
The U.S. consul was arrogant and refused to broadcast a beating of a Chinese employee, Chairman: Deportation

What is the significance of the founding of New China? In essence, the founding of New China is not only the raising of the national flag on the upper floor of Tiananmen Square, but also allows countless Chinese people to stand up straight on their own land.

As we all know, modern China is in an extremely dark semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, the mountains and rivers are broken and the wind and rain are ethereal, at that time the common people did not have much culture, and they may not have a thorough understanding of such issues as national sovereignty, but what they can feel is that there is always a group of foreigners from foreign countries who are doing their best in their own country. After the founding of New China, our people were no longer dwarfs, but there was such an American who openly violated the regulations and even beat up Chinese personnel in our country.

The Kuomintang's struggle for the northeast

It all started in Shenyang more than 70 years ago. When Chiang Kai-shek's side gradually revealed his greed and ambition after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, instead of trying his best to resist foreign enemies in the middle and late stages of the War of Resistance, he always had friction with our side, and in line with the concept of putting the overall situation first, our side tolerated everywhere, and this made Chiang Kai-shek even more arrogant, and finally after the defeat of the Japanese, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized heavy troops to encircle and suppress our base areas on a large scale.

The U.S. consul was arrogant and refused to broadcast a beating of a Chinese employee, Chairman: Deportation

For such aggressiveness, our side abandoned its illusions about Chiang Kai-shek, and organizing armed forces to counterattack became the most effective method, and the northeast became the primary place for both sides to compete.

First of all, the northeast is a very open plain, and if the northeast can be taken, especially the large cities on the northeast plain, then permanent fortifications and defensive forces can be deployed in these places. The second is that the Japanese built a large number of industrial factories here during their rule over the northeast, and after many years of operation, the northeast has become a heavy industrial base with an extremely considerable status, and if these factories can be taken, a large number of equipment and materials needed for combat can be manufactured, which can solve the difficulties of our backward equipment and shortage of equipment.

In addition, there is another reason is that the northeast region is adjacent to the Soviet Union, and due to ideological reasons, the Soviet side has been helping our side in many ways for many years, and if it wins the northeast, it will undoubtedly open up an "international channel" connecting the Soviet side.

Therefore, we can understand why the Liaoshen Campaign, which broke out in the northeast region, became the first of the three major battles.

After the two sides fought an unprecedentedly fierce Liaoshen Campaign, which ended in a great victory for our army, most of the northeast ushered in its own new history. However, this result is difficult for some people to accept, except for Chiang Kai-shek, it is the Americans who are most angry about the fact that our army has taken over the northeast.

As we all know, Chiang Kai-shek was able to maintain his rule at home, to a large extent, because the Americans continued to "transfuse" him, from weapons and equipment to military advisers, the Americans almost did their best to support Chiang Kai-shek.

The U.S. consul was arrogant and refused to broadcast a beating of a Chinese employee, Chairman: Deportation

But don't assume that Americans are motivated by selfless internationalism, and that they also have their own ulterior motives.

The wishful thinking of the Americans is that they will become the most powerful person in China by supporting Chiang Kai-shek, and by virtue of this relationship Chiang Kai-shek will naturally surrender a large number of interests in China, and at that time China will not only become the land where the United States can obtain cheap raw materials, but also become a market for a large number of dumped goods.

In addition, due to the strong military influence of the US side on Chiang Kai-shek, they were even able to arbitrarily build military bases on the land of Shenzhou.

The U.S. consulate in Shenyang was a product of this situation at that time, when the United States, in order to consolidate its influence in China, set up consulates in some of the larger cities in China, and the apparent mission of the American personnel in these consulates was to maintain "friendly" relations with chiang kai-shek's regime and provide them with support and assistance in all aspects, but what was not known was that they secretly carried out some espionage activities by means of diplomats.

Secret institutions hidden in embassies and consulates

Although World War II ended in the victory of the Allies, but the haze of the war did not really dissipate, the United States and the Soviet Union led by the two poles gradually drew an iron curtain, the United States to ensure that its status as the first great power after World War II does not waver, the first task is to contain the Soviet Union from all directions, and China's northeast is conducive to its implementation of its own strategic purposes, so the United States spies through the consulate on the one hand to assist Chiang Kai-shek, on the other hand is also to reconnoiter the Soviet Union in the north, The U.S. Consulate in Shenyang is one of the important "strongholds."

The U.S. consul was arrogant and refused to broadcast a beating of a Chinese employee, Chairman: Deportation

It seems that this wishful thinking of the United States has been played well, but what the Americans did not expect was that in the Liaoshen Campaign, our army completed an incredible battle in which the weak won the strong, and in just a few months, Changchun and Shenyang and other major northeastern cities were returned to our side, and Chiang Kai-shek's troops were beaten to the point of fleeing. And Jiang Jun's withdrawal could make the Americans in the U.S. consulate in Shenyang embarrassed.

The consul general of the U.S. Consulate General in Shenyang was named Wald, and after Chiang Kai-shek's army withdrew from the northeast, his situation instantly became unhappy; after a long period of military confrontation, our army had a lot of evidence that Wald assisted Chiang Kai-shek in launching wars and even engaged in espionage activities.

From the bottom of his heart, Wald is afraid that he will be used as a spy by our side to "sacrifice the flag", and now Shenyang has been completely taken over by our army's troops, and the US consulate can be described as surrounded by water, and it can be said that it is more difficult to run away than to ascend to the sky.

But on the other hand, even if our army was willing to open an opening for Wald to leave, he could not do it, because at this time he had not yet received the order to retreat from Shangfeng, and if at this moment he was an escape act in violation of the order, it would be a serious punishment, and it would not be a way to stay, and Wald fell into a trance and despair for a while.

After some time, however, the "worst thing" that Wald feared did not happen, and although our troops surrounded the U.S. consulate, no soldiers came to intervene in the embassy personnel.

At that time, we even sent representatives to meet with Wald, and there was a kind gesture to communicate with the US side, which gradually made Wald put his mind at ease, and he immediately judged that this new Chinese regime, like Chiang Kai-shek in the past, was afraid of the strength of the Westerners, so that he could complete the mission he was shouldering, and did not have to be afraid of our tough posture, but was the truth really as he thought?

From the perspective of later generations, Wald completely misinterpreted our meaning. In order to solve the problem peacefully, our army sent cadres to the US consulate in Shenyang to show great goodwill to Wald and others.

However, due to the fact that there were some obstacles to communication between the two sides at that time and Wald had ulterior motives, in his opinion our army was showing him a sense of "deference".

The arrogant attitude of the Americans

In modern times, Westerners have opened the door of our country with strong ships and cannons, so for a long time, Europeans and Americans have been running amok in China with a posture of "people on top of people".

Whenever local officials in the old society encountered disputes involving Chinese and foreigners, they would ignore the facts and blindly protect the foreigners, which encouraged their arrogance, and the famous "Chinese and dogs are not allowed to enter" sign in history was born in this period.

The U.S. consul was arrogant and refused to broadcast a beating of a Chinese employee, Chairman: Deportation

After the abdication of the Qing Emperor, it entered the Republic of China period, but the current situation of ordinary people being three points shorter than foreigners was not substantially improved, due to the gap in comprehensive national strength and the successive years of warlord scuffles, foreigners still had a sense of superiority over the Chinese people, which was especially evident in the era of Chiang Kai-shek's rule.

Because the Western countries, especially the United States, gave him important assistance during the War of Resistance and Chiang Kai-shek wanted to rely on American aid to deal with our Party, he was willing to sell out the interests of the nation to please the Americans, so that he turned a deaf ear to the harm caused by the US military to our people.

The most typical example is the Shen Chong incident. In 1946, Shen Chong, a peking university girl, met several drunken SOLDIERs stationed in Peiping on a night out, and several people used alcohol to commit violence against the girl, but because of the strong position of the United States, they were not punished as they deserved. When word spread, there was an uproar, accusing the authorities of weakness and inaction.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek should have ordered the responsibility of those AMERICAN soldiers, but it was strange that he not only failed to do so, but also strictly ordered the major newspapers in Peiping at that time not to report on this matter.

In his view, it is only his responsibility to seek US aid to maintain his rule in the whole country, and the damage to the interests of ordinary people is insignificant, so he is not willing to make him and the US side have a rift because of this "small unpleasantness", and this incident has also made more people see the true face of Jiang Ren.

The U.S. consul was arrogant and refused to broadcast a beating of a Chinese employee, Chairman: Deportation

Returning to this matter, it was Chiang Kai-shek's previous humility to the Americans that gave Wald a hard temper among our personnel, so in the following days he no longer hid his behavior, and Wald in Shenyang used the radio station hidden in the consulate to transmit information on our Party and the Soviet Union to Chiang Kai-shek and the United States, which brought a certain degree of negative impact to our work.

In fact, Wald did not know when he did all this, but given the special identity of the other party, it is certain that there will be concerns about taking tough measures. It should be known that the northeast is close to the Soviet Union and north Korea, which is also mixed with the forces of many other powers, and once it is not handled well, it is easy to cause international disputes and even become the fuse of another big war.

However, it is also intolerable for our side to watch the Americans drill into the embassies and consulates under their own noses and make moves that harm the interests of our country. So what we mean is that we hope that the Americans will see the situation clearly in time, take the initiative to hand over the radio station and leave, but the Americans will not stay and leave, and even the Incident of the Us Personnel Beating Chinese Employees occurred.

In September 1949, less than a month before the founding of New China, the people of the whole country rejoiced that they were about to witness a new history. At this time, Wald in the US consulate in Shenyang was more and more impatient, he had been trapped here for more than a year, originally at the beginning of the war he also hoped that Chiang Kai-shek could successfully "counterattack", did not expect that Chiang Kai-shek retreated to the isolated island itself, seeing the mission of Varde not only extremely pessimistic about his future.

It just so happened that at this time, a Chinese employee angered Wald because of a small matter, so he was angry and corrupt, he used this innocent Guan Gong as a punching bag, beat him up hard, and this employee reported the case to the Shenyang security personnel without anger, the matter was very important, the Shenyang side did not make a rash decision but reported the matter step by step, and finally the incident was presented on Chairman Mao's desk.

Clean the house and then invite guests

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Chairman Mao did not hesitate, but forcefully issued instructions to the AMERICAN personnel of the Shenyang Embassy and Consulate not only to hand over the murderers who beat up the Chinese employees, but also to seize the radio stations used by the US personnel to carry out intelligence activities, in addition to expelling all these arrogant Americans.

Those who know the history of the early days of the founding of our country should be clear that at that time, in terms of diplomacy, our country had a famous principle of "cleaning up the house and inviting guests", which meant that after the founding Chinese of New China, they would no longer recognize the content of the unequal treaties signed by the old China and the great powers, and they would eliminate their special status in China. But now it's absolutely not.

Wald and the embassy personnel were panicked when they heard the news, but he still made a sophistry in his capacity as a "diplomat", that is, the consular status of the beater could make him obtain diplomatic immunity and did not have to accept Sanctions from the Chinese side, and the response of the Chinese personnel to such remarks was that because New China and the United States had not yet established diplomatic relations, and they would not recognize the diplomatic relations left over from the Chiang Kai-shek era, the Americans' wishful thinking of trying to protect themselves in diplomatic status was also empty.

A few days later, public security personnel in Shenyang appeared in front of the US consulate and ordered them to hand over the radio and the beaters and leave China within a time limit.

The U.S. consul was arrogant and refused to broadcast a beating of a Chinese employee, Chairman: Deportation

At that time, some people thought that China's treatment of foreign personnel in China with such a tough posture might cause many negative impacts, but it was precisely our insistence on principles that made any country dare not underestimate us. Welcome to leave a message and communicate with us. If you like this article, you may wish to press follow and like, Xiaobian will send you more wonderful articles.

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