
Kelp radish lean broth | enjoy the joy of one meal and one soup # Winter limited in my heart #

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Kelp radish lean broth | enjoy the joy of one meal and one soup # Winter limited in my heart #

Eat turnips in winter, ginger in summer, and the best season to eat white radish. In winter, a white radish lean broth with rice is simply not too warm

By salted egg mommy

Lean meat 150g

Kelp to taste

1 white radish

A little soybean

Goji berries a few grains

Salt to taste

Kelp radish lean broth | enjoy the joy of one meal and one soup # Winter limited in my heart #

1, as shown in the picture, preparation, kelp, soybeans in advance to soak hair, radish, lean meat cut into pieces;

Kelp radish lean broth | enjoy the joy of one meal and one soup # Winter limited in my heart #

2. Blanch kelp and lean meat separately;

Kelp radish lean broth | enjoy the joy of one meal and one soup # Winter limited in my heart #

3, then put all the ingredients except goji berries into the soup pot, pour an appropriate amount of water into the heat and boil, simmer until the meat is soft and rotten;

Kelp radish lean broth | enjoy the joy of one meal and one soup # Winter limited in my heart #

4: Add salt before leaving the pot and sprinkle with goji berries ✅

Sweet and salty, flat nature, into the spleen, stomach, kidney meridians; tonify the kidneys and nourish the blood, nourish the yin and dryness; the main treatment of fever and injury, thirst and thinness, kidney weakness, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, deficiency, nourishing yin, moisturizing, nourishing liver and yin, moisturizing the skin, benefiting the second stool and quenching thirst.

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