
Tesla CEO Musk was named Time Magazine's 2021 Person of the Year

The U.S. Stock Research Agency learned that according to the news of Titanium Media on December 14, on December 13, local time, the US "Time" magazine announced that the 2021 annual figure was Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla.

"Almost no one can match his impact on life on Earth, or even on extraterrestrial life." Time magazine editor-in-chief Edward Feltenthal said of Musk.

Tesla CEO Musk was named Time Magazine's 2021 Person of the Year

Time magazine's People of the Year selection began in 1927, and the winners can be individuals or groups, with positive or negative effects. In 2020, the winners were U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Harris.

Time magazine said in an article about Musk, "As the richest man in the world, Musk does not have a house and has been selling property lately." He puts the satellite into orbit and runs on solar energy; he drives a car of his own making that requires little gasoline and little driver. The flick of his finger can cause the stock price to skyrocket or plummet. His every word was taken as a guideline by a large group of fans. He also dreamed of colonizing Mars when he swept across the globe, and his square jaw revealed indomitability."

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