
The emperor of the Nine Dynasties, Anhui, is a hegemon in southern Anhui, and the southern provinces, why is Anhui so special?

There is such a paragraph on the Internet: Northerners and southerners quarrel, and northerners say: You know what? The great unification dynasty in Chinese history is basically unified from north to south, and the south is only unified!

Southerners retorted: You know what? The great unified dynasty in Chinese history was basically led by southerners to complete the unification of the north, such as Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gaozu, a person from Peixian County, Jiangsu, Xiang Yu, a king of Western Chu, a native of Suqian in Jiangsu, a cao cao of The Xiang Dynasty, a native of Bo (bo) Prefecture in Anhui, a person from Liu Yu, the founding emperor of the Southern Dynasty, a native of Suzhou in Anhui, a person from Later Liang, a native of Suzhou in Anhui, a native of Zhu Yuanzhang the Hongwu Emperor, and a native of Fengyang in Anhui!

The emperor of the Nine Dynasties, Anhui, is a hegemon in southern Anhui, and the southern provinces, why is Anhui so special?

Hey, you may have a question, the southern territory is so big, how can Anhui be rich in emperors? Not only the emperor, but also the fierce people, during the Three Kingdoms period, there were Cao Cao, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lü Meng, and during the Ming Dynasty, there were Xu Da, Li Wenzhong, Tang He, Chang Yuchun and other famous generals, Zhu Yuanzhang relied on them to complete the only great cause of unification from south to north in Chinese history!

The emperor of the Nine Dynasties, Anhui, is a hegemon in southern Anhui, and the southern provinces, why is Anhui so special?

We take a longer-term view, whether it is the Three Kingdoms, the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, or the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, Anhui this piece of land is full of celebrities, not only can lead the wind of an era, but also at a critical moment to determine the Chinese, it can be described as very magical, no wonder some people will say: Anhui people, the place where the dragon vein gathers! You can get the world!

So where is the magic of Anhui? In this article, let's combine astronomical geography and the history of Anhui to make an in-depth understanding!

When I was in college, the Anhui classmates in the class often complained to me, saying: Anhui people are actually quite embarrassed, in the eyes of northerners, they are southerners, but in the eyes of southerners, they are northerners!

The emperor of the Nine Dynasties, Anhui, is a hegemon in southern Anhui, and the southern provinces, why is Anhui so special?

Why this perception is formed, let's take a look at the map of Anhui Province. From the map, the Yangtze River, Huaihai these two large rivers horizontally throughout the territory of Anhui Province, just like cutting a cake, the Anhui Province is completely divided into three parts, ancient traffic is not as convenient as now, the isolation of rivers and mountains, resulting in the bulk of The interior of Anhui Province.

Although everyone is the same as Anhui people, but the south of the Yangtze River is heavy and mountainous, is the gentleness of the small bridge flowing water people, the north of the Yangtze River is the Wanli Plain, the wind blows grass low to see cattle and sheep, and gives the Anhui people the heroism on the grassland, coupled with the different words in the north of the Jiangnan River, the customs are different, so different cultures collide here, integrate, ferment, sublimate, even if there will be contradictions, but under the strong kneading of the administrative system of the ancient Chinese Great Unification Dynasty, this contradiction has formed an organic unity, and finally gave birth to Anhui's brilliant ideological culture.

This contradiction and unity of ideology and culture is quite like the controversy of a hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, which allows the people in it to learn to unify in dialectics and establish their own thinking system in unification, so that whenever the world is in turmoil, Anhui people can always seize the opportunity and take advantage of the situation. For example, Zhu Yuanzhang's classmate, the grassroots of the grassroots, begging origin, did not go to school at all, but his strategic thinking is invincible in the world, let's see how he defeated Zhang Shicheng and Chen Youyu!

The emperor of the Nine Dynasties, Anhui, is a hegemon in southern Anhui, and the southern provinces, why is Anhui so special?

In the south at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there were three main forces, namely Zhang Shicheng, who was entrenched in Jiangsu, who divided the two lakes and occupied Jingchu, chen Youyu, who was the most powerful, and Zhu Yuanzhang, who was guarding Anhui; in terms of economic strength, Chen Youyi had the largest territory and the most taxes, not only with a million, but also with a fierce general like a cloud, Zhang Shicheng occupied the richest Jiangsu, Suhu was ripe, the world was enough, and if there was money, someone was willing to give his life, and the poorest of the three forces was Zhu Yuanzhang, who was surrounded by Zhang Chen and the two people, and could hardly move.

If he dared to hit Chen Youyu, he would have to prevent Zhang Shicheng from sneaking in from behind, and if he dared to hit Zhang Shicheng, he would have to prevent Chen Youyu from sneaking in from behind, in short, the most unlikely person to get the world was zhu Yuanzhang. The three forces all want to get the world, and naturally it is impossible to exhaust them, especially Zhu Yuanzhang, who is facing a difficult choice, which force to fight with first!

At this time, his advisers proposed that Chen Youyou could not move, his territory was too large, across the Jingxiang Cave Court, the strength was too strong, especially on the water, no one in the south could be defeated, or fight Zhang Shicheng first, after annexing Jiangsu, maybe he could fight with Chen Youyu!

The emperor of the Nine Dynasties, Anhui, is a hegemon in southern Anhui, and the southern provinces, why is Anhui so special?

According to our normal people's thinking, the idea of the strategists is correct, first fight Zhang Shicheng, who has a small territory, and only after annexation can he have the courage to go to war with Chen Youyu, but this proposal was rejected by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang had never gone to school, his analysis was headed by the Tao, he said: Zhang Shicheng and Chen Youyu are different, Zhang Shicheng was born into a businessman, has the shrewdness and cunning of a businessman, but does not have the domineering spirit and measure of a male lord, if I send an army to attack Chen Youyu at this time, Zhang Shicheng will inevitably sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and will never send troops to help, but if I send troops to attack Zhang Shicheng, Chen Youyu will inevitably take the opportunity to destroy me, because Chen Youcheng was born at the bottom, has the ambition of Han Gaozu, and knows the truth of cold lips and teeth!

What happened next was exactly as Zhu Yuanzhang expected, he and Chen Youyu launched the Battle of Poyang Lake, Zhang Shicheng did not send a single soldier to help either side from beginning to end, Zhu Yuanzhang solved Chen Youyu, and then turned around and solved Zhang Shicheng, thus unifying the south and laying a solid foundation for the ming dynasty's later hegemony.

The emperor of the Nine Dynasties, Anhui, is a hegemon in southern Anhui, and the southern provinces, why is Anhui so special?

In fact, whether it is Zhang Shicheng during the Ming Dynasty or the Jiangsu and Zhejiang consortiums in the Republic of China period, this kind of small landlord and small capitalism may have a momentary shrewdness and can grasp the general trend for a while, but in the end it still lacks a pair of eyes that can see through the fog of history, focus on themselves, value immediate interests, and rush to achieve results.

That's why I want to say, compared with the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, Anhui Province is really too special, Zhu Yuanzhang is a typical Anhui person, his personality has the heroism of the northerners, but the platoon deployment, the concept of strategy contains the delicacy of the southerners, he is a typical combination of northern and southern cultures, although he has not read books, but the dialectical thinking received from childhood has made him gain a lot, and finally from a grassroots, step by step counterattack became the Hongwu Emperor!

Of course, a person wants to achieve a great cause, and is the great cause of reunification from the south to the north, the time of heaven, the geographical advantage, the people and the three elements are indispensable, the so-called heavenly time, I have just said, one side of the water and soil to nurture the people, cast a party of character, the character of the Anhui people in Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da, Tang He, Chang Yuchun, Li Wenzhong and other people have been reflected in the body of Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da, Tang He, Chang Yuchun, Li Wenzhong and other people have been reflected very clearly, the soldiers bear a bear, will bear a nest, to know that since ancient times, the Northern Expedition is the most difficult, how many heroes Hao Jie folded the sand, a generation of famous generals Zu Ti (ti), a generation of Ming Jun Liu Yu, The national hero Yue Fei and Zhuge Liang, who left the Qi Mountains, were all defeated without exception, but this wave of fierce men led by Zhu Yuanzhang won the glorious victory of the Northern Expedition many times, and even recovered the 600-year-old Youyun Sixteen Prefectures, and completed the historical cause of expelling the Tartars and restoring China!

Therefore, some xiaoxiao always spread the rumors of the Ming Dynasty's unknown generals and unknown soldiers, and I wanted to slap them twice, just one famous general, and the founding generals of the Ming Dynasty easily beat up the so-called famous generals of other dynasties!

The emperor of the Nine Dynasties, Anhui, is a hegemon in southern Anhui, and the southern provinces, why is Anhui so special?

Let's talk about the geographical advantages, Anhui Province, located in East China, North of Yulu, Central Plains Chase Deer Land; East of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Jiangnan Rich Land; Nantong Gan'e, Nine Provinces Through the World.

Starting from Anhui, you can easily reach Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Eyu, take the wealth of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, get the grain of the lake, and harvest the talents of the Central Plains. Further, chase the deer in the Central Plains, win the world; take a step back, divide Jiangnan, and for a while. Looking at the ancient and modern, there are many hegemons who have risen to Anhui, and standing in Jiangnan can often only be a temporary prince, and the regime is like a flash in the pan, whether zhang Shicheng Chen Youyu or Chiang Kai-shek, it can only be the fate of the princes, this is the fate of geographical advantages!

Anhui's geographical location, whether one side of the force from the south to the north to unify the world, or the north to unify the south, is bound to be the focus of the entire war situation, the winner wins the world, the loser loses everything, if the strength is equal, when the north and south confront, Anhui Province must be a place of repeated tug-of-war.

If someone unifies the world from north to south, and the terrain of Jiangsu and Zhejiang is doomed to be difficult to resist the attack of the north, then Anhui will definitely be the front line of the war and the last barrier of Jiangnan. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Dabie Mountains and the Southern Anhui Mountains were the most important base areas of our Party, and Li Yunlong's prototype was to participate in the jute riot in The Dabie Mountains in Anhui Province, and only then did he have the story of the vigorous anti-Japanese resistance.

The emperor of the Nine Dynasties, Anhui, is a hegemon in southern Anhui, and the southern provinces, why is Anhui so special?

Xu Xiake wrote in "Roaming the Wonderland of Huangshan Mountain": The return of the Five Mountains does not look at the mountain, and the return of the Yellow Mountain does not look at the Yue. I am thinking that Anhui and China are also like the strange pines, strange stones, seas of clouds, hot springs and welcoming pines embedded in the Huangshan Mountains, not only are the scenery beautiful, maverick, unpredictable and majestic, unforgettable and respectful, but also have the hospitality of the Chinese nation, and the oriental etiquette culture of friendly exchanges with the nations.

Or that sentence: The heavens are crazy, dreamless god swims to Huizhou, you want to travel to Huihuangshan, not to Huangshan regret a lifetime, if you have time, go to Huangshan to see it!

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