
Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan, why did he oppose Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition?

author:Sentimental history

Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition, known in literary works as the Nine Central Plains, refers to the war of the Shu general Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition to Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period. In 234 (the twelfth year of Jianxing in the Shu Han Dynasty), Zhuge Liang "died before he was born out of the army" After the death of Wuzhangyuan,Liu Chan, the lord of the Shu state, made Jiang Wei's right supervisor and auxiliary Han general, commanded the armies, and entered the Marquis of Pingxiang. Subsequently, he successively served as Sima and Zhenxi General, and concurrently served as Liangzhou Assassin Shi, Wei General, and Great General, and the imperial court awarded Fu Jie. After Zhuge Liang's death, Jiang Wei carried out about ten Northern Expeditions. For Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition, it was undoubtedly implementing Zhuge Liang's concept of offensive defense, that is, through active attack and harassment, the State of Wei was unable to concentrate its forces to attack Shu Han. However, for Jiang Wei, Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan was very opposed, why is this?

Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan, why did he oppose Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition?


First of all, according to the records of historical materials such as the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, in the twelfth year of Jianxing (234), Zhuge Liang's fifth Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang out of the martial arts Wuzhangyuan. Due to the failure to successfully seize the Northern Plains, they were deadlocked with the Wei army for more than 100 days. In the autumn, Zhuge Liang died, and the Shu army returned to Hanzhong, thus ending Zhuge Northern Expedition. After Zhuge Liang's death, Zhuge Zhan attacked the Marquis of Wuxiang. For Liu Chan, the lord of the Shu Han Dynasty, because he was grateful for Zhuge Liang's merits, he treated his son Zhuge Zhan kindly. In the sixth year of Yanxi (243), Zhuge Zhan was seventeen years old, married a princess of Shu Han, and was given the title of Knight Lieutenant. In 262, Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition was defeated, and Zhuge Zhan clearly expressed his opposition. In Zhuge Zhan's view, Jiang Wei's repeated northern expeditions to the Central Plains had caused domestic fatigue, so he went to Liu Chan and asked Jiang Wei to serve as the assassin of Yizhou and cut his military power.

Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan, why did he oppose Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition?


As a result, although Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition reached his death, Zhuge Zhan opposed the Northern Expedition to Cao Wei, especially against Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. In this regard, in the author's opinion, this has a certain relationship with Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, which is too frequent and the effect is not obvious. Zhuge Liang carried out five Northern Expeditions before his death, but, as far as Jiang Wei was concerned, he launched the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains about ten times, which was twice as large as Zhuge Liang.' As we all know, each Northern Expedition not only needed to mobilize tens of thousands of troops, but also needed logistical support for grain and grass, which was a significant loss to the national strength of the Shu Han. Especially after the deaths of Jiang Huan and Fei Yi, Jiang Wei himself did not have the same governance skills as Zhuge Liang, and the consumption of national strength brought about by the frequent Northern Expeditions was even more obvious.

Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan, why did he oppose Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition?


In 262 (the fifth year of Jing Yao), Jiang Wei again sent troops to fight Deng Ai against Hou He, who was destroyed by Deng Ai, and then returned to Baozhong. After that, the strength of the Shu army was greatly reduced, and it turned into a passive defensive posture. That is, for Jiang Wei's last Northern Expedition, because he was defeated by Deng Ai, the strength of the Shu army was significantly damaged. Seeing this, Zhuge Zhan's objections were naturally very reasonable. As for Jiang Wei's previous Northern Expedition, it was often mutually victorious, neither opening up territory for Shu Han nor causing much damage to Cao Wei's army. Correspondingly, during Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, he beheaded Cao Wei generals such as Wang Shuang and Zhang Guo, and seized the territory of Wudu and Yin ping cao Wei.

Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan, why did he oppose Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition?


Finally, in general, for Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, because of its frequent frequency and lack of great effect, it was opposed by Zhuge Zhan. However, Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition to the Central Plains also had both advantages and disadvantages. It was Jiang Wei's constant march that made Cao Wei fall into the fatigue of defense, and thus could not threaten the territory of Shu Han. For this point, Zhuge Zhan should not have a profound understanding. Although he was Zhuge Liang's son, Zhuge Zhan's ability was relatively limited. On the one hand, the later lord Liu Chan favored Huang Hao, but Zhuge Zhan, who held great power, was unable to correct it. On the other hand, after Deng Ai's army smuggled into Yinping, he did not listen to Huang Chongsu's advice to take advantage of the danger, lost his military plane, and went out of the city to fight deng Ai in a decisive battle, the soldiers were defeated and killed, and Mianzhu was lost. The surrender of the later lord Liu Chan marked the official demise of the Shu Han. Of course, in terms of integrity, Zhuge Zhan did not insult Zhuge Liang's family style. In the Battle of Mianzhu, Zhuge Zhan and his son Zhuge Shang were both killed on the battlefield.

Text/Sentimental History

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