
Men love you to the bone, there will be these three abnormal performances, don't understand

Men love you to the bone, there will be these three abnormal performances, don't understand

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Love has always been unattainable.

After a person meets true love, it will change from the inside out, from being accustomed to being alone, to thinking about the rest of two people's lives; from maverick to mature and stable; from calm and self-sustaining to flustered.

Love does have an indescribable magic that makes countless people follow them one after another, and at the same time, in the journey of finding love, they know how to love someone.

There is a classic line in the movie "Heartbeat":

"Some people are shallow, and some people are golden and jade. One day, you will meet a rainbow-like person, and when you meet this person, you will feel that everyone else is just a floating cloud. ”

In gender relations, women are mostly more emotional than men, and once they are invested in the true feelings, they are more likely to be uneasy inside, because they cannot determine the man's intentions for themselves.

In fact, if a man loves a woman and loves to the bone, most of them will have three abnormal behaviors, and women should not turn a blind eye and ignore each other's love.

Men love you to the bone, there will be these three abnormal performances, don't understand

01: From carelessness to attentiveness

There are differences in the nature of men and women, men will appear to be grinning compared to women, they are not as meticulous as women in life, and their feelings are also partial to rationality.

Nietzsche once said: "The same passion has a different rhythm in both sexes, so men and women constantly misunderstand." ”

For example, men will think that a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, which is difficult to guess; women will think that men are too wooden to understand their own hearts.

This is because of this difference, so if a true love between a man and a woman wants to germinate, it is bound to go through many setbacks and grinding.

In a relationship between the sexes, if a man loves a woman to the bone, for the purpose of pursuing love, they will pay special attention to the woman's every move and use their hearts to understand each other's preferences.

A little attention from a woman can find that the more deeply a man loves himself, the more keenly he can perceive your joys and sorrows.

Men love you to the bone, there will be these three abnormal performances, don't understand

You know, if a man wants to win the favor of a woman, the most effective way is to "observe", so even if a man is careless, he will become careful and sensitive when he meets a beloved woman.

Of course, love is a gradual process, two strange men and women from acquaintance to love, men can not be from the first sight of seeing a woman, love each other to the bone.

If a man says "I love you" when he first meets a woman, most of them are just a matter of opinion, and women will not believe this perfunctory confession at all.

Men's love for women will change over time, if the love accumulates deeper and deeper, men will be more gentle and considerate to women; if they are gradually distant from each other, men's love will gradually disappear.

Men love you to the bone, there will be these three abnormal performances, don't understand

02: From calm and calm to overwhelmed

Man is an animal that is interdependent with reason and sensibility, and every human heart has a standard for measuring closeness and distance.

Just as we treat the closest people, we can give without any gain or loss, but in the face of strangers who have nothing to do with us, it is impossible to give everything.

In an intimate relationship, men and women are only strangers who are not related by blood at the stage of initial acquaintance. Therefore, the initial stage of love is not solid, and any little wind and grass may ruin the fate between two people.

From another point of view, it is precisely because it is not solid that it can better reflect a person's sincerity and determination.

If he really moves his true feelings and wants to be with you from the bottom of his heart, then he will be overwhelmed and careful enough in life. He will understand your preferences and habits, and will communicate with you attentively and communicate with you.

I won't lose my temper easily, and I won't easily get angry, quarrel and have a cold war with you.

This feeling of caution is a manifestation of his cherishing of you, and it is also the most direct proof that he wants to go with you for a long time.

Men love you to the bone, there will be these three abnormal performances, don't understand

03: From mature and generous to childish and stingy

Women in love, it is easy to find that men have one thing in common, that is, it is easy to "jealousy", when you talk more with other boys, or spend more time alone, he will inexplicably lose his temper.

Perhaps, he will not directly tell you that he is very concerned and angry, but his words and deeds all reveal dissatisfaction.

You who may know the truth will feel that he is so very angry, but in fact, it is precisely because you love you to the extreme that you will produce such possessiveness, and you will be so worried that you like others.

Once a man is involved in love, he will involuntarily possess his lover and hope that the other party will only see himself. Therefore, men often take the initiative to show their boyish side in front of the people they love deeply, and send a signal to the other party that they want more love.

From a psychological point of view, a man's willingness to show his childish side to a woman shows that he trusts the other party very much, and also looks forward to a deeper understanding of the woman's heart.

When a man becomes childish and stingy in front of you, don't doubt that he is not generous enough, not tolerant enough, he just loves you to the point of overwhelmed.

Men love you to the bone, there will be these three abnormal performances, don't understand

Love is a kind of fate, but also rely on the management of men and women, I hope that everyone can recognize and cherish love, do not live up to, do not miss.


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