become the magazine's 2021 person of the year.

Time magazine editor-in-chief Edward Feltenthal said of Musk, "Call him a clown, a genius, an industrialist or a performer, but he is a man who is eager to save the planet and is committed to building new habitats for humanity." "Almost no one can match his impact on life on Earth, or even on extraterrestrial life." Time magazine also wrote, "When he crossed the earth, he dreamed of Mars in his heart." His influence is everywhere, dominating Wall Street at the snap of a finger. ”

However, Elon Musk said in an interview with Time that he does not think his tweets have a big impact on the market and investors should pay less attention to his tweets. "The market has been self-fluctuating and as far as I know there is no basis for it," he said. So, is the statement I made materially different from the random fluctuations in stocks that may occur? I don't think so. ”

In addition, Musk said that he is now single and still in a "semi-detached state" with his girlfriend Grimes. Musk said, "We don't meet very often, and I think it's going to be a long-term thing in a way because she's mostly in Los Angeles or on tour, and my job is mostly in remote areas like this." ”

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