
Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

author:Jing Yan History

In June 1950, the Korean War broke out, and in October, China decided to support Korea due to harassment and threats from the US military, and volunteers rushed to Korea to participate in the war. There are many battle heroes who can sing and cry. For example, Huang Jiguang, Yang Gensi, Qiu Shaoyun, etc., they exchanged their flesh and blood for China's peace and strength, but there are always people who doubt our heroes.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

In October 1952, the Volunteers and the U.S. Army fought at Shangganling. Huang Jiguang looked at the machine guns of the US army spitting out tongues of fire, and there were teammates behind him who fell. With tears in his eyes, Huang Jiguang dragged the injured body and directly embraced it, exchanging his life for the opportunity for his teammates to charge. It was such a hero who felt heartache when he mentioned it, but now some people doubt whether he really blocked the machine gun with his body.

On January 8, 1931, in the village of Facaiya in Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, a family surnamed Huang in the village, a loud baby cry was heard in the impoverished earthen wall courtyard, and a new life came to the world. The child's father named this little boy Huang Jiguang (the original name), which means that the future accumulation is deep and broad, and the strength and luck can be combined, which is the most sincere blessing and expectation for parents.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

As the days passed, the children grew up slowly, but their poor and miserable lives did not change. The tragedy of the times caused Huang Jiguang's family to live under the oppression and exploitation of the big landlords, and his father worked hard to support the family, but he still did not have enough to eat and wear, and finally died of illness and no money to heal depression.

Huang Jiguang has been very sensible since childhood and understands the hardships of his parents. After his father left, the burden of life was on his mother, and in order to reduce his mother's burden, Huang Jiguang cut grass and fed cattle to the landlord's family when he was a few years old, and when he was older, he began to take on the work of being a cow, and the older ones directly sold to the landlord as long-term workers. But China's general environment has not changed, and thousands of poor people are living under the slavery of landlords, and Huang Jiguang has been working in the landlord's house until he is eighteen years old.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

Liberation of Sichuan

It was not until the liberation of Sichuan Province in November 1949 that Huang Jiguang and others in the village were freed from such days. Huang Jiguang saw the revolutionary forces and the fire of the Communist Party in this wave of liberation, and he secretly resolved in his heart to become a member of the revolutionary road. So when the village organized the peasant association, he enthusiastically participated in becoming the first member, and also took the initiative to participate in the activities of suppressing bandits, and was later selected as the leader of the village children's group. He actively led the militia to arrest the landlords who had sneaked away, and took the lead in searching for guns and ammunition stolen by the false chief, so he was rated as a model militiaman.

When the Korean War broke out in 1950 and the U.S. military repeatedly sent military aircraft to bomb the border between China and North Korea, the central government decided in October to organize the Chinese Volunteer Army to support Korea in order to guard national tranquility. In March 1951, the Chinese Volunteer Army recruited new recruits in Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province. After Huang Jiguang heard the news, he rushed from the village to register his name as soon as possible.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

However, Huang Jiguang was much shorter than others, so he was brushed off during the physical examination. However, Huang Jiguang made up his mind to follow the volunteer army to the battlefield, and ran to the recruitment office at both ends of the three days to beg them to accept him, and the battalion commander in charge of the recruitment was impressed by Huang Jiguang's soft and hard bubbles, and finally decided to admit him out of the box. This made Huang Jiguang happy and broke down, and he hurried home to tell his mother the good news, while preparing to pack his luggage and wait for the troops to assemble.

Because the pronunciation of "Jiguang" and "Jiguang" in Sichuan dialect is similar, Huang Jiguang has not been to school and cannot write, and the registered people think that his name is taken from "inheriting the glorious tradition", so they write his name as Huang Jiguang, and the name Huang Jiguang has been with him ever since.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

In this way, Huang Jiguang followed the troops across most of China, crossed the Yalu River into the Korean battlefield, and was later assigned to a certain unit of the People's Volunteer Army as a correspondent for the 2nd Battalion and 6th Company. During his time as a correspondent, under the premise of doing his job well, he always helped other departments to complete their work, like a hard-working little bee wandering around the company, as long as it was something he could help, he was always the first to rush up, and did not let himself rest for a moment. It was also because he was always not afraid of danger, completed the tasks assigned by his superiors brilliantly, and also made a third-class merit.

In April 1952, Huang Jiguang's troops received orders to go to the forward position of the Five Holy Mountains to take up defenses, and he followed the troops to Shangganling on the Five Holy Mountains, where he spent the summer and autumn seasons with a comfortable climate. In October, the Korean Peninsula was cold and windy, the thin cotton clothes of the volunteers could not bring warmth at all, and the cold wind on the top of the mountain was whistling, making people shiver, and their hands were frozen as soon as they were extended.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

In such bad weather, Huang Jiguang's unit was still engaged in combat with the US army and wanted to stop the advance of the US army. Shangganling is the gate of the central defensive line of the volunteer army, if the loss of this place will bring immeasurable losses to the volunteer army, the US army is also aware of the importance of Shangganling, will launch a crazy attack.

On October 18, it was the fourth day of engagement between U.S. troops and volunteer units in the positions. On this 4,000-square-meter plateau, the US military has successively sent more than 60,000 people to participate in the battle, and has also dropped more than 1.9 million shells and more than 5,000 aerial bombs. The entire position was filled with smoke and grass, and even the huge rocks on the top of the hill were blown to powder, and the two sides still did not give up the seizure of the position, because it was very crucial for both sides. Positions were constantly exchanged in the hands of both sides, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat for a time.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

On 19 October, most of the positions had been successfully retaken by the Volunteers, except for Hill 537.7 and Hill 597.9. The Volunteers received orders to successfully retake the two heights on the evening of the 19th. The terrain of the 537.7 highlands was simple and easy to attack and difficult to defend, and the volunteer army gathered troops and firepower was quickly successfully recovered.

The 597.9 heights were not so simple, the enemy built fortifications and pillboxes under the hill, and the two machine guns set up were so dense and widely controlled that the warriors could not rush forward at all, and it was easy to be discovered. It was already dark, but the Sixth Company could not take this position for a long time, so Zhang Guangsheng, chief of staff of the battalion headquarters, personally came to the front line with Huang Jiguang to direct the battle. By this time it was late at night, and the battalion chief of staff had sent three groups of demolition personnel in a row, but all of them were sacrificed in the middle of the road, and it was impossible to approach the bunker.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

There were still a few hours before dawn, and if the position could not be taken to retake the 597.9 heights, the other volunteers who had retaken the position would have worked and sacrificed in vain, and all the guns and ammunition they had fired out would have been wasted. The heights must be retaken before dawn, or they will be powerless to resist the enemy's counterattack, and the entire army will be completely annihilated. The battalion chief of staff realized that they would have to send another man to destroy the enemy's bunkers in order to succeed in retaking the heights.

However, at this time, there were only a few people in the sixth company, and Wan Fulai, the company commander of the sixth company, got up and wanted to take the initiative to ask for help, but Huang Jiguang suddenly sneaked up to the ear of the battalion chief of staff and said in a loud voice that he was going. Subsequently, the only two remaining correspondents of the 6th Company, Xiao Dengliang and Wu Sanyang, also stood up and requested to carry out this glorious task. Wan Laifu also offered to go with the three of them, but was refused by Huang Jiguang and the three, saying that the company commander had a heavier burden on him, and the three of them were enough to complete the task.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

Zhang Guangsheng, chief of staff of the battalion headquarters, approved the request of the three of them and let Huang Jiguang direct the action as the leader of the group. Huang Jiguang and Xiao Denghao Wu Sanyang quickly picked up the explosive package, smoke bombs and grenades, and rushed in the direction of the highlands. There were four enemy bunkers on the high ground, and Huang Jiguang proposed that one person be responsible for blowing up the bunkers and the rest of the people were responsible for cover, so that the action could be faster to buy more time.

After the three people agreed, Huang Jiguang took the lead in front, crawling on the ground and slowly moving towards the bunker, and when they came to a suitable distance, they hurriedly threw explosive packs into the bunker, and then took the opportunity to throw smoke bombs to cover their own transfer place. Because Wu Sanyang was at the end, he did not have time to shift his position under the cover of smoke bombs, and was exposed to the enemy's machine guns and finally died, but fortunately a bunker had been destroyed. Xiao Dengliang and Huang Jiguang continued to advance, and finally blew up the second bunker with their efforts, but Xiao Dengliang was discovered by the enemy of the main fort, and the dense fire made him seriously wounded and unable to continue to advance.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

The most important main fort has not been destroyed, only Huang Jiguang is left, he shoulders heavy responsibilities and the sadness in his heart to continue to crawl, the previous exchange of fire caused the entire position to become a slippery land, can not find a cover, resulting in Huang Jiguang in the continued crawling was also found by the enemy of the main fort, but also hit by a fierce and dense bullet to stop crawling. The company commander and others who were watching at the bottom of the mountain were nervous, thinking that they had to find another way, but they found that Huang Jiguang had begun to crawl towards the main fort again.

In this way, he dragged his injured body and crawled slowly and firmly toward the main fort. The US troops also hurriedly fired several flares, and the entire position was like daylight, they saw that Huang Jiguang was still crawling, and quickly blocked Huang Jiguang's forward route with firepower. Huang Jiguang was not afraid at all, throwing smoke bombs to cover his own advance. Finally, Huang Jiguang struggled to climb to the vicinity of the main fort, and he quickly threw out the last grenade he had brought, and then he was knocked unconscious.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

But his grenade did not hit the bullseye, only the flank of the American bunker. When the troops below began to charge, the American troops in the bunker woke up and continued to strafe with another machine gun, and many of the volunteer soldiers fell, and the charge was forced to be stopped. At this time, the unconscious Huang Jiguang also woke up, found that his task was not completed, continued to drag the injured body, crawled to the front of the main fort, turned back to the comrades behind him and shouted: "For victory!" Then he turned his head and used his body to block the enemy's machine gun head, successfully completed his task, and heroically sacrificed himself in a cold foreign land.

Those who question whether their bodies can block the enemy machine guns can get a sense of what the bunker looks like. In order to protect the machine gunners, the bunkers had narrow openings. Even if the firepower is strong, if the line of sight is blocked, the lethality of the bullet is basically zero, so it is really possible to block the machine gun with the body, but it needs a strong patriotic spirit!

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

Wang Qingzhen, a female hygienist who collected Huang Jiguang's body, once said: "Huang Jiguang has always maintained the posture of blocking the muzzle of the gun, his body has been pierced, and the blood has dried up." Due to the cold climate, the body is frozen stiff. With tears in our eyes, we stitched up the openings. His spirit, I will never forget for the rest of my life! Xiao Dengliang, who fought with Huang Jiguang, recalled Huang Jiguang, but he also couldn't cry, and he has been carrying forward the spirit of Huang Jiguang for the rest of his life. They are the witnesses of history, the truest voices.

Being skeptical of things is actually a good thing, indicating that everyone has begun to learn to think, no longer follow the crowd, and the ideas of society have begun to collide. But skepticism should not be placed on these heroes, those who have made sacrifices and dedications to our stable and peaceful life.

Can you really block a machine gun with your body? Hero Huang Jiguang was questioned, female hygienist: the blood was dried up

The dedication of the ancestors should not be easily questioned, which is very unfair to their efforts, and it is even more an insult. Every happiness we enjoy today is every drop of blood they shed, and they do it and cherish it, not to say that the heroic deeds are true or false. Self-cultivation is based on a pure heart, and when it comes to the world, it is necessary to be cautious and speak first.

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