
His superiors put him in charge of the guards, but he let the sentries go to sleep, and the Japanese army quietly touched them in the middle of the night!

Looking at the historical process of the founding of New China, we can perceive the difficulties of the revolutionaries and the efforts required for national rejuvenation. Where there are good years, it is just someone who carries the weight for us, which aptly describes our present. We may not feel anything at all in peacetime, but our good life was explored step by step by the revolutionary forefathers.

His superiors put him in charge of the guards, but he let the sentries go to sleep, and the Japanese army quietly touched them in the middle of the night!

On our territory, a large number of revolutionary ancestors and proletarian revolutionaries who heroically sacrificed their lives for national independence and the liberation of the people have emerged. They all have firm ideals and convictions, the love of the country is as deep as the sea, and the revolutionary ideal is higher than the sky. They laid a solid foundation for the victory of the revolution in our country and made an indelible contribution. Our revolutionary ancestors lived a life of fear and fear every day, "the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still have to work hard", they desperately left their hometowns to protect the country and the nation, and the spirit of sacrificing their small homes for everyone is very respectable.

His superiors put him in charge of the guards, but he let the sentries go to sleep, and the Japanese army quietly touched them in the middle of the night!

When the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out, the whole country was in crisis, no one could stand alone, and heroes stood up to defend the country. In May 1940, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression reached a difficult moment, and life was very difficult. In order to strengthen the combat strength of the Yuwan-Anhui Soviet Border Region, the party organization arranged for Huang Kecheng to lead the 2nd Column south to central China to support Peng Xuefeng's 6th Detachment of the New Fourth Army, and cooperate with the 6th Detachment to guard the Yuwan-Anhui Soviet Border Region. Due to the very severe situation at that time, the Japanese guarded the border area more strictly, which made it more difficult for Huang Kecheng's 2nd Column to operate.

His superiors put him in charge of the guards, but he let the sentries go to sleep, and the Japanese army quietly touched them in the middle of the night!

Going south to Central China was destined not to be a simple task, the only road was strictly guarded by the puppet army, and coupled with the large number of the 2nd Column, it was not easy to pass through the pass in confusion. Under the leadership of Huang Kecheng, he decided to divide the team into two, turn into two columns and then set off, with Liu Zhen and Kang Zhiqiang leading the first echelon, and himself and Han Zhenji leading the second echelon. Finally, at the end of May, it passed through Juye Jinxiang and went south, but the road was not so smooth, and it was intercepted by many puppet troops along the way.

His superiors put him in charge of the guards, but he let the sentries go to sleep, and the Japanese army quietly touched them in the middle of the night!

The second echelon was well aware of the purpose of this advance, and with the heavy responsibility of going to meet the troops, they chose to fight quickly and make a quick decision in the negotiations with the puppet army, did not love war, and strived to reach their destination as soon as possible. They fought and hurried on the road, and it was not until early June that they managed to approach the Longhai Road, but they did not expect that the Japanese army would follow close behind and try to encircle and suppress our troops. Huang Kecheng took the soldiers to a place not far from the railway, and it was already late at night, considering that everyone needed to rest after a day of running. As chief of staff, Han Zhenji told the soldiers to tighten their leggings and not make any noise, so as not to alarm the enemy troops.

His superiors put him in charge of the guards, but he let the sentries go to sleep, and the Japanese army quietly touched them in the middle of the night!

Thus they sped up the march after quietly crossing the railway, and they began to run forward, and in order to reach the place where they could rest earlier, they walked nearly a hundred miles a day, and did not rest until night. The warriors dragged their tired bodies quickly into a dream, everyone was in a state of slack, and someone had to be vigilant and responsible for the sentry. Huang Kecheng gave the task of perimeter vigilance to Sheng Shikun, an old Red Army of the 688 Regiment, who was very strong in both combat experience and combat effectiveness, and it was completely reassuring to entrust him with this important task.

His superiors put him in charge of the guards, but he let the sentries go to sleep, and the Japanese army quietly touched them in the middle of the night!

So he arranged the mission with great care, and he decided to give the task of vigilance to the battalion commander of the three battalions, because the combat effectiveness of the three battalions was stronger than that of the other battalions. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the battalion commander of the second battalion took the initiative to ask for help and wanted to take over the task of vigilance. The commander of the second battalion wanted to use this opportunity to train his team, so Sheng Shikun agreed, and he handed over the precautions to the commander of the second battalion and left.

His superiors put him in charge of the guards, but he let the sentries go to sleep, and the Japanese army quietly touched them in the middle of the night!

The commander of the second battalion went back to sleep after the security was arranged, there was no guard at all, and when he woke up again it was already late at night, he saw that the soldiers standing guard were sleepy-eyed, and he really couldn't bear to let them continue, so he let the soldiers go back to sleep, he thought that at this time the Japanese army would not catch up with him, he relaxed his vigilance, but he did not expect that this almost made a big mistake. It didn't take long for the Japanese puppet army to follow, fortunately, Sheng Shikun was highly vigilant, in addition to arranging for a guard, he also arranged a dark sentry, and as soon as the Japanese puppet army approached, it immediately warned.

Fortunately, this crisis has been defused, otherwise our army's losses would have been very heavy, and it is really undeserved to sacrifice the combat effectiveness of an entire army due to the negligence of one person, so Huang Kecheng has done ideological work for the troops, so that everyone must maintain the highest vigilance at any time and anywhere, and never accept defeat in the face of danger.

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