
Fresh e-commerce supports traditional production and marketing channels, and the annual turnover of Liangshan post-90s girls returning to their hometowns to start a business and sell fruits exceeds 80 million

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Lei Qiang

In early winter, it is the peak season for picking strawberries in Liangshan. In Nanning Village, Xichang City, Sichuan Province, a pot of winter strawberries just picked from the greenhouse, the workers carefully selected, wrapped in plastic wrap into a custom packaging box, and then affixed a seal, the next day these fresh strawberries will be delivered to the user's hands.

"A few years ago, these strawberries wanted to be transported to the city for sale, but they were restricted by preservation and transportation, coupled with the wear and tear on the road, which was basically a discounted business." On December 6, Su Jie, who is engaged in the distribution of agricultural specialties, told reporters that before the traditional business model of foreign merchants doing everything on behalf of the buyer, the information was extremely opaque, the fruit farmers were all based on experience in planting, there was no bargaining power to speak of, and the strawberry market was relatively chaotic.

Fresh e-commerce supports traditional production and marketing channels, and the annual turnover of Liangshan post-90s girls returning to their hometowns to start a business and sell fruits exceeds 80 million

In fact, in the eyes of local villagers, no matter what kind of sales method, strawberries are the most concerned about money. However, due to the constraints of realistic conditions, the strawberries that have been painstakingly grown cannot sell at a good price, and everyone's mood has dropped to the freezing point.

Until the last two years, the arrival of fresh e-commerce, this situation has been greatly changed.

Fresh e-commerce opens new sales channels

The annual turnover of post-90s girls returning to their hometowns to start a business exceeds 80 million

Su Jie, a native of Liangshan after the 90s, quit her stable job in Chengdu in 2015 and returned to her hometown in early 2016, determined to bring the taste of childhood nostalgia out of the mountains, but due to the relatively backward cold chain transportation conditions and scattered strawberry cultivation in her hometown, she was worried.

"We started out as micro-business and offline distribution, but some of the items we couldn't sell, with a yearly revenue of only two or three hundred thousand." Because the amount is too small, coupled with the high cost of transportation, the first two years are not profitable at all. Su Jie told reporters that in order to change this situation, she decided to organize local farmers to set up cooperatives, use the knowledge she has learned, link e-commerce platforms, and sell strawberries according to the needs of the market at different levels to help farmers increase their income.

Just when Su Jie turned to the e-commerce platform, the fresh e-commerce companies such as Dingdong Buy Vegetables and Hema at the other end began to explore the southwest market, and the strawberry base she operated became the number one target of the platform Fangshan fruits and vegetables.

Su Jie told reporters that through technical exchanges and sharing with the development team of the platform side, it has further promoted the technicalization and standardization of local strawberry planting. On the other hand, the use of accurate big data analysis on the market side of the platform, sales and production, and cold chain transportation technology have greatly reduced the loss of strawberries and also reduced intermediate links.

"Now we supply dingdong to buy vegetables, hema and other platforms, but also on Taobao, Pinduoduo sales, this year's company output value to about 80 million yuan." In addition, it has also led to the development of the local strawberry packaging and processing industry, and the income of the villagers has increased several times compared with the original. Su Jie said.

Digital technology feeds back fruits and vegetables for standardized planting

Promote the industrialization of regional specialties

In the past two years, the fresh retail market has moved from online to offline, and the integration of online and offline development has never been warmer. Enterprises meet the convenient consumption needs of consumers online, while improving the shopping experience offline, and the combination of the two to achieve diversified consumption scenarios. On the consumer side, with the continuous integration of online and offline, consumers are more willing to pay for the quality of personality, health and green life.

Chen Lei, head of southwest fruit procurement at Dingdong, said that through the intelligent algorithm system and market front-end big data analysis, the market demand and user preferences can provide advance prediction, which can reduce the loss caused by the opaque information and experience-based planting of farmers in the past.

Taking Liangshan strawberries as an example, Chen Lei further explained that through the development of order agriculture, the digital technology of enterprises has driven farmers to change to technical and standardized planting methods, such as strawberry specifications, sweet acidity, maturity, etc. There are strict standards, and the enterprise side brings technology sharing, which can improve the planting standards of strawberries. In addition, the platform gives full play to its own channels, data, and supply chain advantages, which can effectively open up and integrate with the upstream of agriculture, and jointly promote the branding and digital upgrading of the agricultural industry.

"In addition, because Internet e-commerce is different from the traditional retail commodity sales model, it has also effectively promoted the development of the strawberry production and processing industry, such as commodity sorting, packaging, transportation, etc., effectively enhancing local employment, promoting the development of local strawberry industrialization, and ultimately increasing the income of farmers." Chen Lei said.

Expert opinion

Fresh e-commerce empowers traditional agricultural upgrading in three steps

Fresh e-commerce supports traditional production and marketing channels, and the annual turnover of Liangshan post-90s girls returning to their hometowns to start a business and sell fruits exceeds 80 million

"The digital economy can break through some of the time and space restrictions of traditional society in the production cycle and greatly improve the operational efficiency of traditional industries." Correspondingly, the advantages of fresh e-commerce are efficient supply chain management and huge channel traffic. Hu Qimu, doctor of economics at Chinese Min University, senior economist and chief researcher of Tianyi Digital Economy Think Tank, said that fresh e-commerce can effectively empower traditional rural agricultural production and circulation by exploring high-quality characteristic products in rural areas and exerting its advantages in supply chain and channels, which is of great significance for rural revitalization.

Hu Qimu believes that in the future, in addition to the empowerment of technology companies upstream and the forced digital transformation of the production end through tangible efficiency improvement, consumers should also play a more important role, when consumers participate in some aspects of farmers' production, the distance between production and consumption is closer, which is also conducive to relying on e-commerce platforms to form closer commercial ties.

On the issue of how to use new technologies to empower traditional agricultural upgrading, Hu Qimu believes that the empowerment of fresh e-commerce should be divided into three steps, one is to open the market sales channel of rural characteristic products through platform drainage; the other is to empower the production end through digital tools, through big data technology to make the production and marketing linkage stronger, and the demand-driven characteristics of the supply side are more obvious; the third is to pay attention to the cultivation of rural characteristic brands in the process of improving industrial operation efficiency, support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, and let the rural characteristic economy have more brand premiums.

For fresh e-commerce enterprises such as Dingdong buy vegetables, Hu Qimu put forward three suggestions, one is to seize the historical opportunity, make good use of the policy dividends of the state to promote rural revitalization, deeply study the new characteristics of consumption upgrading, dig deep into the sinking market potential, and achieve development with leverage; the second is to innovate and lead technology, continuously upgrade the fresh e-commerce game, and create sustainable competitiveness; third, under the "double carbon background", the huge logistics and transportation activities on the fresh e-commerce platform will face increasing carbon costs, so it is necessary to improve the green development ability of the platform.

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