
Mom's sour soup dumplings

author:Listen to the wind on days

Last night I dreamed of my mother again, and it has been more than three years since my mother left. There are too many memories, bit by bit gushing into the heart, in the dream and remembered the mother's sour soup dumplings, when I was young, the material was sleepy, at that time to buy meat to buy meat tickets, buy cloth to cloth tickets, buy grain to buy food stamps, remember once I was sick, wanted to eat a bowl of sour soup dumplings, my mother because I did not have time to do it at work, that is, I had to wait for the festival to take meat tickets, Bought meat to do, then wanted to eat meat, basically it was the New Year or some major festival to eat meat, because it was sick, my mother looked distressed, Only bought me a bowl of dumplings on South Avenue, dumpling shop meat stuffing on the outside plate, made into a small hill, the outside is always pasted with a layer of meat, it looks like all meat, used to attract customers, and the inside is with onions and meat and vegetables and together, when the dumplings are wrapped from the inside out of the bag, when the dumplings come up, I sit next to eat, my mother is watching, and then still use chopsticks to count the number of inside is not enough, when I was small, there was no touch, and later grew up, whenever I think about this, it is very heartache, Later, when I grew up, my life was better, eating meat had become a common thing, and it was no longer a rare item, so my mother personally passed it on to me, how to make dumplings. I often make dumplings at home, I remember once I used 30 minutes at the fastest time, wrapped a dumpling for my mother, but now my mother can no longer eat her favorite sour soup dumplings, Mom, in the next life I will make dumplings for you to eat, but good!

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