
Sour soup dumplings, super appetizing lazy rice, simple recipe, frozen dumplings in 10 minutes to make a good meal

author:Ann with truffles

When you are too lazy to cook, frozen dumplings must be the first choice, boiling water in a pot, putting the dumplings into a boil, cooked can be opened to eat!

Today I recommend a super appetizing and delicious frozen dumpling eating method, inspired by the hands of Sichuan Dragon Copy, sour and spicy super delicious, 10 minutes can be easily done, give frozen dumplings a change of way to eat it!

Sour soup dumplings, super appetizing lazy rice, simple recipe, frozen dumplings in 10 minutes to make a good meal


Frozen dumplings to taste (generally 10-15 / person), 1 pinch of seaweed, 1 coriander, 1 spring onion, 1 spoon of white sesame seeds, 3 spoons of vinegar, 1 spoon of spicy oil, 1 spoon of extremely fresh flavor, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, a little sugar, and a suitable amount of white pepper.


1, first boil a pot of boiling water, after the water boils, put in the dumplings, cook until boiling, pour a small half bowl of cold water into the pot to continue to cook, then boil and then pour in a small half bowl of cold water, and then cook until boiling;

Sour soup dumplings, super appetizing lazy rice, simple recipe, frozen dumplings in 10 minutes to make a good meal

2, after the dumplings are floating up, fish out and put them in the bowl, less cool, so that the skin is more powerful to eat;

3. Put the extremely fresh taste, vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper and seaweed in a large bowl, pour in the soup of boiling dumplings, and mix with sour soup;

4. Put the dumplings in a large bowl, scoop the oil and spicy seeds, sprinkle with spring onion and chopped coriander, stir well and you can eat it happily!

Sour soup dumplings, super appetizing lazy rice, simple recipe, frozen dumplings in 10 minutes to make a good meal

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