
The previous knowledge point is blank! Emperor Wen of Han was not in the mouth of the phoenix

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Ma Li Correspondent Guo Nan

Today (14th) morning, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage held an online meeting in Beijing, at which it was announced that the bailuyuan Jiangcun tomb in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, is the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han.

The shape and scale of the Jiangcun Tomb are in line with the highest level tomb specifications of the Western Han Dynasty, coupled with the distribution of the Tomb of Empress Dou and the Tomb of Empress Bo around it, experts confirm that the Tomb of Jiangcun is the Tomb of emperor Wen of Han.

The previous knowledge point is blank! Emperor Wen of Han was not in the mouth of the phoenix

The archaeological investigation and excavation of the HanWen Emperor's Tomb began in the 1960s, after the Location of the Han Dynasty Emperor's Tomb of Emperor Han was not decorated with gold, silver, copper and tin, because its mountain could not afford a grave. ”

Located on the banks of Bailuyuan in the south of Maoyaoyuan Village, Xiwang Street, Baqiao District, Phoenix Mouth is a prominent hill, and the whole mountain shape is very similar to the imperial tomb sealing soil.

The previous knowledge point is blank! Emperor Wen of Han was not in the mouth of the phoenix

The "phoenix mouth" of the Han Dynasty Emperor's tomb

From 2011 to 2013, the Hanling archaeological team repeatedly conducted a large-scale and meticulous exploration of Fenghuangzui by various technical means such as archaeological exploration and geological exploration, and found no remains of Han Dynasty mausoleums. Archaeologists began investigating and excavating the Jiangcun Tomb two kilometers away from The Phoenix Mouth.

The previous knowledge point is blank! Emperor Wen of Han was not in the mouth of the phoenix

The Jiangcun Tomb, located on the eastern outskirts of Xi'an, was discovered in 2001 and was once mistaken for the tomb of Princess Liu Yan (the concubine of Emperor Wen of Han and Empress Dou).

The previous knowledge point is blank! Emperor Wen of Han was not in the mouth of the phoenix

Aerial panorama of Baling Mausoleum Area (Mausoleum of Empress Dou, Excavation Site of Gangchon Tomb, Nanling Tomb)

From 2017 to the present, archaeologists have explored and discovered the outer cemetery wall of The Great Tomb of Gangchon and the architectural site. More than 1,000 pieces of various types of ceramic figurines and more than 3,000 pieces of gold, silver, copper and iron pottery cultural relics have been unearthed.

Ma Yongyi, a researcher at the Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Research Institute and the leader of the Hanling Archaeological Team, said in an interview with Shaanxi Television News that in the northeast corner of the Jiangcun Tomb, in the outer pit about 40 meters long, archaeologists found dense pottery figurines, and a large number of ceramic figurines are painted nude clay figurines, which are known as dressed pottery figurines in archaeology.

The previous knowledge point is blank! Emperor Wen of Han was not in the mouth of the phoenix

Part of the painted pottery figurines excavated from Emura Tomb K15

A thousand-year-long misunderstanding was brought to an end. At the meeting, a total of three important archaeological achievements were also reported, namely the Zhengpingfang site in Luoyang, Henan, and the Tuguhun tomb group in Wuwei, Gansu.

The previous knowledge point is blank! Emperor Wen of Han was not in the mouth of the phoenix

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