
IBM Samsung develops VTFET chip technology: 200% performance increase

According to the news of the Core Research Institute on December 13, the current semiconductor process has developed to 5nm, and the subsequent 1nm node is a watershed, requiring new semiconductor technology. IBM, Samsung and other companies announced the world's first 2nm process chip in the first half of the year, and now the two sides announced the latest cooperation results at the IEDM 2021 conference, launched the VTFET (Vertical Transmission Field Effect Transistor) technology, which is different from the current horizontal transmission of traditional transistors, is vertical transmission, is expected to enter the 1nm and below process.

IBM Samsung develops VTFET chip technology: 200% performance increase

Edited by the Institute of Core Research

According to IBM and Samsung, VTFET technology has two advantages, one is that it can bypass many of the performance limitations of the current technology and further extend Moore's Law, and the other is that the performance is greatly improved, and the chip speed using VTFET technology can be doubled, or the power consumption can be reduced by 85%.

If this technology is mass-produced, then the energy efficiency ratio of the chip is greatly improved, and the smart phone can be used for two weeks at a time, but Samsung and IBM still have not announced the mass production time of the VTFET process, so it is still necessary to wait - anyway, the revolutionary battery and revolutionary chip technology can make the mobile phone life quality change.


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