
Through Chen Yun and Luo Ronghuan's "forced" Lin Biao to hold a meeting, we can see the leadership relationship and leadership of the northeast region

author:Shuai Kepin reads historical celebrities

#Armageddon #Episode 4 Has such a set of shots, Chen Yun, Luo Ronghuan and Liu Yalou in order to "force" Lin Biao to hold a meeting, Chen Yun came up with an idea: using the method of shooting targets outside Lin Biao's house, so that Lin Biao could not calm down and think. In the end, Lin Biao was disturbed by the incessant gunshots and had to come out, meet with Chen Yun, Luo Ronghuan, and others, and then go to a meeting together.

Here, we will not explore the authenticity and rationality of this bridge section more. Because Chen Yun, a member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee and does not smile, is unlikely to come up with such an idea. As for Lin Biao's use of "listen to your report" when talking to Chen Yun, although it did not quite conform to common sense, it was in line with the superior-subordinate relationship at that time. We can briefly explore the relationship and leadership issues of the three through this bridge.

Through Chen Yun and Luo Ronghuan's "forced" Lin Biao to hold a meeting, we can see the leadership relationship and leadership of the northeast region

As everyone knows, when our party marched toward the northeast, it appointed Peng Zhen as secretary of the Northeast Bureau and Lin Biao, Chen Yun, Luo Ronghuan, and Gao Gang as deputy secretaries. After the defeat in the Siping Defense War, in view of the grim situation in the northeast and in order to further strengthen the centralized and unified leadership, Chairman Mao Zedong decided to readjust the leading body of the Northeast Bureau. That is, Lin Biao was appointed as secretary, Peng Zhen was appointed as deputy secretary, and the others remained unchanged. This was a major personnel readjustment, because Lin Biao was a member of the Central Committee and Peng, Chen, and Gao were members of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, thus forming a situation in which the Politburo members led the politburo members.

Chairman Mao Zedong handed over to Lin Biao all the power of the party, government, and army in the Northeast Strategic Region, which is undoubtedly a special measure in a special period.

Later practice proved that this special measure had achieved good results. First of all, Lin Biao really assumed the responsibility of overall leadership, and as for Peng Zhen, Chen Yun, Gao Gang, and others, who did not have different ideas because they were led by the Central Committee members, they all threw themselves wholeheartedly into the work entrusted to them.

Through some of Chen Yun's later memories, including the period after the "913 Incident" when Lin Biao was completely overthrown, Chen Yun still said that Lin Biao's exploits during the Northeast War could not be completely erased. This at least shows that Chen Yun fully recognizes Lin Biao's leadership in the northeast period, and the working relationship between the two should still be good.

As for the relationship between Luo Ronghuan and Lin Biao, not to mention, they had worked in the Red Fourth Army as early as the Central Red Army, which can be described as a combination of pearls.

Through Chen Yun and Luo Ronghuan's "forced" Lin Biao to hold a meeting, we can see the leadership relationship and leadership of the northeast region

Of course, with our current thinking, it is indeed impossible to imagine and understand that the members of the Central Committee are leading the members of the Politburo, and that there is more than one leader. But in the northeast battlefield in the early days of the Liberation War, such a scene did appear.

After Lin Biao took over the power of the party, government, and army in the northeast, he first organized and convened the "July Seventh Conference" in the northeast. This was an extremely important meeting held shortly after the defeat in the Siping Defense War, and it was also an important meeting to unify the thinking and actions of the Northeast Strategic Zone. Some scholars call it the "Zunyi Conference" in the northeast region. This is also not unreasonable. The main document of this meeting was drafted by Lin Biao entrusted to Chen Yun.

It should be known that after the withdrawal of the troops in Siping, what kind of strategy our army in the northeast should formulate, and how to deal with the issues of army building and fighting wars, are the most urgent issues facing the leaders of the Northeast Bureau. The "July Seventh Conference" was held against this great strategic background.

On July 7, 1946, Chen Yun was responsible for drafting and adopted by the Standing Committee of the Northeast Bureau and the Central Committee of the Northeast Bureau, and the "Situation and Tasks in Northeast China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Seven-Seven Resolution") was officially promulgated and implemented. We can only take a few relevant sentences to see the importance and greatness of the "July 7 Resolution":

"Creating a base is the first priority in our work. The base areas we want to create include small and medium-sized cities and minor railways, but we must understand that the main content of creating base areas is to mobilize the peasant masses"; "the vast number of cadres go out of the cities, throw away their cars, take off their shoes, change into peasant clothes, regardless of whether they are civil or military, male or female, regardless of qualifications, all cadres who may go to the countryside must go to the countryside and complete the central task of mobilizing the peasants"; "The principle of combat lies not in the cities and the key points of temporary gains and losses but in striving to destroy the enemy."

Soon after the "July Seventh Resolution", Chen Yun, in accordance with Lin Biao's unified arrangement, led the struggle in southern Manchuria together with Xiao Jinguang. In the case of whether Nanman insisted on insisting in the end, Chen Yun finally made a decision, no matter how cruel and arduous the struggle in Southern Manchuria was, he would definitely persist. It was under the leadership of Chen Yun, Xiao Jinguang, and others that Nanman fought the Four Bao Linjiang, and echoed with the three lower jiangnans of Northern Manchuria, and the situation in the northeast was completely reversed. Not only did it quickly get out of the trough after the defeat of Siping, but it won the strategic initiative against the Kuomintang army in less than a year.

Regarding the relationship and cooperation between Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan, various themes reflect more. I will not repeat it here.

Therefore, looking back, through the "Armageddon" TV series Chen Yun and Luo Ronghuan jointly appeared, "forced" Lin Biao to come out for a meeting, although this bridge section is not necessarily designed reasonably, but at least reflects that the relationship between the three people is harmonious and the leadership is extremely strong.

Through Chen Yun and Luo Ronghuan's "forced" Lin Biao to hold a meeting, we can see the leadership relationship and leadership of the northeast region

Main references: "Chen Yun Biography", "Luo Ronghuan Biography"

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