
When your boyfriend is always crying poor to you, don't hesitate to run

When your boyfriend is always crying poor to you, don't hesitate to run

In the last relationship, I was a silly girl without compromise. The mother was single for more than twenty years, and finally got rid of the single, so she cherished this long-desired love. My boyfriend always complained that his living expenses were not enough, and I was considerate and took the cost of both of them. Sometimes, he has something he likes but goes beyond budget, and I pay for it.

During that time together, my standard of living plummeted. On the eve of my birthday, I decided to give myself a lipstick as a birthday gift, but I hesitated between the two color numbers, I wanted him to be a staff officer, just sent the picture over, his reply came: Baby, these two lipstick colors are good for you, but I am nervous recently, otherwise I will buy it for the baby.

"I've been nervous lately", "I haven't had any money lately", "I've run out of living expenses again"... I'm tired of hearing these words! I have never asked him for anything, but look at other girls who can receive small gifts from their boyfriends every three or five minutes, very envious, no matter whether they are noble or lowly, they are a heart. Unfortunately, these hearts and rituals, he never gave me.

Later, we broke up, and learned from our mutual friends that he quickly threw himself into a new relationship, often posting gifts for his new girlfriend in the circle of friends. Only then did I understand that he was not poor, but unwilling to spend money for me.

Many times, men cry poor, not necessarily because they are really poor, but because they don't love.

When your boyfriend is always crying poor to you, don't hesitate to run

It is precisely because I don't love, so I feel that it is not worth investing in you, a cup of milk tea for ten dollars is not willing to buy you, a movie ticket for thirty dollars is not willing to ask you to see, and fifty dollars and a bouquet of flowers are not willing to give to you. But remembering that you still have unfinished surplus value, you began to cry poorly, conveying such a message: I love you dear baby, but there is really no money, so you can bear our expenses. In this way, the relationship is maintained and the benefits are continuously obtained from you.

Girls in love have a basic IQ of zero, and when they hear that their boyfriend has no money, they will not hesitate to take out their own money, and even if they cut down on food and clothing, they will also raise him. But often injured to understand, if he really loves himself, no matter how difficult it is, he will not cry poor, afraid that this behavior will detract from his own image, afraid that this behavior will embarrass his girl.

There are still girls who are not dead-hearted, and ask: Is it because he is crying poorly because he does not love me? Isn't there any other reason? I think he really loves me. If you have to find other reasons, it is that a man who is always crying poor may really love you, but he has no sense of responsibility, no responsibility, and wants to eat soft rice. Although a person cannot determine whether he is poor or rich, he can choose whether he wants to cry to his girlfriend.

Very few people are born with a golden spoon, most people are born in ordinary families, including many people with poor economic conditions, but a dignified and responsible person will take poverty as a spur and continue to work hard to get out of the predicament as soon as possible.

For boys, the most powerless thing is probably to meet the person who wants to protect their lives at the age of the most nothing. Driven by love, they will work hard for their own lack of wealth, will fight for the bright future of the two, and try not to show weakness in front of their lovers, because they want to tell you: I am worthy of dependence, I am trustworthy. And a guy who hangs the words "I don't have any money" all day long really has to wonder if he has a man who deserves it

In the adult world, there is a subtext. Just like not agreeing immediately is to say no, people who always say they don't have money, the subtext is that they don't want to pay money. With a mentality of "I am weak and I am reasonable, I have no money, you should invite guests", I want to use this to win sympathy, get benefits, and what is the difference between begging, even if you love you again, you must stay away, because they have no dignity, no responsibility, and are not worthy of your lifelong trust.

We dare not say that the person who is willing to spend money on you must be worthy of your life's trust, but it is certain that men who always cry poor must not be trustworthy. Measuring love with money may be tacky, but it must be real. I hope that every girl can have a pair of eyes, meet a good person, and get a happy and sincere love.

(The materials in the article are all based on real cases)

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