
Special combat hero Huang Jiguang

author:Brother Suibin Gang
Special combat hero Huang Jiguang

Huang Jiguang Martyr Statue!

Huang Jiguang (February 24, 1931 – October 20, 1952) was a correspondent of the Sixth Company of the Second Battalion, 135th Regiment of the 15th Army of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, and on October 20, 1952, in the Shangganling region of Korea, without the sacrifice of 9.79 Heights, at the age of 21, he was posthumously awarded the title of Special Hero by the leading organ of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, and the Party Committee of the unit awarded him a full member of the Communist Party of China, and was awarded by the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea." Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" title and "Gold Star Medal" and "National Flag Medal First Class"

Special combat hero Huang Jiguang

In 1950, after the beginning of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, a large number of recruits were recruited in China, and when Huang Jiguang signed up, he was not selected because of unqualified physical examinations, however, after Huang Jiguang's soft and hard bubbles, he was finally moved to break the admission, and on the evening of October 19, 1952, Huang Jiguang's second battalion was ordered to Shangganling. The right wing 597.9 highland counterattack must occupy the victory before dawn, laying the foundation for the victory of the entire counterattack battle, the total attack time is getting closer and closer, and the fire point on the top of the mountain has been suppressing the troops, unable to advance, the comrades responsible for the explosion, one after another fell, and at this moment, only 40 minutes before dawn, Huang Jiguang took the initiative to request the task of blowing up the bunker to him, Huang Jiguang led two fighters to climb towards the enemy fire point, however, when it was only thirty or forty meters away from the fire point, one soldier died, the other soldier was seriously injured, Huang Jiguang's left arm was pierced, he endured severe pain, and in the case of blood flowing, little by little, he advanced towards the enemy fire point When he climbed to the fire point of eight or nine meters, he threw a grenade, but because the fire point was too large, only half of it was blown up, when the troops launched an impact, the enemy's machine gun suddenly and frantically strafed, at this moment, Huang Jiguang had no ammunition, and his body was injured in many places, he stubbornly crawled to the fire point, straightened his chest against the muzzle of the enemy's fire-spewing tongue, opened his arms and pounced on it, the enemy's tongue of fire was extinguished, Huang Jiguang used his young life to open the way for the troops to advance in victory, although the hero has passed away, but the spirit is eternal. Batch after batch of heroic warriors will always be there, and the martyr Huang Jiguang will never die!

Special combat hero Huang Jiguang

The martyr's tomb is located in Zhongjiang County, Sijiang Province

Special combat hero Huang Jiguang

Mother of Mao Zedong and Huang Jiguang

Special combat hero Huang Jiguang

Huang Jiguang Hero Company!

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