
Reading Zhang Ren of the Three Kingdoms, smart people must learn to make the best choice

Isn't our life actually a collection of choices we make?

In the story of the Three Kingdoms, in the memory of the original master of Yizhou, that is, Liu Zhang and his subordinate Wenwu, in my opinion, the two Xichuan generals who most people remember should be Zhang Ren and Yan Yan. However, both of them appeared in supporting roles, especially Zhang Ren, who shot and killed Pang Tong's hostile military general in the rendition, and was eventually captured by Zhuge Liang's plot and killed by Liu Bei's orders.

Reading Zhang Ren of the Three Kingdoms, smart people must learn to make the best choice

Zhang Ren image

And it is this small story, but also let some people think that Zhang Ren is very talented, if Liu Bei does not kill Zhang Ren, but carefully subdues Zhang Ren and becomes a general under his command, maybe he can change the historical trend behind. But from my feelings about reading the story of the Three Kingdoms, for Liu Bei, killing Zhang Ren is actually the best choice.

Reading Zhang Ren of the Three Kingdoms, smart people must learn to make the best choice

Zhang Ren in the old version of the Three Kingdoms

Killing Zhang Ren was actually a wise choice after Liu Bei weighed the pros and cons.

First of all, let's talk about why for Liu Bei, Zhang Ren should be killed. The most direct reason is to persuade Zhang Ren to pay more than the benefits, and to make people like Zhang Ren give up their loyalty to the original Yizhou Group and serve Liu Bei's cause wholeheartedly, just like Cao Cao asked Guan Yu Zhang Fei to give up Liu Bei and serve him. Liu Zhang's people are indeed not very good, but he can't stand up to people like Zhang Ren, not a "man of insight" in the eyes of many smart people, and in his heart, the concept of loyalty and not the second lord is deeply rooted. Leaving Zhang Ren behind takes a lot of time and effort.

Reading Zhang Ren of the Three Kingdoms, smart people must learn to make the best choice

Pang Tong in film and television dramas

In addition, if he did not kill Zhang Ren, but reused him as the main defender of Luocheng, how could Liu Bei be worthy of Pang Tong, who died under Luocheng City? Behind Pang Tong, but the Jingzhou Shiren Clique, not to mention the yanyi is directly arranged for Zhang Ren to shoot Pang Tong, and Liu Bei's dependence on Pang Tong was more important than Zhuge Liang at that time, with Liu Bei's personal feelings or explanations to the Jingzhou Clique, killing Zhang Ren is the best choice.

In the end, even if Liu Bei took the time and energy to subdue Zhang Ren and appease the Jingzhou clique, how much benefit could Zhang Ren really bring to himself as a general? Zhang Ren's talent, except for guarding Luocheng and letting pang Tongzhong, who was earnest in his meritorious service, die in exile, there was no other bright spot, such a military general, Liu Bei, whose career was booming at that time, was not lacking.

Reading Zhang Ren of the Three Kingdoms, smart people must learn to make the best choice

Zhang Ren's game image

Therefore, if you want to gain no income, you also have to spend more energy on yourself, so that you and your subordinates are unhappy, and there is really no need to stay with an enemy general like Zhang Ren. Killing Zhang Ren, for Liu Bei, was really the simplest and best choice at that time.

Reading Zhang Ren of the Three Kingdoms, smart people must learn to make the best choice

Make a good choice

If I have time to think and face a choice, I must be cautious.

Our life, will encounter many moments of choice, sometimes, time is urgent, we must make a choice quickly, but there are also many times, we have the opportunity to think, this time, we should calm down, carefully think about what kind of choices should be made.

Reading Zhang Ren of the Three Kingdoms, smart people must learn to make the best choice

Find your own best choice

But in any case, the easiest way is to think about whether the choice you have made is the most beneficial choice for yourself, or the choice that makes you most comfortable. When studying, choosing the school to go to in the future, choosing a job after graduation, industry, emotionally, choosing what kind of person to become our life partner, these are all things that require us to think calmly, choose carefully, and consider more factors to make the best choice.

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