
The woman Yongzheng hated the most, the first thing she did when she ascended the throne, made her self-immolate, and her ashes were scattered in the wilderness

Speaking of which, Yongzheng's succession to the throne has gone through a series of twists and turns, he has defeated the prince, the eighth brother and the fourteenth brother, these popular candidates for the crown prince, from the precarious and nameless princes, and jumped to become the supreme of the ninety-five, but Yongzheng this person is narrow-minded, as soon as he ascended the throne, he began to take revenge on his brothers, especially the princes who had competed with him for the throne, basically none of them had a good ending, of which the eighth son of Kangxi, Yin Yu, had the most tragic ending.

The woman Yongzheng hated the most, the first thing she did when she ascended the throne, made her self-immolate, and her ashes were scattered in the wilderness

Kangxi created a prosperous and prosperous era for the Qing Dynasty, but in his later years he spoiled the prince too much, and delayed the efforts against the incompetent prince, which led to the other adult princes having the heart to seize the throne, which eventually led to the situation of the Kowloon conquest, which also shook the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.

Kangxi had many heirs in his life, but his most beloved is the second prince Yin Rong, Yin Rong is Kangxi and the original empress Hesheli clan born, to say that Kangxi and The Hesher Clan married since childhood, the two grew up together, the feelings can be said to be very deep, Hesher Li clan for Kangxi gave birth to the second prince after the blood collapse, before her death, she tightly held Kangxi's hand, begging him to take good care of the swaddled young son, and it is because of his wife's dying instructions, Kangxi was very doting on Yin Rong, almost transferred his love for his mother to him.

The woman Yongzheng hated the most, the first thing she did when she ascended the throne, made her self-immolate, and her ashes were scattered in the wilderness

Kangxi's other heirs were raised by the palace people of the Palace Brothers, and none of their own mothers could visit them every day, except for Yin Rong, who had lost his mother since childhood, and Kangxi put him by his side, and when Yin Rong was one year old and seven months old, Kangxi announced that the world had made him crown prince.

As Yin Rong grew up slowly, he and Kangxi's dead wife Herschel clan were more and more similar, and Kangxi was more and more fond of him, almost to the point of responding to his needs, so Kangxi invited him the best master and received the best education, but Yin Rong developed a bad temper, and others commented on him: he loved to kill people when he was just in a hurry.

The woman Yongzheng hated the most, the first thing she did when she ascended the throne, made her self-immolate, and her ashes were scattered in the wilderness

When the eighteenth prince died unexpectedly, Yin Rong not only did not persuade but did not care, which caused Kangxi thunder and anger, and the father and son finally quarreled, but the result was that Kangxi first gave in, and Yin Rong finally apologized to his father, which was to be placed on other princes, which was definitely a punishment for cutting the knight and seizing the throne.

In the forty-seventh year of Kangxi, Kangxi inspected Saiwai, yin rong was denounced by the eldest brother because of his secret secret secret relationship with the important officials of the imperial court, Kangxi had a fire in his heart, and a very serious incident occurred that night, which caused Kangxi to depose him as the prince overnight.

The woman Yongzheng hated the most, the first thing she did when she ascended the throne, made her self-immolate, and her ashes were scattered in the wilderness

The history books record that on that day, Kangxi was alone in the tent to deal with official business, and the prince Yinrong actually peeked into the tent from the crack, was caught by the patrolling guards, and directly escorted to Kangxi, there are two explanations for this situation, one is that Yin Rong peeked at Kangxi through the crack in the tent, and the other was that he himself used a knife flower to open a crack to peek into the tent.

However, in either case, it was a great disrespect to Kangxi, and remembering that Yin Rong had a close personal relationship with the chancellor, Kangxi thought that Yin Rong intended to rebel and immediately deposed him, Yin Rong explained that he was seduced by the thirteenth brother Yin Xiang, and the eight brothers who were accompanying him at that time also helped the second brother, so Kangxi punished Yin Xiang and imprisoned him.

The woman Yongzheng hated the most, the first thing she did when she ascended the throne, made her self-immolate, and her ashes were scattered in the wilderness

Because Yin Xiang was friendly with Yongzheng, who was still the prince, he made up his mind to compete for the throne because of Yin Xiang's innocence, and at the same time formed a deep hatred with Brother Ba.

In fact, Kangxi still had some expectations for Yin Rong, and soon after the first depose of the prince, there were ministers who jointly reported to Kangxi that Yin Rong had been subjected to the art of witchcraft, and that there would be a great disrespect for Kangxi, and the person behind the witchcraft was the eldest brother, kangxi believed the minister's words very much, and immediately restored Yin Rong's position as the prince and greatly comforted him, while the eldest brother fell into blood mold and was imprisoned for life.

The woman Yongzheng hated the most, the first thing she did when she ascended the throne, made her self-immolate, and her ashes were scattered in the wilderness

But not long after the restoration of the position of prince, Yin Rong began to die again, he actually tried to recruit troops to buy horses and secretly plot rebellion, Kangxi was heartbroken, and finally made up his mind to depose Yin Rong again, the prince was deposed for the second time, basically there was no chance of succession, at this time the most active person in the dynasty was not Yongzheng, but the Eight Brothers Yin Yu.

Brother Ba's mother, Concubine Liang, was a palace maid of Xin'erku, who was favored by Kangxi before giving birth to a prince, Yin Yu had talent and high political awareness, but his sharp edge was too exposed, especially after the crown prince was deposed, Kangxi was in a state of grief, when the minister of the DPRK actually asked Kangxi to immediately set up another prince, the best candidate was The Eighth Brother Yinyu, Kangxi listened to the anger and did not fight, openly reprimanded this Eight Brothers in the middle of the court as the son of xinerku's unworthy slaves, and his blood was not enough to inherit the throne, and he suddenly gave up the idea of Yin Yu.

With no hope of succeeding to the throne, Yin Yu turned to support another prince, that is, Yongzheng's half-brother, the fourteenth prince Yin Zhen, who had outstanding military merits and was the most favored prince besides the second prince, and he was also named the Great General King.

The woman Yongzheng hated the most, the first thing she did when she ascended the throne, made her self-immolate, and her ashes were scattered in the wilderness

In the later years of Kangxi, Yin Yu and the Ninth Prince and the Fourteenth Prince repeatedly provoked Yongzheng, making Yongzheng hate him to the bone, and the first thing Yongzheng did after succeeding to the throne was to imprison Yin Yu in the Zongren Mansion, remove his status as a prince, and rename him Akina, which means pig and dog in Manchu, even so, Yongzheng still did not understand the hatred, and often went to Yin Yu from time to time to humiliate him.

And Yin Yu's Fujin name is Guo Luo Luoshi, she is the granddaughter of Prince An, born relatively noble, but she is a hot person, although she and Yin Yu are close to each other, but yongzheng is often vicious and difficult, after Yin Yu was imprisoned in the Zongren mansion, this Guo Luo Luo clan did not relent, she openly accused Yongzheng of slaughtering his brothers and sisters will be punished by heaven.

The woman Yongzheng hated the most, the first thing she did when she ascended the throne, made her self-immolate, and her ashes were scattered in the wilderness

Yongzheng was extremely disgusted with her, personally ordered her to dissolve the conjugal relationship with Yin Yu, and also caused her to self-immolate and die, after Guo Luoluo's death, Yongzheng was still not satisfied, and people scattered her corpse to ashes, and the ashes were scattered in the wilderness, so that Yin Yu and his wife could not see each other after they died.

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