
Before Liu Bei died, why did he give the military power to Li Yan instead of Zhuge Liang?

Liu Bei was a famous military and politician during the Three Kingdoms period, and also the founding emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty

。 In 222, after the defeat of yiling, Liu Bei was forced to flee to the White Emperor's City, and the following year, he died of illness. Before his death, Liu Bei made a testament, handing over the power to Zhuge Liang to preside over, and giving the military power to Li Yan.

Before Liu Bei died, why did he give the military power to Li Yan instead of Zhuge Liang?

loyal and devoted

Zhuge Liang was wise and close to the demon, and loyal, bowing to the Shu Han. When Liu Beituo was lonely, he once said:

"The king is ten times more than Cao Pi, and he will be able to secure the country and finally set great things." If the heir can be supplemented, he shall be supplemented; if he is not talented, he may take it upon himself

。 It can be seen that Liu Bei trusts Zhuge Liang very much, so why not give zhuge liang the military power as well?

Before Liu Bei died, why did he give the military power to Li Yan instead of Zhuge Liang?

The way of separation of checks and balances

As a generation of monarchs, Liu Bei was proficient in the art of imperial power, and knew well the way of separation of powers and checks and balances, and would certainly not let all power be concentrated in the hands of one person. Although Liu Chan had no talent, he was still a righteous heir to the imperial power, and Liu Bei still hoped in his heart that the jiangshan he had worked hard to fight would be handed over to his descendants to inherit.

Therefore, in order to avoid the imperial power being emptied, Liu Bei decided to separate the political and military powers in order to contain each other.

So why did Liu Bei choose to give the military power to Li Yan? This was because Liu Bei considered the checks and balances between factions and Li Yan's own talents.

Before Liu Bei died, why did he give the military power to Li Yan instead of Zhuge Liang?

Yizhou Group

There were three forces in the Shu Han Dynasty, namely the Jingzhou group represented by Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, the Dongzhou group represented by Li Yan and Fazheng, and the Yizhou group represented by the local scholars.

Therefore, from this point of view, Liu Bei's appointment of Li Yan as Shang Shu Ling and his selection as one of the ministers of the Orphans may not have doubted Zhuge Liang's loyalty, but rather to win over the Dongzhou clique and suppress the Yizhou clique in order to maintain the jingzhou clique's dominance in shu Han.

Before Liu Bei died, why did he give the military power to Li Yan instead of Zhuge Liang?

At last

Besides, Li Yan is a person. Li Yan originally served as the commander of Chengdu County under Liu Zhang, but later defected to Liu Bei and was appointed as a general of Pei. In 218, Li Yan led 5,000 men to defeat more than 50,000 soldiers and horses, which shows that he has a considerable ability to lead troops. At the same time, when Liu Bei was alone, the famous Shu Han generals such as Guan Yu and Ma Chao had already been killed one after another, although Zhuge Liang was clever and clever, and his talent was far above Li Yan, but his ability to lead troops was not as good as Li Yan's, so Li Yan became a suitable candidate for Liu Bei's mind to take charge of internal and external military power. Unfortunately, Li Yan failed to live up to Liu Bei's expectations, and during the Northern Expedition, Li Yan failed to transport grain and grass, and then blamed Zhuge Liang, and was finally demoted to a Shuren.

However, not to mention the performance of the two trusted ministers later, at that time, this may have been the right decision that Liu Bei thought was right.


Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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