
Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

author:Leaves talk about anecdotes


During the Three Kingdoms period, although the Soochow regime could not unify the world in the end, its entrepreneurial history was magnificent. The reason why Soochow was able to survive and grow in the war-torn and turbulent times was largely due to its founding hero, Sun Jian. Sun Jian is not only the father of Sun Ce, the founder of Soochow, but also the founder of Soochow's entrepreneurial team. With his extraordinary martial arts and military exploits, he stepped up to the pinnacle of his life step by step, leaving an immortal legend for future generations.

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

For many years, his ancestral home is Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and his family background is not prominent

Sun Jian was born during the reign of Emperor Huan of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was a turbulent and changeable era. At that time, Liang Ji, a powerful minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty, controlled the government and controlled the entire central government. Sun Jian was born in a typical strong family in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and his ancestors have been officials for generations. However, before Sun Jian, the Sun family could only be regarded as a small family in the local area, far inferior to the gate valve clan in later generations.

According to research, the Sun family was only a county-level official in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was far from the illustrious family background of Zhou Yu, Huang Gai and others. But fortunately, the Sun family is well-known in the local area and is deeply loved by the people. It is this foundation that laid a solid foundation for the later take-off of the Sun family.

The young man is heroic and outstanding, and he is showing his edge

Sun Jian has shown extraordinary courage and courage since he was a child. Legend has it that when he was 17 years old, Sun Jian encountered water bandits when he traveled with his father, and Sun Jian personally picked up a big knife to kill them, and commanded Jia Ding and other robbed merchants to surround and annihilate the water bandits. This heroic performance immediately spread throughout Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Sun Jian became famous.

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

According to records, a villager who was present at the time recalled: "That day I saw from afar a tall young man wielding a long knife, with a momentum like a tiger! He was athletic and heroic, and although his men were a little sloppy, everyone's eyes followed the young man closely. ";" I heard that it was the son of the Sun family, he was only 17 years old at the time, which is really amazing!"

With this fearless courage and leadership, Sun Jian was soon recruited by the county to temporarily take the position of lieutenant of the county's middle martial arts. Since then, this promising young man has officially embarked on his official career.

Conquer the Quartet and make many achievements

Not long after Sun Jian was promoted to lieutenant, fate opened up new opportunities for him. At that time, Huiji County was being harassed by a local armed uprising, and the county was in urgent need of suppression, so Sun Jian, as a military attaché, naturally had an unshirkable responsibility. So he quickly recruited thousands of militiamen, and together with the officers and soldiers, he quickly quelled this small unrest.

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

This merit was directly reported to the central government, and after the meritorious deeds were rewarded, Sun Jian was promoted to the county leader, which can be regarded as officially entering the official career. In the next few years, he successively served as a county governor in Yandu, Xuyi, and Xiapi counties, laying a solid foundation for the future.

"When we heard that someone had started an incident, we had a lot of heart. However, soon came the good news of quelling the chaos, and it turned out that Sun Gongzi from our county led the militia with the cooperation of the county's people. A local villager is said to have recalled, "The unrest was resolved fairly quickly, much smoother than we expected." "

At this moment, the Eastern Han Dynasty suffered a heavy blow - the sensational Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out! In the face of such a grim situation, Zhu Jun and other three heroes of the late Han Dynasty personally took on the important task of suppression, and recruited a group of young and promising generals to serve as subordinates. It was during this period that Liu Bei and Cao Cao began their military careers. At the same time, Zhu Jun also found Sun Jian and strongly recommended him to join the army of suppression.

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

"I heard that the young man named Sun Jian is very skilled and brave. He is also well-known in the county, and has always been a brave man. A veteran who followed Zhu Jun at the time recalled, "When we old brothers saw him, we did give people a sense of energy. "

In the subsequent battle of Wancheng, Sun Jian's bravery was even more evident. It is said that at that time, the head of the city was surrounded by water, Zhu Jun was helpless, at this moment, Sun Jian stepped forward, fearless in danger, personally took the lead in the city, and then commanded the army to take advantage of the situation and took Wancheng in one fell swoop.

"The large army was blocked under the city and could not move, and we were afraid that if we continued to fight, we would suffer heavy losses." A veteran who participated in the battle of Wancheng recalled, "I didn't expect General Sun to make a quick decision and pounce bravely, which gave us great encouragement, and then everyone worked hard to finally conquer Wancheng." "

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

This is undoubtedly an eye-catching achievement, so after the war, Zhu Jun promoted Sun Jian to the military attache system and served as the Sima of other departments. Since then, Sun Jian has officially embarked on the road of military service, and a bright future is in front of him.

He has made many meritorious contributions and his official fortune has been prosperous

After the Battle of Wancheng, Sun Jian's reputation rose to prominence and soon attracted the attention of another general. At that time, Zhang Wen, the senior officer in charge of the military affairs of the Eastern Han Dynasty, encountered a local rebellion in the Liangzhou area, and urgently needed to recruit a group of elite generals. After learning about Sun Jian's record, Zhang Wen recruited him into his command without hesitation.

"Sun Jian has such courage at such a young age, it's a rare talent!" Zhang Wen said to his cronies, "If there is a general like him to assist, the Liangzhou Rebellion will soon be quelled." "

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

Sure enough, under the leadership of Zhang Wen, Sun Jian soon established a great contribution in the Battle of Liangzhou. Although he failed to completely quell the rebellion this time, Zhang Wen looked at Sun Jian differently and quickly added Houlu to him.

More than a year later, another riot broke out in Changsha County. This time, the central government directly appointed Sun Jian as the Taishou of Changsha and personally went to quell the rebellion

The Changsha Rebellion was pacified, and Sun Jian became famous

For Sun Jian, who is just 33 years old, the heavy responsibility of Changsha Taishou is undoubtedly a big test. However, with the commanding skills honed over the years, Sun Jian quickly reorganized his troops and quickly contained the spread of unrest in Changsha County.

It is said that a local old man later recalled: "It was really hard to get through that time, there were rioters everywhere, and the smell of gunpowder was everywhere inside and outside the city." Fortunately, with Sun Taishou guarding the town, we were able to get through that difficult period. "

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

In just a few months, Sun Jian led his soldiers to fight diligently, and soon completely quelled the Changsha Rebellion. After that, he was stationed in the local area for more than a year, straightening out all the military affairs that had accumulated in the end, and winning the long-lost peace for the people. Before leaving, the citizens of Changsha County stayed one after another, feeling grateful.

At that time, Sun Taishou could be described as vigorous and resolute, killing two birds with one stone, calming the chaos and stabilizing the edge. The people hope that he can stay here and continue to do his best for Changsha. It's a pity that the mansion is too young, and I'm afraid that my life will not be long. "

The old man's concerns were not unreasonable. In fact, at the same time that Sun Jian put down the Changsha Rebellion and became more and more prestigious, new variables had begun to emerge in the situation. There was turmoil in Beijing, Emperor Ling of Han was taken hostage by Dong Zhuo, and the government fell into chaos.

With years of experience in serving the country, Sun Jian naturally would not tolerate Dong Zhuo's autocratic behavior. So he didn't say a word, immediately withdrew from Changsha, led the main force to the Central Plains, and vowed to crusade against Dong thief.

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

All the way to the battle unhindered, bravely stand up against Dong meritorious service

Sun Jian's journey after leaving Changsha was smooth and smooth. He first forced Wang Rui, the assassin of Jingzhou, to death, and then he was invincible, killing several people in a row, and finally joined Yuan Shu's army in Luyang. Along the way, Sun Jian already had tens of thousands of elite divisions under his command, and he fully controlled the territory of the two counties.

"At that time, I was running a business in Hebei, and Sun Taishou led people from Changsha all the way to kill the generals, and his achievements were impressive!" According to a descendant of a merchant who had seen Sun Jian's army, he recalled, "I have never seen his army in such a high quality and strong fighting force." "

By this time, Sun Jian's family foundation was already strong, and his own military strength was extremely strong. In the troubled times at that time, he was fully qualified to compete for the position of the hegemon of one side. And Sun Jian's next goal is to crusade against the ill-intentioned Dong thief.

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step

It is recorded that a literati commented, "He was so brave and brilliant that he was enough to lead the army to the Central Plains." "

Sure enough, after joining forces with Yuan Shu, Sun Jian quickly waved his army directly at Dong Zhuo. He not only personally led the army to defeat Dong Zhuo several times, but also stood out among the ranks of the princes to discuss Dong, and repeatedly made miraculous achievements.

"Mrs. Sun guards the three armies of the brave crown! It's a pity that he died young, and if he lives to the future, he will definitely not be underestimated. An old minister remembered, "If you can live to the Three Kingdoms period like Cao Cao and Liu Bei, I'm afraid the situation will be completely different." "

Sun Jian's family history - Relying on bloody exploits to rise step by step


To sum up, Sun Jian's process of making a fortune can indeed be described as Meng Lang's ambition. From an obscure small county magistrate, to later great achievements, leading tens of thousands of troops, his reputation spread far and wide. His life is legendary, not only creating the foundation of the founding of Soochow, but also writing an unforgettable family epic.

It is worth mentioning that before Sun Jian's death, his age was basically the same as Cao Cao and Liu Bei, and even a few years older. It's a pity that he died young, and he couldn't witness the whole process of the Three Kingdoms Ding Revolution. But the foundation of Jiangdong created by him undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for the later Sun Ce and Sun Quan.

From this point of view, although Soochow has drifted away in the long river of history, it has also left a legendary page. Sun Jian can be called the greatest hero in the history of Soochow entrepreneurship, and his heroic deeds and family history will be remembered in the world and immortal.

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