
Netizens consulted the planning scope of the Dezhou section of the Grand Canal, and the Dezhou Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources replied

author:Lightning News

Qilu Network Lightning News December 7, a few days ago, netizens asked the Dezhou Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources about the "Dezhou Grand Canal Planning", including whether the west bank of the canal from Kowloon Bay to the ancient city part of the Si Nü Temple, and the west extension of the New River West Road to the Grand Canal Community are within the planning.

The Dezhou Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources replied: At present, the scope of the "Master Plan for the Protection and Utilization of the Dezhou Section of the Grand Canal" being organized and compiled by Dezhou City is: from the Wucheng Sinu Temple Water Conservancy Hub to the third dian village of Ertun Town, Decheng District (Shandong Provincial Boundary), with a total length of 45 kilometers, a planning control area of 2-3 kilometers on both sides (excluding Hebei), and a total planning area of about 8405 hectares (including about 8083 hectares in Decheng District and about 322 hectares in Wucheng County).

This plan does not involve land in Hebei on the west bank of the Grand Canal. In the process of planning and preparation, the Dezhou Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources organized design units to go to Cangzhou, Gucheng and other cities along the Hebei Canal to study and learn from advanced experience. In the planning, there is no arrangement for the westward extension to the Grand Canal community. In addition, the ancient city of Hengde Industrial Park, located in the administrative region of Hebei Province, does not belong to the planning scope of the downtown area of Dezhou. Inter-provincial road planning belongs to the national road network planning and is not within the scope of the responsibilities of the Dezhou Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources. According to the current road traffic plan, there are no new connecting channels.

Netizens consulted the planning scope of the Dezhou section of the Grand Canal, and the Dezhou Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources replied

Lightning News reporter Wang Jialiang reported

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