
What is the best way to quit smoking? Mastering these 4 tips works

author:Lepu Husheng Hall

Tobacco is harmful to health, cigarettes contain a large amount of tar carbon monoxide and other more than 500 kinds of harmful substances to the body, will induce lung cancer or liver cancer and other cancers, must be timely cessation of smoking to improve the quality of life.

What is the best way to quit smoking? Mastering these 4 tips works

  What is the best way to quit smoking?

  1, take the principle of small number of meals

  Try to take the principle of small and frequent meals when eating, so as to get rid of the urge to smoke. Try to choose low-fat and healthy foods to prevent blood pressure and blood lipids, and increase weight. Using a straw to take small sips of water, this action is like smoking, which can slow down the body's secretion of a large amount of dopamine and relieve bad emotions such as restlessness.

  2. Record all good feelings

  When you first start quitting smoking, you should record them when you feel a sense of accomplishment or pleasure. For example, after quitting smoking, the mood will become more relaxed and pleasant and save money, the tone will become fresher and increase the appetite, the relationship between the family will become more harmonious and improve their energy, and the spirit will be more energetic. When you are addicted to smoking, you should take a look at all the benefits you have recorded and enjoy the benefits and superiority of a smoke-free life.

  3. Brush your teeth regularly

  Quitting smoking can make people's breath fresher and breathing more clear. Regular brushing can keep the mouth clean, but also reduce the number of cigarettes lit. Alcohol should not be drunk during this period, as alcohol reduces self-control. You must keep in mind the reasons for quitting smoking, print it out and paste it in a conspicuous place such as a mirror, office or kitchen, and always remind yourself that you must quit smoking.

What is the best way to quit smoking? Mastering these 4 tips works

  4. Look for smoke-free areas

  If you want to smoke suddenly, you can choose a place where you can't smoke, such as a library, a movie theater or a large shopping mall, so that you can distract your attention and restrain your desire to smoke by reading books and shopping or watching movies. Fill up within three weeks of quitting smoking, arrange all the things you want to do recently, often gather with friends for dinner or exercise, and when you are busy, you can disperse the desire to smoke. Through scientific and regular exercise, it can provide motivation for smoking cessation, as long as the body remains active, it can relieve stress and stabilize emotions.


  When smoking, you can refuse chewing gum or eat candy, or you can choose a small snack. During the period, it is necessary to limit the intake of caffeine, although it can achieve a refreshing effect, but it will make people feel inexplicable anxiety and nervousness, so that they have the urge to smoke. In addition, be wary of negative emotions, such as stress and depression or excessive anger, and distract the smokers by having dinner with friends or watching movies.

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