
Spent 2000 learned pepper chicken recipe, chicken is fresh and tender, spicy and enjoyable, the whole family loves to eat

author:Atong talks about food

Hello everyone, I'm Atong. Today, Atong shares a classic Sichuan-style jianghu dish, spicy chicken. The method is simple and easy to learn, the chicken is fresh and tender, spicy and enjoyable, and the wine is served and eaten.

Spent 2000 learned pepper chicken recipe, chicken is fresh and tender, spicy and enjoyable, the whole family loves to eat

Main ingredients: 1/2 rooster, line pepper, millet spicy, green onion, ginger, garlic, corn starch.

Main seasoning: edible oil, salt, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, peppercorns, bean paste, chicken essence, sugar, oyster sauce, steamed fish sauce.

Spent 2000 learned pepper chicken recipe, chicken is fresh and tender, spicy and enjoyable, the whole family loves to eat

Step 1: Cut the chicken into even small pieces, wash it with water, wash it and control the moisture, then add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of pepper, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, soy sauce and soy sauce, season the chicken, then grasp and mix it evenly by hand, grab and mix the seasoning evenly, then sprinkle some corn starch to lock the moisture of the chicken, grab and mix it evenly with your hands, then add some cooking oil to prevent sticking when you get off the pan, and then marinate for fifteen minutes.

Spent 2000 learned pepper chicken recipe, chicken is fresh and tender, spicy and enjoyable, the whole family loves to eat

Step 2: Wash the peppercorns and millet peppers and cut them into evenly cut into small pieces; cut the green onion into small pieces; cut the ginger and garlic into cubes and put them on a plate for later.

Spent 2000 learned pepper chicken recipe, chicken is fresh and tender, spicy and enjoyable, the whole family loves to eat

Step 3: Pour in the pot an appropriate amount of cooking oil, when the oil is 60% hot, add the marinated chicken, fry it slightly until it is set, gently push the chicken nuggets with a spoon, push the chicken nuggets apart, and heat the chicken nuggets evenly. Keep on medium heat and fry for about two minutes, then remove the chicken from the oil and set aside.

Spent 2000 learned pepper chicken recipe, chicken is fresh and tender, spicy and enjoyable, the whole family loves to eat

Step 4: Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, add the onion, ginger and garlic, stir-fry the aroma, add the peppercorns, fry the hemp flavor, then add the bean paste, fry the color, fry the aroma, and then cook the cooking wine from the side of the pot to remove the raw odor of the watercress sauce. Add the chicken and stir-fry quickly. Then add the pepper and millet spicy, quickly stir-fry, fry out the spicy taste of the line pepper, and then add the appropriate amount of oyster sauce to increase the umami taste, a little steamed fish soy sauce to enhance the flavor, a little chicken essence and sugar, quickly stir-fry evenly. Sauté the peppers until they are out of life, add some shallots and stir-fry a few times.

Spent 2000 learned pepper chicken recipe, chicken is fresh and tender, spicy and enjoyable, the whole family loves to eat

Step 5: Start the pot and plate. Such a fresh and tender, spicy and enjoyable pepper chicken is ready.

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