
The Rashomon incident in the movie "Rashomon": Human nature has a side of seeking benefits and avoiding harm

author:Liao Xiaoyu

Recently, the melons in the entertainment industry are bigger than one, one is more exciting than the other, and one is more incredible than the other.

However, after writing several indignant and lyrical articles, the platform did not let it pass. Who called us humble status, the fan base is not enough, the weight is too light!

Or, today, Saturday, idle, let's write a suspense movie review.

The film is called Rashomon and is based on two short stories by Japanese writer Ryunosuke Wasagawa, "In the Bamboo Forest" and "Rashomon".

The film was filmed in 1950, the director is the famous master Akira Kurosawa, due to the innovative selection of materials, the artistic technique is quite groundbreaking, once a sensation, since then, posterity will be the same event, different descriptions of the phenomenon called the Rashomon incident.

The Rashomon incident in the movie "Rashomon": Human nature has a side of seeking benefits and avoiding harm

The film is about a samurai and his wife who encounter robbers as they pass through a wild bamboo forest. The robbers coveted the beauty of their wives, and not only insulted the wives of the samurai, but also brutally killed the samurai.

The Rashomon incident in the movie "Rashomon": Human nature has a side of seeking benefits and avoiding harm

Later, when the government arrested the thief and brought him to trial, the thief, the samurai's wife, the samurai's ghost, the passing woodcutter, and a mysterious witness all had their own accounts.

There is only one truth, but the purpose for which each person gives testimony is different.

thereupon! A simple case evolved into different versions of testimony.

I. [Version of the Robber's Testimony]

The Rashomon incident in the movie "Rashomon": Human nature has a side of seeking benefits and avoiding harm

On the way, the robbers met the samurai and his wife, a young and beautiful woman, the robber saw the good intentions, and took advantage of the samurai's unprepared trick to sneak in and tie the samurai up with a rope.

The samurai's wife came to the rescue and took a dagger to stab the robber, but the disparity in strength was too great, and she was eventually subdued by the robber and QJ.

After the incident, the robber was satisfied, but then the woman suddenly pulled him aside and asked the two men to duel, and whoever won would go with whomever he wanted.

The robber untied the rope of the samurai, and the two fought for 300 rounds, and finally the robber luckily killed the samurai.

The robber could not say why the woman's motives were to duel the two of them, and the dagger that killed the samurai, the robber also claimed not to have seen it and did not know where it had gone.

II. [Version of the Wife's Testimony]

The Rashomon incident in the movie "Rashomon": Human nature has a side of seeking benefits and avoiding harm

The robbers, taking advantage of the samurai's lack of preparation to tie up the samurai, jagged her in front of the samurai and left with a big wave.

She picked up the dagger on the ground and cut the rope that bound the samurai, and because of her self-conscious shame and embarrassment, she begged her husband to kill herself to wash away the shame she had just experienced and free herself.

But the husband just looked at her mercilessly, without a word, extremely cold. She was in a dilemma, ashamed and indignant, and fainted between her emotions.

When she woke up to find that the samurai had died with a dagger in his chest, she suspected that her husband could not bear the shame of wearing a green hat and chose to commit suicide.

At this time, the officials handling the case were a little confused, and had no choice but to invite a godmother to summon the soul of the samurai with a spell and let the samurai himself tell the story of the case.

III. [Version of the Testimony of the Samurai's Unjust Soul]

The Rashomon incident in the movie "Rashomon": Human nature has a side of seeking benefits and avoiding harm

The robber QJ his wife in front of me, and after the incident, the wife fell in love with the robber and asked the robber to kill the samurai.

The robber felt that this woman was too vicious, and directly kicked this woman to the ground and asked the samurai what to do with this mean woman.

The woman took advantage of the conversation between the two men and ran away, and the robber chased after her, and after a while the robber returned alone, obviously not chasing the woman.

He cut the rope on the samurai's body and let him go, but the samurai felt that he had been humiliated, and he saw His father and elder Jiangdong facelessly, picked up the dagger on the ground and committed suicide.

On the verge of death, the samurai felt that the dagger in his chest had been pulled away.

The case became more complicated, and just when everyone was at a loss and couldn't figure it out, a woodcutter who secretly watched the whole process in the bamboo forest told the truth he saw.

IV. [The Woodcutter's Version of Testimony]

The Rashomon incident in the movie "Rashomon": Human nature has a side of seeking benefits and avoiding harm

After the robbers took over the woman's body, they kept asking the woman to go with him.

Unwilling, the woman picked up a dagger on the ground and rushed over to cut the rope of the samurai, demanding that her husband kill the robber.

But the samurai got up and was greedy for life and afraid of death, not only did not dare to fight with the robbers, but also told the robbers that as long as the other party liked to take women away at will.

After the robber listened, he was very angry, if you don't want to, I robbed it, and now I actually take the initiative to give it to me, is this not insulting me?

When the woman saw that her husband was going to give herself to the robber, and the robber did not appreciate it, she became emotional and angrily scolded the two men for not being a thing.

Stimulated by the woman's words, the two men's male hormones soared, and they actually wrestled together, and finally, the robber's luck was better, and he lost it, and killed the samurai with a sword. The woman was frightened and ran without a trace.

After listening to the woodcutter's testimony, at this time, a mysterious witness at the scene stood up and said that the woodcutter also lied, because the woodcutter saw the wealth and pulled out the very valuable dagger on the chest of the samurai at the scene, and fabricated the lie that the robber killed people with swords.

The Rashomon incident in the movie "Rashomon": Human nature has a side of seeking benefits and avoiding harm

Which version of the testimony of the character in the movie do you think is the closest to the truth? The reason why so many versions of the testimony appear, we should have found a common feature:

In order to beautify their own morality, alleviate their sins, and cover up their mistakes, everyone begins to narrate a version of the story that glorifies themselves.

The tragedy on the barren mountain became a fog that could not be lifted, and since then, such incidents have been collectively referred to as the "Rashomon Incident".

Have you ever encountered such a Rashomon incident in real life? If you have any, you can communicate together!

#Movie Rashomon ##罗生门女主角京町子去世 #

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