
The Eighteenth Route Princes failed in their crusade against Dong Zhuo, so why did Sun Jian march west alone and take Luoyang in one fell swoop

The Eighteenth Route Princes failed in their crusade against Dong Zhuo, so why did Sun Jian march west alone and take Luoyang in one fell swoop

In August of the sixth year of Zhongping (189 AD), Dong Zhuo led a large army of Western Liang into the capital Luoyang and effectively controlled the Eastern Han Dynasty. Due to Dong Zhuo's perverse behavior in Luoyang, which caused the world to be indignant, the Kwantung states and counties rose up in a crusade, and in the first year of Chuping (190 AD), all the soldiers and horses jointly promoted Yuan Shao as the ally and united with the Kwantung states and counties to fight against Dong Zhuo.

However, in the historical records, the Eighteenth Route Princes' discussion of Dong Zhuo was not as wonderful as recorded in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and "Wenjiu Chopping Huaxiong" and "Three Ying Battle Lü Bu" did not occur at all, in fact, the princes of all roads did not join forces at all, let alone launch a large-scale attack on Dong Zhuo's army.

The Eighteenth Route Princes failed in their crusade against Dong Zhuo, so why did Sun Jian march west alone and take Luoyang in one fell swoop

The combined forces of Dong dong were divided into three routes

After the Kwantung Coalition army, a semi-circular battle line from east to south was formed with Dong Zhuo, "Shao and Hanoi Taishou Wang KuangTun Hanoi, Jizhou Mu Han Fu Liu Ye, give his army food; Yuzhou Thorn Shi Kong Ling Tun Yingchuan, Yanzhou Thorn Shi Liu Dai, Chen Liu Taishou Zhang Mi, Mi Di Guangling Tai Shou Chao, Dong Jun Tai Shou Tai Shou Qiao Qiao, Shanyang Tai Shou Yuan Yi, Jibei Xiang Bao Xin and Cao Cao Ju Tun Sour Jujube; The later general Yuan Shutun Luyang, tens of thousands of people each."

The Eighteenth Route Princes failed in their crusade against Dong Zhuo, so why did Sun Jian march west alone and take Luoyang in one fell swoop

All three coalition forces were defeated

Dong Zhuo arranged to move the capital to Chang'an on the one hand, and on the other hand, he sat in Luoyang to confront the Kwantung Coalition Army. Yuan Shao and others were afraid of the strength of the Qianghu corps led by Dong Zhuo and did not dare to go to war, only Cao Cao once took the initiative to attack, but was defeated by Dong Zhuo's general Xu Rong, and soon the acid jujube grain ran out, and the troops were scattered. Wang Kuang of Hanoi and Sun Jian, the vanguard of Yuan Shu, were also defeated by Dong Zhuo's troops. The Kwantung Coalition suffered defeats in three directions.

The Eighteenth Route Princes failed in their crusade against Dong Zhuo, so why did Sun Jian march west alone and take Luoyang in one fell swoop

And the State Army and the Liangzhou Army were at odds, and Sun Jian won the first game

In the second year of the Eastern Han Dynasty (191 AD), Sun Jian regrouped his forces and sent troops from Luyang to attack Dong Zhuo again. Dong Zhuo ordered Hu Yun and Lü Bu to meet the battle, with Hu Yun as the main commander and Lü Bu as the deputy. Hu Yi was a general in the Liangzhou Army, and he had a long-term disagreement with Lü Bu and other state soldiers, and this time he said bluntly that "when a green silk (alluding to Lü Bu) sacrifice flag". As a result, as soon as the two sides fought, Lü Bu led the Hezhou army to retreat, and Hu Yun's army was overwhelmed by Sun Jian's battle, and the governor Huaxiong was also beheaded.

The Eighteenth Route Princes failed in their crusade against Dong Zhuo, so why did Sun Jian march west alone and take Luoyang in one fell swoop

Dong Zhuo made up his mind to move the capital to Chang'an, and Sun Jian won the second game

After Hu Yi and Lü Bu fled in defeat, Dong Zhuo personally led his army to meet the battle, and the two sides fought a decisive battle near the Tomb of the Han Emperor in Shandong. At this time, Dong Zhuo had completed all the preparations for moving the capital to Chang'an, and had no intention of fighting at all, and most of the elites were busy escorting the emperor's hundred officials, driving out the people of Luoyang, and plundering grain and grass. Sun Jian's army had just been victorious, morale was high, and this time it was a big victory again.

After Dong Zhuo's defeat, he left Lü Buzhen to defend Luoyang and fled to Shichi himself. Lü Bu was not a fool, and soon led his army to escape, allowing Sun Jian to successfully take luoyang city.

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