
Why doesn't Guo Wei want to stay with his "adoptive parents"? Because he and Sun Zhuo are different in three ways!

Why doesn't Guo Wei want to stay with his "adoptive parents"? Because he and Sun Zhuo are different in three ways!

Since the Sun Zhuo incident, many people have always compared this matter with the wrong exchange incident, I think there are still a lot of comparisons, such as the same adopted son, why is Guo Wei and Sun Zhuo's approach different? Why is it that one wants to leave his adoptive parents, while the other is to beat him to death and not want to leave? I think there are at least three differences, let's discuss them together.

Why doesn't Guo Wei want to stay with his "adoptive parents"? Because he and Sun Zhuo are different in three ways!

The first point is the attitude of the adoptive parents towards the two children, what we can see is that Sun Zhuo's adoptive parents love him very much, so Sun Zhuo will be so inseparable from the adoptive parents, and then look at Guo Wei? Since the wrong exchange incident, Du Xinzhi and his wife have reprimanded him many times on the Internet, I think this is the biggest difference, the second point is that Ms. Du's daughter-in-law has been targeting Guo Wei and his wife, and now the situation is that everyone in the Du family has been targeting their two sons, which can be said to be living to force him outside. The third point is that Sun Zhuo's adoptive parents and biological parents do not have direct hatred, but Xu Min and Du Xinzhi are now as deep as the sea, so the difference in these three points is also doomed to a different choice between the two.

Why doesn't Guo Wei want to stay with his "adoptive parents"? Because he and Sun Zhuo are different in three ways!

Of course, if Yao Ce had not died, they would have most likely already returned to their respective homes, after all, this is the consensus of the two families, and no matter which family Sun Zhuo returns to, he will let one party lose the company of his children, and in this regard, it is somewhat similar to Du Xinzhi, after all, her son Yao Ce is no longer there, what do you think about these two events?

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