
#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

It's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it's the season to eat mooncakes. Cantonese-style mooncakes are high in sugar and high in oil, sweet and high in calories, and have no benefits for the body. It is better to make a special ice skin mooncake, no sugar in the ice skin, sweet potatoes for filling, all rely on the sweetness of the ingredients themselves, and the innermost finishing touch wrapped with a spoonful of caramel sauce can also achieve the effect of flowing heart. The calories are also too low to be lower, and the taste is surprisingly good. One bite down, the skin is sticky, the middle is sweet sweet potato puree, and the last impact on the taste buds is that with a little salty and sweet caramel sauce, I have to say, it is so delicious, the sweetness is just right, but the amount of sugar is super low. Eat mooncakes, and don't worry about the burden on your body!

By Soft Sapphire Crystal 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】

Milk 130g

Snow Lady Powder 50g

Butter 10g

Sweet potato 150g

Colorful powder 2g

Caramel sauce 2g

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

1. Prepare the ingredients used.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

2: Put the milk in the microwave and heat for 1 minute. Remove and pour the snow powder into the mixture and stir well. Continue to heat for 2 minutes, turning over in the middle.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

3: Put the butter in while it is hot, let it dry until it is not hot, knead until the ice skin is smooth and the butter is completely absorbed.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

4: Divide the ice skin into two halves, add the powder and knead well.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

5: Steam the sweet potatoes in advance, peel and press them into a puree.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

6. The white and green ice skin is divided into 25 grams, and the sweet potato filling is also divided into 25 grams.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

7: Knead the sweet potato filling into a ball, press out a hole in the middle, scoop a small spoonful of caramel sauce and gently wrap it.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

8. Put the ice skin into a plastic bag and roll it into a sheet, which can prevent sticking.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

9: Wrap the sweet potato filling and pinch the seal tightly.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

10: Sprinkle cooked glutinous rice flour in the mooncake mold to prevent stickiness, and stuff the mooncake embryo into it.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

11, press the bottom, use a little force to press down, and finally release the mold.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

12. Finished product.

#Netland Grass-Fed Nutritious & Delicious #Caramel Flow Ice Skin Mooncake

13. Cut open.

1. The ice skin must be kneaded for a while, the skin will be smooth and elastic, and the taste will be good. 2. Add butter, the taste will be more milky. 3. Don't put too much caramel sauce, otherwise it is not easy to wrap. Put the caramel sauce in the refrigerator before using it, it will solidify some, and it is easier to wrap.

1. Calm and calm the nerves

Italian researchers have found that milk has a calming effect because it contains an ingredient that inhibits nerve excitement. Avarone suggests that when you're upset, you might as well go and have a big glass of milk to calm your nerves. Drinking a glass of milk before bedtime can promote sleep.

2. Inhibit tumors

Milk and dairy cheese contain a CLA substance, which can effectively destroy free radicals in the human body that are at risk of carcinogen, and can quickly bind to the cell membrane, so that the cells are in a state of defense against the invasion of carcinogens, thus playing a role in preventing cancer. Moreover, the calcium contained in milk can effectively destroy carcinogens in the human intestine, so that they are decomposed into non-carcinogenic substances and excreted. The vitaminS, B2, vitamin D, etc. contained in milk have a certain preventive effect on stomach cancer and colon cancer.

3. Promote the brain development of young children

Milk is the only food that mammals rely on for survival and development after birth, and it contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of their young children.

4. Beauty and beauty

The whey in milk has an anti-wrinkle effect on the face and keeps the skin smooth and moisturized.

5. Comprehensive nutrition supplementation

It can stabilize the arterial blood vessels during high pressure and reduce the risk of stroke; it can greatly improve the work efficiency of the brain; it can strengthen bones and teeth, reduce the occurrence of bone atrophy; and make wounds heal faster.

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